ControlUp Release Notes

Real-Time DX Release Notes

Released: June 16th, 2024

Current build: 1680

New Prerequisites

ControlUp Agents

  • Any ControlUp Agent running 9.0 now requires .NET Framework 4.8. It is important that you install .NET Framework 4.8 before upgrading the agent to 9.0.

Network Requirements

For 9.0, you need to whitelist new URLs on your console and monitor machines to access our new backend services. You can find a full list of required DNS and ports here (for US and rest of the world) and here (EU) 

Note that there are additional URLs to whitelist on your agents, if you want to use the the agent outbound communication feature.

Agent Outbound Communication

Reverse agent communication where agents initiate the communication (“outbound”) with the ControlUp Monitors. By default, monitor machines will expose a gRPC server for agent outbound connections (over TCP 443). However, to mark an agent as ready for outbound communication, you need to explicitly set agents to be able to communicate outbound. 


  • Modernize agent to monitor communication over HTTPS.
  • Remove AD dependency for ControlUp Agent. You can now add non-domain-joined machines to the ControlUp organization. 
  • Agent forward compatibility. When agents use outbound communication, agents can run higher version than the monitors.


Inbound port 40705 is still required for:

  • Data Collector machines (API data collection for extensions)
  • Machines you want to manage via the Real-Time Console. For the Console to Agent communication, the agent still needs to listen to TCP port 40705. 

To learn more about this feature, click here

Monitor Metrics and Actions

This feature enhances visibility into the performance of your monitor clusters. These metrics are available in the VDI & DaaS view.


Some of the new actions allow you to:

  • Create new triggers based on new monitor metrics.
  • Run the following actions on monitors:
    • Start monitor
    • Stop monitor
    • Restart monitor
    • Set monitor capacity
    • Set public DNS name 

To learn more about this feature, click here

Removed AD Dependency for Monitors

  • If you install your monitors on a workgroup machine, UPNs are no longer used. To configure the security policy of your ControlUp accounts, you can now configure security policy roles using DEX email addresses.

To learn more about this feature, click here

Install Monitors with New Automation Module

In 9.0, you no longer need to use the Real-Time Console to install, upgrade or remove a ControlUp Monitor. Simply import the new ControlUp Automation module from the PowerShell gallery. Once you import the module into a PowerShell session, you can use the built-in PowerShell cmdlets to manage monitors programmatically. This new approach allows you to deploy the monitor on any workgroup PC (non domain-joined).

To learn more about this feature, click here.

Built-In Folder Synchronization

Synchronizing your AVD, CVAD, Horizon, and Citrix Cloud is now built-into RTDX. This allows you to add your virtual machines to the ControlUp organization tree without the need of manually adding them one by one. You can synchronize your machines manually from the console or by configuring the synchronization to be run automatically from your monitors. Synchronization options such as DNS mapping or Sites mappings are included, as well as the option to define specific host pools (AVD), desktop pools (Horizon) or delivery groups (Citrix). 

To learn more about this feature, click here.

New PowerShell Cmdlets

Monitor Cmdlets


Security Policy Cmdlets


API Profile Management


Horizon Management


To learn more, click here.

Remote Control

You can now use Remote Control for VDI & DaaS which is available as an action in Solve and DEX. To learn more, click here.

Additional Features and Enhancements


  • When you deploy a Monitor, the ControlUp Agent is now automatically installed on the machine. Note any further upgrade of the monitor will not upgrade the agent. This needs to be done manually. 
  • If you upgrade the ControlUp Agent to 9.0 from the console, a Real-Time Agent Manager is also installed on the agent machine. If you don’t want to install the Agent manager, go to Settings > Agent in the Real-Time Console and clear the checkbox Enable Agent Manager. Find more information about the agent manager here.
  • You can now use the Real-Time Console to manage ControlUp Agents installed on any machine with the MSI package. To learn more, click here.


  • You can monitor specific details about the FSLogix log file with the new columns Office Log File Size and Profile Log File Size in the web application. To learn more, click here.
  • You can now use FSLogix columns in Solve dashboards at any folder level.
  • We now support custom naming for FSLogix monitoring.


  • New Azure Budget metrics
  • Updated REST API versions for Azure.
  • New data collection interval configurations for Azure. To learn more, click here.


  • You can now configure Advanced and Scheduled Triggers with a new STA record type to add values from the NetScaler STAs view columns in the Real-Time Console. To learn more, click here.
  • New CVAD Minimum Functional Level column in the Folders view. To learn more, click here.
  • New Citrix License metrics. To learn more, click here.
  • Additional supporting text in CVAD triggers for the following columns:
    • CVAD Database Avg. Transaction Time
    • CVAD Licensing Server State
    • CVAD Last Licensing Server Event

Bug Fixes

Real-Time DX (current build 1680)

  • 192842: Agent connection fails with the following .NET error: “the formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message due to an invalid DateTime string”.
  • 194730: If the agent is installed via MSI without a Registration Key, the value “0” is written to the agent’s registry key, causing the agent to mistakenly attempt an outbound connection.
  • 195996: Some monitors open a channel to the monitor proxy even if they are not View monitors.
  • 196109: Inconsistent topology numbers for AVD machines.
  • 196451: Missing signatures in appmond32.dll and appmond64.dll.
  • 196598: In some cases, machines receive an empty SiteID, causing them to fail to connect outbound.
  • 197130: Fixes for instabilities in agent outbound connections.

Real-Time DX (build 1616)

  • 172028: If a performance counter is unavailable when you start an agent, the agent tries to connect to the counter only once, until you restart the agent.
  • 182872: The Console fails to connect to an existing Azure connection with an error “The gateway did not receive a response from ‘Microsoft.ResourceHealth’ within the specified time period.”
  • 185321: After you select the Enable built-in synchronization option and move a machine to a different folder, an additional checkbox appears next to the moved machine.
  • 185602: Scheduled triggers stop firing with an error “This trigger was already scheduled for next invocation.” 
  • 185862: cuAgentHelper.exe crashes after upgrading to version 8.8.
  • 187084: The following indicators for Citrix Delivery Groups are not always populated as they should be: Enabled and Maintenance Mode.
  • 187898: The Console causes high CPU utilization.
  • 188055: The Monitor fails to get pending updates from the Real-Time DX configuration services.
  • 188488: Azure Cloud Machine Actions are still available after you set them to “Deny” for a user in the Console Security Policy.
  • 188908: Sometimes running the Install-CUMonitor PowerShell cmdlet fails to install the Monitor.
  • 189037: In version 9.0 script-based actions are not available for unmanaged Azure machines. They run on the console and should be visible for machines even if those machines are unmanaged.
  • 189303: When upgrading to version 9.0 the organizational scope set for a trigger changes automatically.
  • 190049: A machine with an agent is connected to one organization and then moved to another organization, and its connection method is changed from inbound to outbound. When the agent is using inbound communication it is correctly connected to the second organization, but when changed to outbound communication, it shows as being connected to the first organization before it was moved.
  • 190066: When installing an agent via MSI with an AuthKey but leaving the RegistrationKey empty, the agent attempts to connect via outbound connection.
  • 190125: You can’t remove an SMTP server from Monitors Settings in the Console.
  • 190203: The option to Set Outbound Communication on an agent should have its own Security Policy permission.
  • 190609: Triggers with a nested folder scope are reset to “ScopeInclusions = badf00d0-bad0-bad0-bad0-badf00dbad00” after you upgrade the Console to version 9.0 and restart the monitors.
  • 190639: After you move an EUC connection to a new subfolder, the Console throws the error “Moving the selected nodes failed. Nullable object must have a value.”
  • 190665: The ControlUp.Common.Enums.dll file properties show an incorrect product version.
  • 190707: The Install-CU Monitor command in PowerShell is missing a description and parameter descriptions.
  • 194214: The Monitor stops listening to port 443 after you set it with an unresolved Public DNS Name.

Real-Time DX (build 1470)

  • 134002: Warning popup appears after editing/removing a service name in the Service Monitoring window.
  • 139714: AVD % Machines with successful AVD Agent upgrade” textbox is not fully visible in the trigger editor.
  • 140464: Dump to Disk follow-up action doesn’t work.
  • 141723: Cannot edit “Run an action” follow-up action due to grayed out “Template” field.
  • 144305: Export Azure Machine view to an XLS (Excel 97-2003) throws an “Argument Out Of Range” error.
  • 144750: Incorrect number of CPU cores and missing logical processors reported for XenServer hosts.
  • 146664: Get-CUCredentials shows information about Site association when Site is already deleted.
  • 149144: Real-Time DX doesn’t display the branch name for AVD user sessions in the Sessions grid. 

Web Interface (current build 1567)

  • 191090: Users unable to log into VDI & DaaS web UI because they don’t match Active Directory users on the Monitor machine.

Web Interface (build

  • 118241: Machines don’t appear in the Machines (Horizon) topology view.
  • 142993: Wrong Stress Level for “AVD Host Pool Public Network Access” metric.
  • 143868: Solve: Wrong number of available machines shown.

Known Issues

  • 141867: When adding a WebHook (Send RESTful API request) in an Advanced or Scheduled trigger, the Stress Level is shown as Advanced.
  • 162625: If you attempt to stop the agent, it may fail with the following error – Invalid Service Control.
  • 179809: After upgrading, the Monitor Historical Upload Settings that were disabled may change to enabled while upgrading the
  • 179872: Monitor Errors – Master service is unavailable from time to time
  • 180784: A monitor with the broker role may display with the wrong hostName.
  • 182777: Remote Control – Screen dropdown list button is missing (when user have more than 2 screens)
  • 187786: Monitor Metrics: In some cases, duplicated monitor records are displayed. Workaround: Restart your monitor cluster
  • 188071: Monitor Association was broken on Azure Agent and Monitor – Duplicate records
  • 189308: Monitor Metrics: In some cases, the cuAgent is missing the Agent tagging and this causes to broken topology drilldown
  • 189787: Console: Org Tree: checkbox does not appear near Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops + Citrix Cloud connections if “Enable Synchronization” is checked
  • 190333: Monitor – Monitor fails to stop – remains in status ‘Stopping’. Workaround: Restart the monitor manually

Released: November 26, 2023

Current build: 1067

Important Notes

The Process Data Collection feature introduced in this version is enabled by default. Once you upgrade to 8.8 MR, system-level processes will automatically be filtered in the Real-Time DX Console and Solve.

Read this knowledge base article to learn how to add these processes to the Process Inclusion List.

New Features and Enhancements

Real-Time DX

  • Azure Government: Adding an Azure Government Cloud to ControlUp is now supported.
  • Custom Tags Column: You can now add a custom Tags column to the Machines and Sessions views by using registry settings to create new keys. Use the Tags column to show the values that you configure. Learn more here.
  • CVAD Data Collection Columns: You can now add CVAD Data Collection columns to show CVAD data collection metrics in the Folders, Machines, Sessions, and Applications views. Learn more here.
  • Process Data Collection: You can use the Process Data Collection feature to specify which system and non-user attached processes should not be collected by the ControlUp Agents. Reducing agent resource usage leads to better overall data collection and performance. Learn more here.
  • Network Drives Column Preset: You can add the Detailed Network Drive Info column preset to the grid in the Storage view. The preset enables you to more efficiently monitor your mapped Windows network drives. Learn more here.


  • Network Drives in Solve: You can now view the network drives of managed machines if you drill down to specific sessions in the Topology view. Learn more here.


Bug Fixes

Real-Time DX (992 build)

  • 120436: Configuration service endpoint isn’t detected.
  • 136564: Logon Duration doesn’t display the correct color in the grid for custom stress level settings.
  • 140464: Dump to Disk follow-up action doesn’t work.
  • 141723: Cannot edit Run an action follow-up action due to grayed out Template field.
  • 144270: The Invoke-CUQuery PowerShell cmdlet fails to run on ControlUp Monitors.
  • 144305: Export Azure Machine view to an XLS (Excel 97-2003) throws an “Argument Out Of Range” error.
  • 145315: You can’t perform Install Agent or Deploy ControlUp Agent actions on machines after you upgrade the console version.
  • 146254: The coordinator stops reporting data after you create and execute a scheduled folder trigger.
  • 148662:Script-based actions don’t appear in the Real-Time Console if the “Category” and “ActionCategory” fields have values in the action metadata.
  • 149144: Real-Time DX doesn’t display the branch name for AVD user sessions in the Sessions grid.    
  • 149490: MSP environment:The monitor of a tenant fails to connect after you update the tenant with an expired user password.
  • 149921: Large process files corrupt the log files of the monitor.
  • 149961: Azure machines don’t appear in the grid in the Real-Time Console or in Solve if you add them to a new resource group for existing connections.
  • 151052: No hypervisor data shown in the Real-Time Console DX and Solve.   
  • 151142: AVD Session Connection Type and AVD Session Connection Transport  columns in the Sessions view display N/A for AVD sessions.
  • 151272: Monitors don’t show association with Horizon RDS machines if you add them as EUC and hypervisor.
  • 152381: The option Disable views that depend on process-level information is missing from Advanced Settings.
  • 154118: The ControlUp Agent fails to connect to the cuAgentHelper via the pipe.
  • 155594: If you enable MSP mode, editing shared credentials fails if you don’t set the domain to primary.
  • 155643: The Real-Time Console can’t add an Azure connection with local credentials.
  • 155911: Monitor crashes due to an exception in association mask distribution.

Real-Time DX (1012 build)

  • 163560: Running Solve Script Actions will only work if Org Members role has the “Run Shared Script Action” permission
  • 162491: The process “AppLoadTimeTracer” is now included in the global inclusion list.
  • 163605: Session Logon Duration data isn’t saved if the CUAgent restarts.
  • 163671: Monitor doesn’t upload all CacheActivity files when it returns from offline mode to online mode.

Real-Time DX (1021 build)

  • 171129: cuAgentHelper.exe may crash after upgrading to version 8.8 MR.
  • The following features may not work as expected: Remote DX, Active Application and monitor network drive metrics.


  • 135153: Top Consumer Users names don’t appear in reports after you logoff and login to a session.
  • 150665: Enable\Disable maintenance mode actions fail on unmanaged Citrix machines.
  • 154456: Machines don’t appear in the Host Pools or AVD Workspaces topology views.
  • 155906: The Sessions Stress Level widget displays data from system sessions.
  • 157573: The number of processes in the Monitored Processes column in the grid doesn’t match the number of processes in the topology.
  • 161462: Incorrect data appears for an agentless machine if you drill down to a Horizon session in the Machines (Horizon) topology view.
  • 162049: The ControlUp Monitor returns the “HighStressedSessions” value even if there are no sessions.

Remote DX

  • 138305: Remote DX – IGEL: Switching between WIFI to Ethernet – WIFI metrics are frozen.
  • 139556: Remote DX data doesn’t display in the Sessions view if you select the Remote DX Column Preset. 
  • 141607: Can’t read ‘PING’ response from virtual channel “cuepux” for HZ Session.
  • 143855: Redundant errors appear in the CUAgent log if the Remote DX plugin isn’t installed on the client machine.
  • 145290: IGEL: The grid displays active data for a session 5 minutes after restarting the client machine. 
  • 149512: If you don’t install a Remote DX client plugin, the “vmware-rdpvcbridge-cuAgentHelper” log saves redundant files for the session.


Known Issues

Real-Time DX

  • 139714: AVD % Machines with successful AVD Agent upgrade textbox isn’t fully visible in the trigger editor.


  • 118241: Machines don’t appear in the Machines (Horizon) topology view.

Remote DX

  • 156761: If you install Remote DX on a macOS version 10.15 or earlier, Citrix Viewer crashes or displays a gray screen instead of the remote desktop.


Released May 1, 2023

Important Notes

  • Due to security enhancements, only Org owners can upgrade to 8.8 if they are currently using a version lower than 8.7
  • Starting with version 8.8, Login Access Managers are automatically assigned the Roles Manager role in the Security Policy.

New Integrations

  • Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop Integration: You can now monitor, manage and remediate your AVD environment 
    • Large set of AVD metrics including real-time metrics for host pools, session hosts, workspace, application groups, etc.
    • New AVD drilldowns in Solve for user-friendly navigation 
    • AVD Built-in Actions
  • FSLogix Integration: Use new FSLogix metrics and dashboards to monitor and manage FSLogix containers. Learn how to use the FSLogix integration here
  • Multi-Tenancy Support. Several enhancements to improve the network, usability, and privacy of the system. 
    • Removing the dependency between tenant monitors and the MSP’s domain controller
    • Allowing only specific monitor-to-monitor communication 
    • Each user is authenticated with the monitor at the specific ControlUp Site. A user can log into Solve and access only the data that is relevant to them. 

Additional Features

    • Azure Cost Metrics: In order to provide better insight into Azure costs, we have added new cost metrics. Find an overview here
    • Monitor API Cmdlets: You can now list all available schemas and tables by using additional parameters in the Invoke-CUQuery cmdlet. Read more here.
    • Service Monitoring: Create Advanced and Scheduled Triggers as well as Script Actions for Windows Services. Learn more here.
    • PowerShell cmdlets to manage Solve Actions. Click here to learn more.  
    • Solve Actions – We have added additional Solve Actions to our actions repository. You can find an overview of new Solve actions here.
    • Ability to uninstall and upgrade ControlUp Agents from the console. To achieve this, create a registry value EnableAgentManagement with DWORD value 1  under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smart-X\ControlUp\Console\

Remote DX

New Features and Enhancements

The following metrics have been added:

  • Remote DX Version. Displays the installed Remote DX plugin version on the client device
  • Client CPU. Shows the CPU utilization of the client device connected to the session. 
  • Client Location. Provides the geographical location of the client device as determined by its public IP address.
  • ISP Latency. Latency between the client device connected to the session and closest ISP router 
  • ISP Name. Name of the Internet service provider.


1. The new metrics are only available for the Windows Remote DX plugin which you can download from here.
2. Make sure that the client device has access to 


Bug Fixes

  • 144258: Fixed incorrect display of Client Location
  • 137810: Hovering over buttons in the console make buttons difficult to read (bright blue)
  • 139198: Error upon Agent upgrade (The service did not stop in a timely fashion)
  • 140039: When editing an AA trigger FUA, the script names and templates are lost
  • 143459: Wrong behavior when adding a Horizon pod in the Add EUC Environment dialog
  • 143599: Connecting to a managed machine take longer than in version 8.7
  • 143719: “AZ % AIP Variance column” exhibits odd behavior
  • 141712: Monitors in second site fail to connect data sources after upgrade from 8.7
  • 131115: A large number of “binding to performance counter errors” is recorded in the Agent log when the “ControlUp Home Drive Testing Service” is not installed
  • 138964: Session State display as “Disconnected” in an active Session
  • 139604: The “Add New Credential” option is missing from the Data sources Credentials Drop down list menu
  • 140627: Remote DX – ControlUp Agent crash when session is launched from two different clients
  • 141390: Cost values of zero are displayed as “N/A”
  • 142537: Incorrect display of ‘Avg. App Load Time’ for non-existent processes in the Sessions view aggregated column
  • 142951: AVD RDPShortpath columns show incorrect result
  • 143252: When clicking ‘Dropped Received Packets’ and ‘Dropped Transmitted Packets’ with empty values, the console crashes – An item with the same key has already been added
  • 143562: Column ‘AVD Available Machines’ has an incorrect tooltip
  • 143707: Corrupted Values for “FSLogix % Successful Disk” displayed
  • 143764: AVD Management category is available also for non-AVD machines
  • 143888: “AZ Power State” shown as N/A for Azure Stack HCI machines
  • 144074: Value in “RDP Shortpath Connections” widget in Solve is always shown as 0
  • 145129: Disable / Enable – Pool / Farm Provisioning / Pool Provisioning does not work correctly
  • 146331: The ControlUp Agent may hang with event ID 815 in the application log. When this occurs, the agent will stop updating session and process data. In this case, kill the process ID of the cuAgent and start the cuAgent service again

Known Issues

  • 134002: Warning popup appears after editing/removing a service name in the Service Monitoring window
  • 138305: Remote DX – IGEL: Switching between WIFI to Ethernet – WIFI metrics are frozen
  • 139556: Remote DX metrics “ISP Name, Client NIC Name, Client NIC Type, Local Route IP and Client Public IP are not always displayed. 
  • 139714: AVD % Machines with successful AVD Agent upgrade” textbox is not fully visible in the trigger editor
  • 140464: Dump to Disk follow-up action doesn’t work
  • 141607: Cannot read ‘PING’ response from virtual channel “cuepux” for HZ Session
  • 141723: Cannot edit “Run an action” follow-up action due to grayed out “Template” field
  • 141867: When adding a WebHook (Send RESTful API request) in an Advanced or Scheduled trigger, the Stress Level is shown as Advanced
  • 142993: Wrong Stress Level for “AVD Host Pool Public Network Access” metric
  • 143868: Solve: Wrong number of available machines shown
  • 144305: Export Azure Machine view to an XLS (Excel 97-2003) throws an “Argument Out Of Range” error
  • 144750: Incorrect number of CPU cores and missing logical processors reported for XenServer hosts
  • 146664: Get-CUCredentials shows information about Site association when Site is already deleted
  • 151052: No hypervisor data shown in Real-Time Console DX and Solve. Workaround: Set the “View All Hypervisors” permission to the Organization Members role and restart your monitors.
  • 149144: Real-Time DX doesn’t display the branch name for AVD user sessions in the Sessions grid.    

Released January 9, 2023

IMPORTANT: Version 8.7 includes many security enhancements described below. If you are upgrading from a previous version of ControlUp, you must follow this upgrade flow for all ControlUp users:

  1. The organization owner (also known as the organization creator) MUST be the first user to upgrade the Real-Time Console to version 8.7.
  2. All other users MUST upgrade the Real-Time Console to version 8.7 after the organization owner. Users can no longer access previous versions of the Real-Time Console once the organization owner upgrades to version 8.7.

If you do not know who the organization owner is for your ControlUp environment, contact

New Features and Enhancements

Real-Time DX

  • Secure LoginThe following security enhancements were added:
    • Prevent ControlUp users from logging into ControlUp organizations for which they do not have privileges.
    • Users need to enter an OTP code sent to their email address when they start the Console and log into a ControlUp organization.
    • The OTP is saved for 14 days, so users won’t need to enter it again for that period.
    • Organization owners and users with the Login Access Manager role are now the users that can permit access to the Real-Time Console and Insights. Learn More
  • Support for non-NVIDIA GPU metrics

In addition to NVIDIA GPU metrics, other GPU metrics are supported. GPU data is now retrieved from the Windows Operating System (WDDM), providing GPU metrics for a wide range of other graphic card manufacturers.


To gather the new GPU metrics, make sure the machine on which the GPU is running meets the following requirements:

    • Windows 10 or higher
    • Windows Server 2019 or higher


The details of this Solve release are enabled by the Real-Time Console 8.7 release. The features and fixes described are available in Solve only when the Real-Time Console is updated to version 8.7. 

  • Solve Actions

Run built-in and script-based actions to remediate and optimize your environment directly from the Solve interface. Refer to the Getting Started with Solve Actions guide to learn more about this feature. 


To use Solve Actions, you need to upgrade your monitors to version 8.7. Additionally, you need to have .NET Framework 4.8 installed on each monitor machine. Make sure that your ControlUp Monitors have access to over TCP port 443


If the user that runs a Solve action belongs ONLY to the Local Admin role, running a Solve action will fail even when the permission for the script is set to “Allow”. Learn more here

  • IP Restrictions

By enabling the IP Restriction feature, you can now restrict who can access your Solve environment and perform actions in Solve based on IP address. You can add an IP whitelist to enable access only to those users from an IP address listed in your IP whitelist. Learn more.


Known Issues

Real-Time DX

  • 113191: SSH connection is forcibly closed when connection to IGEL 11.07.x.
  • 123526: CuMonitor process fails to stop after service is stopped.
  • 121823: Description for trigger condition “AWS Attached Snapshot Hourly Cost” is cut off.
  • 124355: The register page appears after logging into the Console, even though it shouldn’t.
  • 125864: Error when selecting the Process / Affinity  filter criteria with Advanced Triggers
  • 124235: Due to missing email templates, it isn’t possible to create a trigger with a follow-up action “Send an email alert.”
  • 117134: Cannot connect an MSP-managed Azure subscription under a CSP agreement. Learn more.
  • 132406: Azure cost representation may be inaccurate under some circumstances, or missing in rare cases
  • 135873: Datastores might not be displayed when the data collector is set to “Console/Monitor”.
  • 140823: Cannot install monitor machine when .NET Framework 4.8.1 is installed.
    Workaround: Remove KB5011048 from the monitor machine, install the monitor, and reinstall the KB once the monitor has been installed.
  • 144750: Incorrect number of CPU cores and missing logical processors reported for XenServer hosts.
  • 141867: When adding a WebHook (Send RESTful API request) in an Advanced or Scheduled trigger, the Stress Level is shown as Advanced.


  • 125954: The folder tree lacks/incorrectly displays machines and their folder paths

Remote DX

  • 123887: Remote DX – CUEPUX_VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_ERROR when switching between sessions.
  • 124781: When Wi-Fi settings are changed during a Citrix/Horizon session, Remote DX does not update Wi-Fi metrics.
  • 124601: Remote DX displays data for disconnected sessions.
  • 124600: After restarting cuAgent, Remote DX displays N/A for Citrix sessions.
  • 124829: After restarting cuAgent, Remote DX displays N/A for Horizon sessions.
  • 124987: When switching from Wi-Fi to Ethernet, Remote DX does not refresh data.
  • 130316: Reconnecting to a Horizon session does not display Remote DX data in the console

Bug Fixes

Real-Time DX

We have now fixed the following bugs. Refer to the previous ControlUp release notes to see where the bugs were identified.

  • 81183: Executing Monitor PS cmdlets succeeded with wrong error description.
  • 85225: It is possible to see stress levels more than 100%.
  • 97011: No tooltip display when Linux connection fails.
  • 100279: Console – Multiple instances of the console process are running on the same machine after closing.
  • 100379: Issue with trigger “Do not record incident” schedule does not work.
  • 100544: Console – After deleting AWS connection and adding a new one, opening the connection settings shows the settings of the removed connection.
  • 100554: Too much text in the license tooltip.
  • 100570: Imprecise tooltip information in the License window.
  • 109844: “ CVAD Logon” tooltip indicates value in milliseconds, though the metric shows seconds.
  • 101203: Logon Duration stops reporting statistics unless CUAgent is being restarted.
  • 108372: Missing .NET FW 4.8 validation upon upgrading monitor.
  • 110179: The Central Auditing Log does not correctly indicate From/To State filters.
  • 110399: Using Console triggers, REST API FUA with failed test can be saved.
  • 110543: Console trigger scope multi-selection: only a parent node can be checked when all its children are not and vice versa.
  • 110561: There is no indication that all checkboxes are checked or partially checked when selecting the trigger scope.
  • 110679: Not all Azure virtual machines are displayed in rare cases.
  • 111397: Console triggers: Empty UserName variable values in the trigger email/event.
  • 111032: AZ Forecast Cost shows 0 after several hours.
  • 111036: Export-CUQuery cmdlet: Output file is missing entries.
  • 111169: .NET script execution passes positional and named parameters that have a space enclosed in double quotes.
  • 112455:  Citrix Cloud connection failed when using proxy server.
  • 113929: Stress Levels do not apply when using Disk Read/Write KB/s.
  • 114530: NullReferenceException with .NET engine script execution.
  • 117279: Script Action activity has wrong Credentials, RequestingUser, RequestingUserSID values in Central Auditing.
  • 118616:  “BrowserURL” and “Active Application” cannot be disabled.
  • 118729: Setting a registry key value with types REG_MULTI_SZ (multi-string value) or REG_BINARY shows wrong values
  • Binary values (REG_BINARY) were displayed as “System.Byte[]”
  • Multi-string values (REG_MULTI_SZ) were displayed as “System.String[]”
  • 121462: Monitor can’t log in to BE and throws an error message in the Console “Access to ControlUp backend is not permitted”.  The error occurs when the CultureInfo of the monitor OS is not set to English.
  • 121498: Unable to use Solve Actions when subdomains are configured in the monitor settings.
  • 121973: Real-Time Console freezes if you auto-connect a large number of managed machines at the same time.


655 Build:

  • 133562: The Active Application, Active Application Title, and Active URL fields do not display information for some customers
  • 133775 – Console: Citrix Delivery Group folder behavior 
  • 101869 –  Issue w/ Monitors taking too much RAM and crashing due to System.OutOfMemoryException
  • 124315 –  Automated action items are stuck in the exec queue

Remote DX

  • 112500: Remote DX – Wi-Fi signal is displayed in orange or red color at the beginning of  the session.


Released May 24, 2022

New Features and Capabilities

Note – starting version 8.6.5 the ControlUp Monitor requires to have .NET Framework 4.8

ControlUp Integration – PowerShell API

  • Invoke-CUQuery / Export-CUQuery – new PowerShell cmdlets to query the monitor cluster in-RAM database, used for troubleshooting, integrating ControlUp with third party software and more.  Instructions, examples, and more can be found here.


  • Add export/import triggers functionality – allows copying triggers from one system/organization to another.
  • Multi-scope selection – you can now select multiple folders within the organization tree, not only one folder and its descendants.
  • You can now search for triggers in a search bar in the Trigger Settings window.
  • Added the “greater than” and “less than” sign to the numeric field comparison in the Filter Editor window.
  • Option to sort triggers by any column in the Trigger Settings window.
  • Set a webhook (RestAPI call) as a follow-up action.

PVS Metrics 

  • New Citrix PVS metrics are now available for full visibility of PVS Target Devices.
  • New “PVS Target Device Health” column to show aggregated health data of the target device.
  • Check out the “Health” column to discover the new CVAD PVS Preset which will include metrics from PVS Target Device and Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops.

Script-based Actions

  • Preview of the new .NET engine to run PowerShell scripts
    • With this option, all parameters are passed in memory. Parameter values are no longer written in the Event log, reducing the possibility of sensitive data being captured.
    • When using a script as part of an Automated Action, the .NET engine also allows passing information about the trigger for which the script was started.
  • Allow passing trigger-related parameters to the AA
    • Only available when using the preview .NET engine
    • A script that is triggered will now have access to the $CUTriggerObject. This object contains the properties of the Trigger that fired to run the script.
  • Support of named parameters
    • It is now possible to name parameters being passed to a script so it is no longer necessary to rely on positional parameters. This makes scripting safer and more robust.
    • Positional parameters are still supported, and all older scripts that use positional parameters are still functional.
  • Optional passing of ‘empty’ metrics.
    • In the past, when a metric from the Console didn’t contain any data, the Script Action would be passed an empty value. This would require extra checks in scripts. You can now choose what happens when a metric does not contain a value:
      • Pass empty parameter – default behavior. Same as in previous versions to ensure existing scripts will still run as expected.  If the parameter is a Named Parameter the parameter name will be passed, there will be no value. 
      • Do not pass parameter – the parameter is not passed at all.
      • Abort script and log – use this if your script cannot run without this parameter having a value. 

Azure Integration

  • Azure cost metrics have been expanded to include forecast and last-month cost values (last month reflects this billing from the previous calendar month) 
  • New Azure machine action: Stop (Deallocate) VM

Other enhancements

  • Horizon Integration – Add New Aggregation Metrics (“Preparing”). It provides better visibility into the status of the virtual machines and allows troubleshooting based on the number and percentage of machines in the “Preparing” state.
  • Enhance resilience for CU Agent and Monitor.
    • CU Agent: If the CU Agent service fails, the service will be restarted automatically after one minute.
    • If the monitor service fails, the service is automatically restarted after one  minute. A retry is attempted after one minute if the first one fails.
  • Monitor enhancements: add option to prevent monitors from being removed, a new “manage monitor” role.
  • Add Ability to Set which site is the default in add Machines
  • Ignore legal notice Duration in ALD & Logon Duration
  • False-negative versions for the Cloud Connector Version value
  • Enforce operating system validation on the monitor host
  • Security policy pane: New Permission “Change Settings”
  • New registry key for changing the Agent’s dump file location
  • New PowerShell cmdlet Get-CUVendorVMs to retrieve information about virtual machines (in the context of an extension connection).
  • Outliers for the “User input delay” folder aggregation metrics are now excluded from the aggregated average calculation. For more information check this KB article.

Known Issues

  • When upgrading from pre 8.2 releases to 8.6.5, each user will have to register again
  • When upgrading monitors, and no .net 4.8 is installed on the target machine, no error message will be displayed.
  •  Error displayed for a few seconds when upgrading or restarting monitor.
  • In some cases when renaming a folder on the “Remote Desktop” tab, the folder will not be rename on the main tree
  •  Invoke-CUQuery cmdlet: Duplicates displayed when querying monitor nodes
  • Console SBA: Script .NET engine passes positional arguments and named parameters that contain a space enclosed in double quotes.
  • Export-CUQuery – command might not include all results.
  • Folders View – ‘HZ User Assignment’ should be Empty for pools of type ‘RDS Desktop Pool’, instead showing a value of ‘floating’
  • Triggers configured for applications metrics will not run.
  • When viewing virtual disks for a HyperV/AHV machine the virtual disk isn’t visible when focusing on the machine in the CU tree
  • On monitor setting – the number of resources (connected and available) per site might not sum correctly (data per site and when summing the values per monitor might get different results)
  • No backward compatibility for controllers with pre 8.6.5 agents
  • Script based actions – when creating a new SBA: When using metric values for parameter input and changing the default ‘Pass empty parameter’ setting to a different setting this change is reflected in the overview of parameters. However, when closing and re-opening the script editing dialogue the Input Validation field will always show ‘Pass empty parameter’ even though the setting for a parameter is different. Note that the selected different setting is applied and will work as intended.
  • The registry keys of types ‘REG_BINARY’ and ‘REG_MULTI_SZ’ display incorrect values when using controllers. Attempts to modify the values with these types also result in a failure. Version 8.7 will fix this issue.
  • 101060 – Triggers multi-scope selection – on old consoles, the scope warning (indicating the trigger cannot be edited with the old console as it doesn’t support multi-scope selection) will not appear if the old console is open while creating the trigger using a new console.
  • 111169 – Script preview .NET engine passes positional arguments or named parameters that contain a space enclosed in double quotes. For example, a value ‘My Test’ will be received by PowerShell as “My Test”, including the double quotes around the text ‘My Test’. This issue only affects values with a space in them.
  • Cannot install monitor machine when .NET Framework 4.8.1 is installed.
    Workaround: Remove KB5011048 from the monitor machine, install the monitor, and reinstall the KB once the monitor has been installed

Bug Fixes

  • 105966 – Issue accessing Solve with a URL for customers who have installed MS update January 18, 2022—KB5010791 (OS Build 17763.2458) Out-of-band ( Login method has changed, to revert to previous method the following registry key need to be set: S-1-5-20\Software\Smart-X\ControlUp\MonitorSvc\UseOldSolveAuth (new default value is 0, to revert to previous method use a value of 0)
  • 96722 – unable to kill NetScaler HDX sessions
  • 98394 – Incorrect Remote DX metrics for RDP/console sessions in Solve Client Device scores  
  • 101954 – Issue with service Group metrics show 0 even when there is traffic in the LB.
  • 101994 – User Name field in the Notification email sent for Session Change trigger is blank 
  • 105336  – Console stops at preparing user interface – UPN issue
  • 100269  – Email verification process – email address truncated in Console UI
  • 100479 – Cloud connectors – drill to cloud connector w/o an agent, will display incorrectly.
  • 100496 – User Session – Drill – Session name is missing in the breadcrumbs
  • 101291 – Azure SBAs: Action Results window: Target Column: Written “instance id” instead machine name
  • 102617 – Azure Machines: Description: “AZ VM Size” description is wrong 
  • 112130 – CUEPUX virtual channels are flooding the multi-session VDA logs with RPM events leading to performance issues.

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.6.5.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.6.5.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

  • Centralized Auditing
  • ControlUpSOLVE

Released February 17, 2022

New Features and Capabilities


ControlUp can now integrate with Microsoft Azure to enable real-time monitoring and management of Azure compute resources in just a few steps. See the relevant metrics displayed in the Real-Time Console and Solve.

The integration automatically discovers and collects comprehensive information such as Cost, Health, Configuration and other metadata on each of the following new objects:

  • Subscriptions
  • Resources Groups
  • Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Disks

In addition to offering a wide range of new metrics, predefined actions, and drill-down relationships for easier troubleshooting and navigation, this integration supports seamless association between Azure VMs and entities from different CU extensions, virtual machine management, and more!

For all the details on the monitoring Azure,  see Getting Started with Azure Integration.

Scheduled Triggers

For version 8.5 we introduced the ability to create triggers based first on a schedule you set, rather than an incident.
Now for version 8.6, we’ve expanded the feature to include more options for the schedule which are now:

  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Daily
  • Per minute
  • One time

Read here about how to set scheduled triggers (article details the version 8.5 options).


Remote DX

Designed for remote users working outside the office, Remote DX collects performance metrics from off-the-network client devices running Windows, macOS or IGEL OS, without the need for line of sight to the ControlUp Real-Time DX infrastructure in your datacenter. 

Previously available for Citrix and VMware Horizon environments, this release will add support for Microsoft RDS and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) environments running on Windows.

See these instructions for deploying Remote DX on your client devices.


ControlUp Solve

ControlUp Solve allows you to see, in real time, the overall health of your EUC environment, end to end. Delivered as a SaaS application, Solve’s features are released independently. Here are features, some with a dependency on Real-Time DX v8.6, that are now being added to Solve:

  • Drill-down from Sessions view into Edge DX client metrics!
  • Topology drill-down enhancements, including new Azure entities, Clusters and Datastores
  • Centralized Auditing now Generally Available
  • Resource Center where you can access walkthrough guides, announcements and links into our Knowledge Base and Academy.

Other Enhancements

  • In the Real-Time Console, Citrix NetScaler is now under a new category called App. Delivery Controller (ADC). This change applies to the relevant menus (Add screen, hierarchy tree, grid views, etc.)
  • When ControlUp agents are deployed from the ControlUp Real-Time Console, there is now a TCP 40705 allow rule.
  • When ControlUp agents are deployed from the ControlUp Real-Time Console, the agent is signed by default.
  • An email can now be sent when an Automated Action fails to run.
  • ControlUp no longer has a dependency on .NET framework version 3.5.
  • In the Real-Time Console Controllers pane, you can now select Automatic Delay as an option for when selecting to Start a Service.
  • You can now set an upper limit to exclude very high values from affecting the latency metrics. 
  • You can now set an upper limit to exclude very high values from affecting the logon duration metrics.
  • to set up upper limits please review this manual


Bug Fixes

  • 74780 – Triggers no longer corrupted after deleting the folder selected as the scope for the trigger.
  • 89749 – RDP metrics logic updated.
  • 78283 – Centralized Audit Log: Final status (Completed/Error) no longer missing for some activities.    
  • 80835 – Centralized Audit Log: All activities are reported to SysLog (schedule).
  • 81174 – Centralized Audit Log: When configuring Stress Level Settings, configuration errors no longer occur.
  • 82267 – Centralized Audit Log: Formatting for Edit Security Roles fixed.
  • 82439 – Centralized Audit Log: Folder selection dropdown list no longer includes duplicate folder names.
  • 85034 – Real-Time Console Triggers: Occasional omission of event 5005 for an Automated Action from the EventViewer log fixed.
  • 87247 – When setting filters on metrics with non-values (Error, N/A, etc.) Solve now behaves correction.
  • 87361 – ControlUp Automated Actions queue persistence has now been fixed.
  • 87961 – ControlUp Monitor: “Error: An item with the same key has already been added on some targets” in the Event Viewer for Automated Actions on multiple targets, was fixed.
  • 88027 – Centralized Audit Log: Final status (Completed/Error) no longer missing for some Automated Actions over the throttling limit.
  • 80827 – Centralized Audit Log: Errors occurring when adding extensions with Data Collectors (DC) fixed.
  • 87485 & 95835 – ‘Uptime’ metric for Machines fixed so that it works in trigger filter conditions.
  • 88898 – The Incidents pane is now available and no longer offline.  
  • 92601 – Core: Folder column – Session Avg. Protocol Bandwidth/Latency – Aggregate session column was changed to “Bandwidth Last” / “Latency Last”.
  • 105966 – Unable to log into Solve when KB5010791 is installed on the ControlUp Monitor machines.
  • 88559 – Fatal Error when launching RTC in secure environments 


Known Issues

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.6.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.6.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

  • 96383 – Scheduled Triggers – Monthly – Providing days/weeks out of range will not be validated from the console UI.  
  • 100784 – On WIndows 10 machines Active Application column shows “applicationframehosts.exe” instead of the actual active app
  • 99619 – Client Metrics – Support RDP/WVD sessions – No Data Display for AVD Sessions opened from the Azure Web Client
  • 101498 – Scheduled Triggers: All the Scope step controls are enabled for Applications/Accounts, differs from the Advanced Triggers
  • 101497 – Advanced Triggers:  Wrong initial wizard step is displayed upon going Back on the filters step
  • 101867 – Triggers: templates: When renaming a template and using an existing template name, console might exit.
  • 101325 – Azure integration – When drilling down to a Virtual Disk from a Machine VM without an agent deployed, the AZ Encryption State may be missing data. 
  • 101469 – Azure integration – Editing a property in the Azure Portal that contains a lot of characters may cause the ControlUp Real-Time Console to behave erratically (screen to blink white or become unresponsive).

Centralized Auditing

  • The Details field of some audit log entries may have formatting issues.
  • The Details field of audit log entries of Incident Triggers may be unclear or missing details.
  • Some audit log entries may have unclear activity names.
  • Scheduled triggers with no end time configured will be shown with the following timestamp: 1/1/0001
  • Adding a NetScaler may result in a record that says “Edit NetScaler”.
  • Scheduled Triggers – Monthly option may be reporting the wrong months and days in the log.
  • Custom Schedules – Operating Times for the action are reported by an ID, and not by the name of the schedule.

ControlUp Solve

  • To use ControlUp Solve, all monitors in your ControlUp Monitor Cluster must have network access and DNS resolution to the domain controllers of the logged in user’s domain.
  • ControlUp Solve does not support Integrated Windows Authentication when using a proxy server for the Monitors.
  • To use ControlUp Solve with NTLM proxy authentication for the Monitors, contact ControlUp support

Released October 17, 2021

New Features and Capabilities

Advanced Console/Monitor Authentication

Version 8.5.1 introduces a security enhancement that we strongly urge our customers to adopt. This version includes using trust certificates to log into ControlUp Consoles and communication to the ControlUp Monitors. You set advanced authentication in the organization settings and they are applied to the monitors. For details, see Certificate-Based Console and Monitor Authentication.

Bug Fixes

88559 – The Real-Time Console no longer freezes when users log in with Active Directory credentials that have been hardened for security.

Known Issues

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.5.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.5.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this documentis updated:

  • 100273 – A ControlUp organization owner has to have local admin rights on the console machine where you enable Advanced Authentication.
  • 98306 – If credentials fail to sync, monitor autostart might fail and the monitor may require a manual start.
  • 93990 – By default, Horizon data collector does not collect data for the “AD User Info” column.It can be added via a registry key
  • 97141 – In Horizon integration, when the “CollectUserInfo” registry key is enabled and there is no data collector configured other than the ControlUp Console/Monitor, the “HZ Assigned user” column will not be collected properly by the monitor.
    Workaround: Configure a dedicated data collector agent for the Horizon data collection. For details, see Data collector configuration.
  • 97125 – Monitor auto-remediation might not work when advanced authentication is set.
    Workaround: The monitor can be updated with the proxy setting by either:

    • Reinstalling the monitor.
    • Copying the proxy settings file (ProxySettings.xml) from a system running the console (under %appdata%\ControlUp) to a monitor (under %windir%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\ControlUp).

Released June 29, 2021

New Features and Capabilities

Remote DX – Client Metrics

ControlUp extends our digital experience capabilities by enabling you to now monitor remote client devices when they are logged into your virtual network. You can see metrics on how well the device’s connections are performing when your end users are remotely logging into your VPN or VDI from anywhere.

These metrics are collected per device for those devices that have the Remote DX .DLL installed. Once collected, these metrics appear in the Real-Time Console and in the Solve interface.

Scheduled Triggers

Scheduled Triggers are time-based triggers that fire at specified times. A trigger’s condition can be based on time only, or a combination of time and other parameters. This version includes a one time schedule or hourly recurrence with an interval of 1-24 hours.

Here are just some applicable use cases:

  • Set a daily reboot VDA at 2am if there are no active sessions for 15 minutes.
  • Power off machines every evening and power on machines every morning.
  • Run a daily health check script action based on monitored metrics and send the output to selected recipients.

ControlUp Solve

  • Remote DX – Client side metrics interface
  • Topology drilldown enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • 74780 – Triggers are no longer corrupted after deleting the folder that was selected as the scope for the trigger.
  • 78283 – Audit log: no longer missing a final status (Completed/Error) for some activities.
  • 80835 – Audit log: all activities are now reported to SysLog (schedule).
  • 82439 – Audit log: The dropdown list when selecting folders no longer has duplicate folder names (case sensitive).
  • 85034 – Real-Time Console triggers: Automated Action event 5005s are now always written to the EventViewer log.
  • 87361 – Automated Actions queue is not empty if there are actions waiting to be run.
  • 87961 – Monitor: the following error no longer appears when it shouldn’t in the event viewer for Automated Actions: “Error: An item with the same key has already been added on some targets”.
  • 88027 – Audit log: no longer missing a final status (Completed/Error) for some Automated Actions over the throttling limit.
  • 80827 – Audit log: no longer has errors upon adding extensions with Data Collectors.
  • 92103 – Removed the option to execute actions via the ControlUp agent’s named pipe.

Known issues

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.5.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.5.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

  • 88468 – Client Metrics – Multiple Sessions for Citrix Machine – Citrix App Session – Inconsistent Data Display
  • 88559 – Fatal Error when launching RTC in secure environments 
  • 88473 (INTERNAL)
  • 91018 – To use Client Metrics, “Wireless LAN Service” should be enabled.
  • 93871 – Remote DX – Data may not display properly after performing a Reconnect to Network to a VMWare environment.

Centralized Auditing

  • The Details field of some audit log entries may have formatting issues.
  • The Details field of audit log entries of Incident Triggers may be unclear or missing details.
  • Some audit log entries may have unclear activity names.

ControlUp Solve

  • To use ControlUp Solve, all monitors in your ControlUp Monitor Cluster must have network access and DNS resolution to the domain controllers of the logged in user’s domain.
  • ControlUp Solve does not support Integrated Windows Authentication when using a proxy server for the Monitors.
  • To use ControlUp Solve with NTLM proxy authentication for the Monitors, contact ControlUp support

Released April 22, 2021

New Features and Capabilities

ControlUp Agents authentication methods enhancements 

  • Added support for enabling the enforcement of certificate-based authentication using Agent MSI deployment.
  • Enhanced the default authentication method and removed the usage of static keys.

ControlUp Agents communication channel security improvements 

  • Added the option to encrypt communication between the ControlUp Agents and ControlUp Consoles and Monitors.
  • Additional security enhancements.

High resolution support improvements for the Real-Time Console

Top ribbon fills the whole Console width on high resolution displays.

Citrix Cloud – cloud connector status improvement

  • Cloud Connector Status – When the status is “Connected”, the column bar’s visual indicator is now green.
  • Cloud Connector Version Status – When the status is “Updated”, the column bar’s visual indicator is now green.

Bug Fixes

  • 71050 – “Get back to Sign-in” link was removed from the email verification window.
  • 90355 – Fixed the synchronization issues between the Real-Time Console offline cache and the ControlUp Organization configuration.
  • 90283 – Fixed Citrix Sessions running on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019 so the actual value for the Latency Last metric now displays properly (may have previously shown as NA).

Known issues

No new known issues for version 8.2.5. For a list of existing known issues, read version 8.2 known issues.

Released March 8, 2021

New Features and Capabilities

Improved Support for RDP-SxS (WVD) Session Monitoring 

Improved support for monitoring performance metrics of Microsoft RDP-SxS remote sessions. These sessions are the side-by-side RDPs used in Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD). The monitored performance metrics include existing metrics that ControlUp already monitors plus these four new columns (also supported for “standard” RDP) :

  • Frames Skipped/Sec from Insufficient Client Resources
  • Frames Skipped/Sec from Insufficient Network Resources
  • Frames Skipped/Sec from Insufficient Server Resources
  • Average Encoding Time

vSphere hosts connection status

The Hosts view now includes a new metric that indicates the vSphere hosts connection status with their vCenter. The following column was added:

  • Connection State

Bug Fixes

  1. 58897 – Removed stress threshold for PVS RAM Cache
  2. 81254 – Console – Sessions View – Idle Time is no longer missing for Disconnected Sessions
  3. 81299 – Console – the menu ribbon now properly fills the whole Console width on high resolution displays (UI)
  4. 82986 – Console – Applications View – HZ Application Availability – now takes into consideration Applications Pool
  5. 86136 – Machine Disk IO Avg. Latency metric On Folder View – now properly displays Avg. not sum

Known issues

No new known issues for version 8.2.1. For a list of existing known issues, read here.

Released January 19, 2021

New Features and Capabilities

Citrix Cloud
Full integration with Citrix Cloud is available for ControlUp 8.2 and up, making it possible for customers that use Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktop service to monitor their EUC environment with ControlUp.

  • Cloud Connectors: You can now have an end-to-end view of your cloud connectors from any resource location, right from the ControlUp Console. For each Cloud Connector—along with the common ControlUp metrics for any machine—you can get useful information about your Cloud Connectors, such as status, version, type, and more.
  • Delivery Groups: The same Delivery Groups folder structure introduced in our integration with Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops (formerly XenApp/XenDesktop) now allows you to monitor and control your entire Citrix Cloud environment—applications, sessions, machines, and desktops.

Horizon RDSH

ControlUp can now discover Horizon RDSH components and offer real-time visibility of RDS sessions and applications.

The new RDSH objects in the Horizon integration are displayed on the tree and data grids, with drill-down relations for easy troubleshooting and navigation.

The new views include real-time metrics that display the current configuration, availability, aggregation counters, health status, and other metadata on the following new objects:

  • Application Pools
  • Farms
  • RDS Hosts
  • RDS Desktop Pools
  • RDS Sessions

Centralized Auditing (CA)
This feature is currently in Preview and we’re working hard to improve it. It’s ready for you to use but please report any issues you may encounter.

  • Documents all actions executed by ControlUp users and any changes in the product configuration.
  • Choose to save the audit log to automatically upload the auditing data to the ControlUp cloud.
  • You can also choose to save the audit log to a local Syslog server inside your network.
  • When uploading to the ControlUp Cloud, you can select enforced mode which prevents actions from being executed in ControlUp if the documenting of that action to the centralized audit log did not complete properly.

Other enhancements

  • A simpler tree structure to select Trigger scope—no more drop-down!
  • New, password-less login flow!
  • Session “Packet Loss” and “Frames Per Second” columns were enhanced to support PCoIP session metrics
  • ControlUp now treats IGEL OS over 11.04.100 as a fully supported OS. IGEL OS versions before this are now treated as a fully supported OS when used with the Custom Partition
  • ControlUp now supports SSH key-based secured credentials for Linux endpoints.

ControlUp SOLVE

ControlUp SOLVE gives you comprehensive, real-time monitoring and analysis in a hosted web application.

Accessing ControlUp via a web interface means there is less resource consumption on the endpoints that are logging in and viewing the data, giving you and your users a leaner, more performance-driven experience.

ControlUp SOLVE provides a wide range of new functionality, including:

  • Dashboard widgets that have been configured to deliver the latest, most relevant information on your environments, right out of the box.
  • Topology view of your environment that displays the relationships between components. Discovered components are displayed dynamically; you can drill down from each component to access performance information.
  • The ability to Drill down from any component in the topology or dashboard widgets with contextual navigation built from our recommendations engine.
  • Data grids from the ControlUp console with a more modern look and feel (not to mention lots of new features).

Bug Fixes

  1. (#73771) In the “Advanced trigger with email follow up” action, the “resend every” option stopped after the first time.
  2. (#76231) CU Agent high CPU consumption on VDA.
  3. (#77503) User idle time on the laptop had a counter mismatch.
  4. (#78642) CU Monitor floods the event viewer with event number 1001.
  5. Support desktop pools with the same display name.

Known issues

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.2.0.732, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%\ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.
This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.2.0.732 general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

    1. After upgrading to 8.2, you will no longer be able to login to previous versions of ControlUp. In order to enable logins to previous versions of ControlUp, launch a ControlUp 8.1.x console and use the “Forgot Password” link to reset the account password.
    2. Centralize Auditing – some configuration changes or operations are partially reported and auditing data might be missing.
    3. The authentication in CU mobile app is changed, the access will work only for registered users on enrolled devices without password verification. We are working on a fix for this limitation.
    4. New users will not be able to register the ControlUp Mobile app if installed after deploying CU 8.2.
      • Workaround: open 8.1.5 console, reset CU user password if necessary or sign-up, enroll new mobile device for a user, pass activation in the existing app, and then use back 8.2 console. In such cases, the mobile device is registered and the app will keep working.
    5. Occasionally, the Citrix Cloud Extension might disconnect with the following error: “A task was canceled”.
    6. If a machine on which the ControlUp agent is deployed is running Windows 10 1809 and later or Server 2019 where the User Input Delay feature is enabled by default, you may encounter the list of leaked handles growing too large if the machine is up for a long time and/or with many user sessions, possibly creating unexpected issues on the OS. Workaround: disable the User Input Delay feature using the agent-side registry key.
    7. The option of launching the console with a user account that is not a domain member, normally from a workgroup computer, is not supported in this version of the ControlUp Console.
    8. For the Horizon Connection server, the ‘HZ Max Connection Count’ column might be wrong.
    9. When adding folders using ControlUp PowerShell commands, an error message might be displayed when the folders were successfully created.

Centralized Auditing

    1. Some audit log entries may not appear in the Syslog output.
    2. When working in the Security Policy Pane, if a Role name is edited AND it’s members are modified, the new role members may not appear in the audit log.
    3. If an automated action is run and reported to the audit log, it’s completion action may not appear in the audit log. For SOLVE, the action may continue to be displayed as “initialized” even if it has completed. In Syslog, the initialized action is logged but it’s matching completed action may not be logged.
    4. The Details field of some audit log entries may have formatting issues.
    5. The Details field of audit log entries of Incident Triggers may be unclear or missing details.
    6. Some audit log entries may have unclear activity names.

ControlUp SOLVE

    1. To use ControlUp SOLVE, all monitors in your ControlUp Monitor Cluster must have network access and DNS resolution to the domain controllers of the logged in user’s domain.
    2. ControlUp SOLVE does not support Integrated Windows Authentication when using a proxy server for the Monitors.
    3. To use SOLVE with NTLM proxy authentication for the Monitors, contact ControlUp support
    4. When drilling down into Horizon or Citrix sessions, if the machine does not have a ControloUp agent, SOLVE topology might get stuck when loading.
    5. When drilling down into the Citrix site, Delivery Groups may not be displayed.


Released October 27, 2020

New Features and Enhancements

  • Security
    • Added support for configuring agent machines’ Access Control List and certificate-based authentication
    • Security enhancements for ControlUp agents.
  • Active Window Title and URL — ControlUp now has the ability to monitor the title or URL of an active (foreground) window or browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Edge) in real time. Three new columns have been introduced:
    • “Active Application”
      • The name of the application currently running in the foreground
    • “Active Window Title”
      • The window name of the application currently running in the foreground
      • Privacy note: due to the sensitivity of this feature, ControlUp allows ignoring certain window titles by keywords
    • “Active URL”
      • The URL of the foreground browser application will be populated only when a browser app is in the foreground
  • Horizon Integration Performance Enhancements
    • Substantial reduction in connection time for large environments
  • ControlUp Powershell Commands Enhancement
    • Get-CUFolders: can now list the folders that are in the public configuration, which allows users to sync the repository with some other source such as Active Directory.
    • Get-CUSites: a new command that gets a site by ID or performs a search to retrieve multiple sites
    • Extend the following cmdlets to support Machine description field:
      • Add-CUComputer
      • Get-CUComputers
      • Set-CUComputerDescription (new)
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements
      • New “OS Version” column that displays the Windows build version
      • Unified “Latency” column now supports RDP, ICA, HDX, PCoIP, and Blast protocols
      • New license screen look
      • New built-in, editable security role “Helpdesk”
      • New built-in, editable security role “ControlUp Admins”
      • Changed default advanced setting to “Regulate information updates”
      • Auto-connect to a managed machine via an unmanaged session

    Bug Fixes

    1) Resolved an issue with the “Machine Down” Trigger setting, which prevented the settings from being saved properly (#70643).
    2) Resolved an issue that caused the Trigger to fire every time a machine is brought down/offline/disconnected (#70577).
    3) Resolved an issue with the “Failover List” tab, which, in some cases, did not display all Horizon Connection servers in a cloud pod environment (#68757).
    4) Resolved an issue with the AppLoadTimeTracer.exe that was causing IE to crash (#71951).
    5) Resolved an issue where some Citrix Networking (formerly NetScaler) columns appeared empty (#69183).
    6) Resolved an issue when editing the Data Source Site Distribution in the Monitors Settings screen, configuration changes were saved automatically without clicking OK (#70896).
    7) Resolved an issue in Horizon where integration Desktop Pools were not being displayed on the organization tree in case pool provisioning was disabled due to an error (#75162).
    8) Resolved an issue in Horizon integration, when using the agent as a data collector Pool built-in actions would fail with the error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” (#71428)
    9) Resolved an issue with Active App/Active URL features that caused the cuagent.exe to consume a high amount of CPU on machines with thousands of running processes (#76231).
    10) Resolved an issue with the internal session id assignment mechanism that caused duplicate session ids (#74115).
    11) Resolved the “no legible target” error; added cache for selected records (#76006).
    12) Resolved an issue on Horizon Machines data collection – “an item with the same key has already been added” (#76446).
    13) Resolved an issue on Powershell module that caused the add/move machine operations to fail (#74868).
    14) Resolved an issue on the upgrade procedure that caused Machine to “disappear” from the org tree after the upgrade from 7.4 to 8.1.x (Cloud) (#72502).
    15) Resolved an issue that caused the Console to crash when adding a monitor that was reinstalled on a machine with a changed domain (#74399).

    Known issues

    NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.1.5.649, we recommend backing up your %appdata%\ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

    This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

    The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.1.5.649 general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

    1) While ControlUp can monitor large environments with dozens of endpoints, if the Console is connected to more than 5000 data sources at one time, the performance of the ControlUp Console could be impacted. Under these conditions, please avoid connecting to the entire organization at once. For sizing recommendations, refer to the ControlUp Sizing Guidelines.
    2) For the v8.x Monitor Cluster architecture to work properly, all of your Consoles must be upgraded to v8.0 or higher. Your Data Collectors must be upgraded as well. Other agent upgrades are recommended, but are not mandatory.
    3) Triggers on the Accounts and Applications views are supported for Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops data only. Aggregated process triggers are not supported. As a workaround, process triggers can be defined on the single process level (Process View).
    4) When the focus is on a folder and you browse to another folder in the tree, you must remove the focus from the first folder before you can focus on another folder.
    5) When data source fails to connect to the ControlUp Console because it has failed to retrieve shared credentials from the monitor, the Credentials field will show an ‘Obtain password’ message (#67132).
    6) Logoff Session Forcibly Fails: action fails to complete when the VMware Horizon session is locked (#66380).
    7) ‘Client IP’ column may display instead of the actual Client IP on VMware Horizon sessions (#65091).
    8) ‘HZ Pod’ column shows as empty for some Desktop Pool records.
    9) Horizon and vSphere machines will appear as two distinct entities if the machine is powered off and has no guest name entry on vSphere (#72426).
    10) In Horizon integrations, configuring desktop pools with the same name will cause the folder aggregation metrics to fail on one of the duplicate pools. As a workaround, ensure all desktop pool names are unique (#76944).

Released January 13, 2020


  • Data Source – a general name for a source of data such as an agent (Windows/Linux), Citrix XenDesktop site, hypervisor, Citrix ADC or AWS connection.
  • Site – The object in which Monitors and Data Sources are grouped. The Site’s Monitors collect data about the Site’s Data Sources. A separate Site should be created for each isolated or distant environment to prevent high latency.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Monitor Cluster
    • Monitors that belong to the same Site can now automatically balance monitoring loads, and therefore support monitoring more VDI per Site than in previous versions. Although the new Monitor Cluster feature supports monitoring more VDI per Site in v8.1, a single Console’s ability to monitor/view Data Sources is unchanged in v8.1, i.e., the limitation on the number of Data Sources to which the Console can connect and view is the same as in previous versions. To connect to and view additional Data Sources over the Console limit, move the focus in the Console from the folder being viewed to the new folder (right-click on the folder and choose “Focus”). For sizing recommendations, refer to ControlUp Sizing Guidelines.
    • Monitor Settings: Available Functionality
      The Monitor settings screen now allows admins to:

      • Manage Sites
      • Manage Monitors
      • Perform Monitor actions (install/start/stop/uninstall)
      • Distribute Monitors and Data Sources among Sites
      • Get a centralized view of the Organization’s configuration of Sites, Monitors and Data Sources
  • Monitor Credentials: Changes
    The Monitor credentials store is greatly improved:

    • No more hidden credentials! All of the Monitor credentials are displayed in a single location and can be seen and managed from the bottom grid of the Domain Identity tab. Select Monitors Settings and click the Settings button in the upper row of buttons.
    • We added the ability to import the Console’s credentials into the Monitor settings. This can be done from the Monitor Settings – Domain Identity tab.
    • Monitor credentials are shared across all Monitors (regardless of their Site and whether their Shared checkbox is selected). Monitor credentials can be shared using the Console as well by checking the Shared checkbox and setting up the security policy appropriately.
  • Horizon Integration – Native API integration with VMware Horizon enables customers to add Horizon environments to the ControlUp Console in a few clicks, including:
    • Automatic discovery of Horizon components in both standard and Cloud Pod architecture.
    • Seamless association of Horizon components with entities from different data sources such as hypervisors and in-guest agents for complete line-of-sight from infrastructure to process.
    • Connection server health status & license monitoring.
    • Enhanced session monitoring with Horizon performance metrics.
    • Horizon-focused presets for Horizon Pods, Connection Servers, Pools, Machines, and Sessions views.
    • Enhanced Horizon environment management capabilities include new Horizon- specific:
      • Built-in actions
      • Security policy permissions
      • Script Actions
      • Automated Actions
      • Enhanced Virtual Expert rules and recommendations
    • Support
      • Full Support – VMware Horizon v7.4 and up
      • Limited Support – VMware Horizon v7.0 to 7.3
  • General UI Changes
    • New UI color scheme.
    • New “Per Hypervisor” icons.
    • “Add XenDesktop site” button was replaced with “Add EUC Environment” button.
  • Miscellaneous enhancements
    • Wording change – Computer to Machine.
    • License screen wording change – Concurrent User Sessions to registered licenses (Concurrent).
    • New ‘Switch Edition’ button – allows switching between ‘ControlUp for Virtual Servers’ and EUC/Standard edition.
    • Added “EUC Environments” folder to support multi-vendor EUC platforms.
    • Unified “Protocol” column (previously “View Client Protocol” for Horizon & “Protocol” for XenDesktop, “Session Name” for RDP).
  • Deprecations – The following features were deprecated in v8.1:
    • Offline Mode – Monitors can no longer be installed in Offline Mode or with an Offline license. Note that On-Premises Mode is still supported.
    • Show disconnected computers – disconnected computers will not be displayed in the grid (the ability to show/hide them is now removed). However, in v8.1 a search bar was added in the upper part of the main tree to support search for disconnected computers.
    • Per-computer security policy – the ability to break the inheritance and assign a specific security policy per computer was removed. Users can set a specific security policy per folder, and the computers in that folder will inherit it.

Known issues

NOTE: Prior to upgrading your environment to v8.x, we recommend backing up your %appdata%\ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming the copy to “ControlUp_old” prior to upgrading to a new version of ControlUp.

This may prove useful in case you need to revert to the previous version. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the v8.1 general release. As these issues are resolved, this list will be updated.

1) While ControlUp can monitor large environments with up to 100K endpoints, if the Console is connected to more than 5000 Data Sources at one time, it may impact on the performance of the Console application. Under these circumstances, please avoid connecting to the entire organization at once. For sizing recommendations, refer to ControlUp Sizing Guidelines.
2) For the v8.x Monitor Cluster architecture to work properly, all of your Consoles must be upgraded to v8.0 or above. Additionally, your Data Collectors must be upgraded as well. Other agent upgrades are recommended but not mandatory.
3) Triggers on the Accounts and Applications views are supported for XenDesktop site data only. Aggregated Process Triggers are not supported. As a workaround, Process triggers can be defined on the single Process level (Process View).
4) v8.1 does not support v7.x Monitors. If you are running version 7.4 and below, you must Upgrade your existing Monitors.
5) When configuring an Export Schedule in the Monitors Settings, the files created by the schedule will not be deleted.
6) In the Monitor Status History screen (navigated from the “more details…” under the Monitor “Status” column), the “Clear All” button will clear all the messages on the Monitor status and change the monitor indication to green. If the problem or error still exists, the message will not be displayed again and the Monitor status will not be changed until the Monitor service is restarted.
7) When the “Validate” button is used to validate Monitor credential sets, they are validated from the Console rather than the Monitor. As a workaround, it is recommended to run the Console on the same network as the Monitor.
8) Monitoring of Linux machines is not fully supported.
9) When the focus is on a folder, and you browse to another folder in the tree, you must remove the focus from the first folder before you can focus on another folder.
10) Fail to retrieve a password – when a data source fails to connect due to Console failure to retrieve shared credentials from the monitor, the Credentials field will show an ‘Obtain password’ message.
11) Connection Servers Failover List tab incorrectly displays connection servers (Cloud Pod Architecture only) – on the “Add EUC Environment” screen; the first connection server initially used to connect the Horizon environment displays instead of the POD-specific Connection server.
12) Logoff Session Forcibly Fails – action fails to complete when the Horizon session is locked.
13) Enable Maintenance Mode action fails with error “Missing required parameter ‘username'” on Horizon 7.3 and below.
14) Restart machine action fails with error “Missing required parameter ‘username'” on Horizon 7.3 and below.
15) ‘Client IP’ column displays instead of the actual Client IP.
16) ‘HZ Pod’ column shows as empty for some Desktop Pool records.
17) When crossing the ControlUp license limit in an organization that has a Horizon connection the Console\Monitor disconnects from all entities after the third warning message.
18) In some cases, the Shared-Credential Password may be removed during monitor installation or upgrade. To check Shared Credential Password status after installation completion, if Monitor Status displays as red, check the Monitor Status Message in Setting screen. If the error message is: “Could not connect to the public configuration due to a missing password used to connect to the domain”, please re-enter your Shared-Credential password.
19) Installing the Monitor Service on Windows 10 version 1903 is not supported.
20) When focusing on a Netscaler Appliances folder, the aggregation columns under the Folders view will not be populated.

New Features and Enhancements

  • General UI Changes
    • New UI color scheme and icons
    • New “Per Hypervisor” tree icons
    • Add XenDesktop site is now under ‘Add EUC Environment” button
  • General Miscellaneous
    • Wording change – Computer to Machine
    • License screen wording change – Concurrent User Sessions to registered licenses (Concurrent)
    • New Switch Edition button – allows switching between ControlUp for Virtual Servers and
      EUC/Standard edition
    • Added “EUC Environments” folder to accommodate future EUC platforms (e.g. VMware Horizon)
  • ControlUp for Virtual Servers UI
    • ControlUp new console edition focused on monitoring virtualization environments.
      Therefore all (/ or most) of the EUC features has been removed. Targeted towards IT/Sysadmins who does not need EUC monitoring capabilities.
    • Changes from the EUC edition:
      • Hidden Views:
        • Accounts
        • Sessions
      • Hidden settings screens:
        • Browser URL
        • App load time
        • Branch mapping
      • Configuration changes
        • Contextual navigation – EUC rules filtering
        • EUC Trigger filtering
        • Script action was limited to existing/relevant views only

Known issues

NOTE: We recommend backing up the %appdata%\ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming the copy “ControlUp_old” prior to upgrading to a new version of ControlUp. This may prove useful in case you need to revert to the previous version. Some new features require a change in the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following known issues exist in the beta version of 7.5. The list will be updated as we discover and resolve issues during the beta phase:

  • VE Contextual Navigation Rules for Folders
    • Community Rule with Target – Machines > Detailed view – CPU preset is displayed as
  • Export from Console shows machines as computers
    • When exporting from the console, Table header shows computers instead of machines
  • Some of EUC related Script Actions are still visible in CU for Virtual Servers
  • Insights still refer to “machines” as “computers”
  • All metrics (Including EUC related ones) are still visible and accessible in CU for Virtual Servers

New Features and Enhancements

  • Automated Actions – a powerful new capability that allows you to configure an automated follow-up action for an Incident Trigger. Automation takes system monitoring to the next level, allowing a corrective process to be automatically triggered when a problem is detected. You can now define and run script-based automation for root-cause analysis, reports, operation, and optimization. You can also use automation to call third-party software APIs, such as ticketing solutions, and take further follow-up action per system incident event.
    • Option to receive script-action execution output by email
    • Control who can create automated actions and which script actions can be automated
    • New setup wizard enables you to configure the security settings related to automation with just a few clicks
    • Built-in automation templates for common use cases
    • Advanced throttling mechanism to avert misuse and performance issues
  • Enhanced User-Experience Monitoring
    • ControlUp now supports the new User Input Delay metrics that enable continuous UX monitoring of sessions and applications.
    • The new User Input Delay performance counters are supported in Windows 10, version 1809 and later, and Windows Server 2019 and later.
  • Virtual-Expert Enhancements
    • Virtual Expert contextual recommendations now include recommendations to run Script Actions, even if the Script Action is not installed in the organization.
    • Virtual Expert can now display an expanded description for each metric, explaining its purpose, what values indicate a problem, applicable solutions, and best practices
    • Improved look and feel, and granular customization options
    • An option to use tags to easily associate Script Actions with metrics and pass them automatically as contextual recommendation-rules for Virtual Expert
  • Script-Action Enhancements
    • Script-Based Actions are now called Script Actions
    • Option to set script permissions during installation and finalization
    • Option to map script parameters from parent’s record properties
    • New auto-arrangement method for Script Actions in right-click menu – arrangement based on relevance and on Virtual Expert’s contextual recommendations for a better UX
    • Along with your organization’s scripts, right-click menu now also shows community scripts that haven’t been installed yet
  • Templates
    • You can now customize the templates of emails and event-log events produced by ControlUp triggers.
    • Templates enable you to create reusable content, which includes variables, for the subject line (for emails) and message body.
    • Variables include values from the invoked trigger, such as the name of the trigger, the name of the resource that activated the trigger, the list of columns that contributed to the stress, etc.
    • This feature is fully supported starting from v7.4.1.6
  • Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • Option to evaluate vCPU/pCPU ratio of a Computer object in contextual recommendation rules
    • Option to exclude specific VMware Datastores and vDisks from monitoring
      • Please note that you must reconnect the hypervisor for each data collector (CU Console, CU Monitor, CU Agent) for these changes to take effect.
    • Option to specify the minimum duration in the Computer Down and Session State Changed triggers
    • New metrics to monitor VMware resource allocation shares
    • New option to evaluate a computer’s CPU and CPU Ready metrics from an Incident Trigger of a session

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem in using the Registry Distribute feature that caused distribution failures (bug #55843)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the CU Agent in certain circumstances to hold a terminated process until the Agent is restarted (bug #56034)
  • Fixed a problem with the “Minimum duration in new state” advanced trigger option that occurred when the trigger was assigned to a process (bug #56024)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause high CPU utilization (bug #56997)
  • Fixed a problem related to the “Include all child folders” option in the trigger configuration (bug #56953)
  • Fixed a few issues related to the option to hide settings and features in ControlUp Consoles by means of group-policy templates (#54423, #53035)
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the Monitor service from running newly downloaded Script Actions from running as part of an automation action (#60860) (fixed in
  • Fixed an issue where cuagent.exe might consume high CPU resources due to network metric data collection (#59505) (fixed in
  • Fixed several issues related to the new e-mail template feature (#60881, #60861) (fixed in
  • Fixed an issue that prevented old console version from loading the configuration (#61441) (fixed in

Known issues

NOTE: We recommend backing up the %appdata%\ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming the copy “ControlUp_old” prior to upgrading to a new version of ControlUp. This may prove useful in case you need to revert to the previous version. Some new features require a change in the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following known issues exist in the beta version of 7.4. The list will be updated as we discover and resolve issues during the beta phase:

  • To use Script Actions whose execution context is ControlUp Console in automated actions, the User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled on the computer on which the ControlUp Monitor is running.
    • If you use Script Actions whose execution context is ControlUp Console, and need to keep the UAC enabled, as a workaround you can create another script or modify the existing one to run on another computer.
  • If a Script Action is created with default credentials, do not use the same credentials to open a session on a computer in which you are creating an Incident Trigger and assigning the Script Action to that trigger. If you use the same credentials for both actions, when the Incident Trigger is activated, the Script Action will fail to run, with the error “Exception: Failed to get environment block.”
    • It is not recommended to use the credentials of an actual user to run Script Actions. Instead, you can create a dedicated user account to run Script Actions.
  • Event logging of automated actions is not performed in some configurations. Normally, the Master CU Monitor fires all triggers and executes all Automated Actions. Each attempt it makes to run an automated action, whether it succeeds or fails, is documented in the Windows Application Log of the CU Monitor machine as Event ID 5005. In some configurations, Event ID 5005 is not added to the Windows Application Log of the CU Monitor computer as expected. To solve this problem, run CU Console once on the computer on which the Master CU Monitor is running. (After this has been done once, the Console does not have to be open or even installed on the machine any more in order for the event-logging to be performed properly.)
  • Display issue in the Events pane: Normally, if you double-click an event record in the list of events, an Event Details dialog box opens and displays additional information about the event, including the full text of the event-description message. In some cases, this message is not displayed, and the field where it should appear remains blank. When this occurs, and the message is too long to be seen in its entirety in the Message column of the Events pane, you can use the following workaround to see the complete message:
    • Select the Message cell.
    • Press Ctrl C to copy the message to the clipboard.
    • Open the text editor of your choice.
    • Press Ctrl V to paste the complete message into the text editor.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Automated Actions – powerful new capability that allows you to configure an automated follow-up action for an Incident Trigger. Automation takes system monitoring to the next level, allowing a corrective process to be automatically triggered when a problem is detected. You can now define and run script-based automation for root-cause analysis, reports, operation, and optimization. You can also use automation to call third-party software APIs, such as ticketing solutions, and take further follow-up action per system incident event.
    • Option to receive script-action execution output by email
    • Control who can create automated actions and which script actions can be automated
    • New setup wizard enables you to configure the security settings related to automation with just a few clicks
    • Built-in automation templates for common use cases
    • Advanced throttling mechanism to avert misuse and performance issues
  • Enhanced User-Experience Monitoring
    • ControlUp now supports the new User Input Delay metrics that enable continuous UX monitoring of sessions and applications.
    • The new User Input Delay performance counters are supported in Windows 10, version 1809 and later, and Windows Server 2019 and later.
  • Virtual-Expert Enhancements
    • Virtual Expert contextual recommendations now include recommendations to run Script Actions, even if the Script Action is not installed in the organization.
    • Virtual Expert can now display an expanded description for each metric, explaining its purpose, what values indicate a problem, applicable solutions, and best practices
    • Improved look and feel, and granular customization options
    • An option to use tags to easily associate Script Actions with metrics and pass them automatically as contextual recommendation-rules for Virtual Expert
  • Script-Action Enhancements
    • Script-Based Actions are now called Script Actions
    • Option to set script permissions during installation and finalization
    • Option to map script parameters from parent’s record properties
    • New auto-arrangement method for Script Actions in right-click menu – arrangement based on relevance and on Virtual Expert’s contextual recommendations for a better UX
    • Along with your organization’s scripts, right-click menu now also shows community scripts that haven’t been installed yet
  • Templates
    • You can now customize the templates of emails and event-log events produced by ControlUp triggers.
    • Templates enable you to create reusable content, which includes variables, for the subject line (for emails) and message body.
    • Variables include values from the invoked trigger, such as the name of the trigger, the name of the resource that activated the trigger, the list of columns that contributed to the stress, etc.
  • Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • Option to evaluate vCPU/pCPU ratio of a Computer object in contextual recommendation rules
    • Option to exclude specific VMware Datastores and vDisks from monitoring
      • Please note that you must reconnect the hypervisor for each data collector (CU Console, CU Monitor, CU Agent) for these changes to take effect.
    • Option to specify the minimum duration in the Computer Down and Session State Changed triggers
    • New metrics to monitor VMware resource allocation shares
    • New option to evaluate a computer’s CPU and CPU Ready metrics from an Incident Trigger of a session

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem in using the Registry Distribute feature that caused distribution failures (bug #55843)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the CU Agent in certain circumstances to hold a terminated process until the Agent is restarted (bug #56034)
  • Fixed a problem with the “Minimum duration in new state” advanced trigger option that occurred when the trigger was assigned to a process (bug #56024)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause high CPU utilization (bug #56997)
  • Fixed a problem related to the “Include all child folders” option in the trigger configuration (bug #56953)
  • Fixed a few issues related to the option to hide settings and features in ControlUp Consoles by means of group-policy templates (#54423, #53035)

Known issues

NOTE: We recommend backing up the %appdata%\ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming the copy “ControlUp_old” prior to upgrading to a new version of ControlUp. This may prove useful in case you need to revert to the previous version. Some new features require a change in the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following known issues exist in the beta version of 7.4. The list will be updated as we discover and resolve issues during the beta phase:

  • When you assign a community script-action to an automated follow-up action of an Incident Trigger, you might get the following error in the Windows Application Log: Error: The specified action which was supposed to run automatically doesn’t exist.
    To fix it, please follow these steps in each ControlUp Monitor in your organization:

    • 1. Stop the cuMonitor service
    • 2. Delete the content of the following folder: C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\ControlUp\ControlUp Store
    • 3. Start the cuMonitor service
  • To use Script Actions whose execution context is ControlUp Console in automated actions, the User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled on the computer on which the ControlUp Monitor is running.
    • If you use Script Actions whose execution context is ControlUp Console, and need to keep the UAC enabled, as a workaround you can create another script or modify the existing one to run on another computer.
  • If a Script Action is created with default credentials, do not use the same credentials to open a session on a computer in which you are creating an Incident Trigger and assigning the Script Action to that trigger. If you use the same credentials for both actions, when the Incident Trigger is activated, the Script Action will fail to run, with the error “Exception: Failed to get environment block.”
    • It is not recommended to use the credentials of an actual user to run Script Actions. Instead, you can create a dedicated user account to run Script Actions.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Linux Monitoring – ControlUp now supports monitoring RHEL and CentOS Linux v6 and v7 operating systems. Linux machines are monitored in an agentless manner, no agent is required to run in your Linux machine. Using SSH connection and built-in monitoring utilities we collect metrics and metadata related to the following:
    • Computers: Operating System, CPU Logical Processors (OS), Memory, CPU, Memory Utilization, Computer Local Time, Domain DNS, System Type, Net Received, Net Sent, Net Total, Processes, Avg. Disk Read Time, Avg. Disk Write Time, Free Space on System Drive, Net ERR In, Net ERR Out, Uptime, Physical Addresses;
    • Processes: Name, User, Session ID, PID, Computer, CPU, Memory (Working Set), Exe Path, PPID, Thread Count, Nice Priority, Disk Read KB/s, Disk Write KB/s;
    • Logical Disks: Disk Name, Computer, % Free Space, Disk Transfers/sec, Disk Reads/sec, Disk Writes/sec, Disk KBps, Disk Read KBps, Disk Write KBps, Capacity, Free Space, Mount Point, Total inodes, Free inodes, Used inodes, Mount Mode, File System;
  • vSAN Monitoring – for vSphere hypervisor connections that contain a vSAN configuration, ControlUp will seamlessly detect vSAN objects and display the following metrics and metadata in the information grid:
    • Datastores: Name, Type, Capacity, Read/Write IOPS, Read/Write Rate, Read/Write Latency, Compression, Capacity Deduplication, Congestion, Outstanding IO, Disk Configuration, Total Used Capacity, Total Used – Physically Written, Total Used – VM Overreserved, Total Used – System Overhead, vSAN Free Capacity, vSAN Health, vSAN Cluster Health, vSAN Network Health, vSAN Physical Disk Health, vSAN Data Health, vSAN Limits Health, vSAN Hardware Compatibility Health, vSAN Performance Service Health, vSAN Build Recommendation, vSAN Online Health.
    • Datastores on Hosts: Name, Type, Capacity, Read/Write IOPS, Read/Write Rate, Read/Write Latency, Compression, Capacity Deduplication, Congestion, Outstanding IO, Local Client Cache Hit IOPS, Local Client Cache Hit Rate, vSAN Max Read Cache Read Latency, vSAN Max Write Buffer Write Latency, vSAN Max Read Cache Write Latency, vSAN Max Write Buffer Read Latency, vSAN Min Read Cache Hit Rate, vSAN Write Buffer Min Free Percentage, vSAN Host Network Inbound/Outbound I/O Throughput, vSAN Host Network Inbound/Outbound Packets Per Second, vSAN Host Network Inbound/Outbound Packet Loss Rate
    • System Requirements:
      • PowerShell minimum Version 5.0
      • VMware PowerCLI 10.1.1.x
      • .NET framework version 4.5
    • vSAN Requirements:
      • vSAN Performance service should be turned on
      • The user account configured for the hypervisor connection requires the “storage.View” permission.
  • Agent Backward Compatibility
    • ControlUp Console is now able to connect to computers running older versions of ControlUp Agent, supporting continuous monitoring and gradual rollout of new agent versions.
    • Minimum supported agent version: 7.1
    • Agents configured as dedicated data collectors (for hypervisors, XenDesktop, AWS, NetScaler) do not support down-level versions and require version 7.3
  • Miscellaneous enhancements

Known issues

NOTE: We recommend backing up the %appdata%\ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming the copy to “ControlUp_old” prior to upgrading to a new version of ControlUp. This may prove useful in case you will need to revert to the previous version. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following list is the known issues available in beta version 7.3, and will updated as we resolved them during beta phase:

  • The Exe and Product version columns might remain unpopulated for processes that were launched from network shares or via App-V packages (bug #49096)
  • Datastores related columns in “Hosts” view do not include vSAN information.
  • When reverting from 7.3 back to version 7.2 all saved credentials will be lost. To prevent loss of credentials, follow the procedure mentioned above to back up your ControlUp configuration prior to the upgrade. (bug #52840)
  • For computers with multiple GPUs installed, ControlUp will only present metrics for one GPU
    Nutanix connection requires TLS 1.2 and .NET 4.5 (bug #53341)
  • Linux computer always inherits “auto connect” property from its Linux Data Collector (bug #53602)
  • When installation fails installing RPMs, the monitor may show an error regarding this issue (bug #53625)
  • The “Access denied” message is not presented when Security Policy of The LDC Connection is denied (bug #53657)
  • Wrong error message when trying to add Linux machine that’s not allowing connection without TTY (bug #53678)
  • In order to connect to vSAN, permissions should be granted for a specific user (not to a group of users) (bug #53786)
  • Agents from a previous version cannot execute scripts that require passwords
  • By default, ControlUp can’t connect to Linux machines that require only TTY connection. (bug #48568)
  • Workaround: Replace Defaults requiretty by Defaults !requiretty in your /etc/sudoers
  • Auto connect always inherit from LDC (bug #53602)
  • In some cases ControlUp will not install RPMs even though the machine can be monitored (error: OS not supported) (bug #53865)
    Workaround: install the redhat-lsb-core package
  • “Current user” option cannot be used for adding a Linux computer (bug #54291)
    Workaround: Add new credentials (can be the same user)

New Features and Enhancements

  • Advanced Trigger – this new trigger type can be configured to fire whenever any single cell’s value in the information grid changes to (or from) a specified value. Two major scenarios are now supported:
    • Triggering an incident when a single column changes – in previous versions, the Stress Level settings had to be defined so that the column of interest contributes to it. Starting with ControlUp v7.2, the “Add Incident Trigger” wizard includes the Advanced Trigger option which supports trigger conditions that involve changes to a single cell. For example, you will be able to create a trigger that sends an alert when disk space on a server is low, without affecting the server’s Stress Level.
    • Triggering an incident based on textual columns – in previous versions, incident trigger conditions could only be set based on counter columns (shown in the console as bars or charts) and not on textual columns. Starting with v7.2, trigger conditions may include non-counter columns such as “Maintenance mode”, “Registration state” etc.
  • Nutanix AHV Monitoring – ControlUp can now monitor Nutanix AHV hypervisors in real-time. ControlUp’s information grid will present hosts, VMs, datastores and virtual disks and will visualize the performance and resource utilization in clusters running AHV version 5.5.
  • Split Process IOPS metrics – In previous versions of ControlUp, process I/O columns aggregated all data transfers performed by the process, including disk, network, and other device I/O. This aggregation made processes with network activity (e.g. browsers streaming video) to look similar to processes with disk I/O activity in the information grid. Starting with v7.2, a separate set of columns will display disk and network I/O, allowing for better visibility and enhanced troubleshooting of irregular resource consumption.
  • NetScaler monitoring enhancements – the following additions have been made to the NetScaler monitoring feature:
    • The NetScaler appliance IP address has been added to all child views, to support easier identification of resources while monitoring NetScalers in real time and while configuring incident triggers.
    • NetScaler High Availability columns:
      • HA Current Node State – the high availability state of the current node (“Master State” statistic)
      • HA Heartbeats Receive Rate – the rate, per second, of heartbeat packets received by the node
      • HA Heartbeats Send Rate – the rate, per second, of heartbeat packets sent by the node
      • HA Sync Failure – Number of times the configuration of the primary and secondary nodes failed to synchronize since that last transition
      • HA System State – the current high availability state of the appliance
      • HA Sync – the high availability automatic synchronization status of the appliance
      • HA Propagation – the high availability automatic propagation status of the appliance
    • State and Effective State columns for LB Service Groups – for each NetScaler LB Service Group, ControlUp will display the state (enabled or disabled) and the effective state (based on the state of the bound service items).
    • Disable / Enable management actions for LB Service Groups and LB Services
    • Script-based Actions (SBA) are now supported on all NetScaler child entities
  • Virtual Expert Enhancements – the Virtual Expert feature enables for faster and more efficient root-cause analysis. When a ControlUp user double-clicks on a column which is currently above one of its configured severity thresholds, the information grid will drill-down to the relevant child view while applying a column preset which is likely to clarify the root cause of the elevated metric value. For example, when double-clicking on a cell that indicates high CPU consumption for a user session, Virtual Expert will change the grid view to display the processes running inside that session, sorted by their CPU consumption in descending order. The following enhancements to the Virtual Expert feature were introduced in v7.2:
    • Auto-expand score columns – when double-clicking on score columns (“CPU Score”, “Disk Score”, “Network Score”, “RAM Score”, and “UX Score”), a special column preset will be applied to expose the columns that contributed to the current score value
    • Auto-expand Stress Level columns – when double-clicking on the Stress Level column, a special column preset will be applied to expose the columns that contributed to the current Stress Level value
    • Auto-highlight double-clicked column in Parent Record View – after drilling down to investigate a column value, Virtual Expert will highlight the investigated column in the parent record view.
    • Auto-highlight sorted column – after drilling down to investigate a column value, Virtual Expert will highlight the column by which the view is sorted
    • Enhanced back-forward navigation between views – when using the “Back” and “Forward” navigation buttons, ControlUp will remember the column preset that was applied to each view when it was last visited
    • Contextual Navigation Prompt – when a Virtual Expert rule is applied, a bar will be displayed above the information grid, explaining the automatically applied preset and its context
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements – additional contextual navigation rules and display enhancements
  • Licensing changes
    • Grace period on license violation – when ControlUp connects to more resources than permitted by the current license, the console will not disconnect all monitored resources, but allow the user to manually disconnect excess resources to remain compliant with the license restrictions
    • NetScaler – Adding several partitions within the same NetScaler host will count as one device
  • Credentials selection for API actions –  when executing management actions performed by ControlUp via a third-party API (hypervisors, AWS, NetScaler), the console will prompt the user to select private credentials. With the introduction of the Shared Credentials feature, this change enables for multiple ControlUp users to use a shared service account with read-only rights for data collection, and select a privileged personal account for performing management actions. This way, the action audit trail will always contain the identity of the user who performed the action. ControlUp will remember the selected credential item for future execution of each action. The following management actions are affected by this change:
    • Hypervisors – Enable/Disable Maintenance Mode (host), Shutdown Guest, Force Power Off VM, Restart Guest, Force Reset VM, Power On VM
    • NetScaler – Enable/Disable Load Balancer, Enable/Disable LB Service, Enable/Disable LB Service Group, Enable/Disable Gateway
    • AWS EC2 – Start/Stop Instance, Reboot Instance, get Instance Screenshot
  • Miscellaneous enhancements
  • Session protocol columns
  • Blast remoting protocol is supported for VMware Horizon 7.3 and higher
  • New color scheme – Ability to change the console color scheme from the “Display settings”
  • TLS 1.1/1.2 support – Starting with ControlUp 7.2, the default TLS protocol used is TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.1, depending on server side compatibility


The following bugs were observed in the current 7.2 build (build They are expected to be fixed in the next ControlUp version and do not need to be reported again:

  • The “Group Policy Load Time” column might show N/A for valid sessions due to a timing issue (bug #47150) (seen mainly on Windows 2016 servers)
  • Connection to vSphere might fail with the following exception: “An error occurred while querying performance metrics. —> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: XML document element count exceeds configured maximum 500000“ (bug #46701)
  • SMTP e-mail alerts might fail when configured with the “Send Anonymous” option (bug #48031)
  • The “Logon Duration” columns might show N/A under rare occasions (bug #47072)
  • Duplicate incidents are reported while XDSite & related VDA connects at the same time (bug #44651)
  • The “Bandwidth Last” session metric might show inaccurate data for Blast sessions on Horizon 7.3 or later (bug #46529)

Bugs fixed in previous 7.2 builds

  • ControlUp Agent service might hang in Stopping state
  • The new process ‘Disk and Network KB/s’ columns might show inaccurate data when compared to Microsoft Resource Monitor
  • The new process ‘Disk and Network KB/s’ columns might show a very high number when the usage is higher than 30,000 KBps
  • For some Incidents, the Computer Name field might be blank
  • In some scenarios, the Monitor service fails to authenticate via a Proxy server due to a wrong password
  • The Computer name field is missing from the Logical Disk Incident column list
  • In some environments, connection to a vSphere extension might failed due to null results returned by the vSphere API
  • Existing Console auto-login might fail and the user need to type his ControlUp account password in order to login
  • When creating or editing an SBA the “Advanced” value is missing in the dropdown
  • When the Monitor service is configured to use a Proxy server (and the “This proxy server requires authentication” checkbox is not checked), uploads to S3 will fail with this error message – “Error Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object”
  • Incident triggers who use the “Collection” option in the filter settings are getting disabled after the customer upgrades to 7.2 and can’t be enabled
  • Incident triggers might be disabled when a console user logs in if the user doesn’t have view permissions to folders configured in the incident scope
  • Incidents might not be reported consistently due to a timing issue
  • Connection to a XenServer pool might fail if a previous XenServer pool that has the same SR is already connected
  • The CPU column on Windows 2008 servers might show ERR instead of actual values (bug #46529)
  • The AWS and NetScaler entities are missing from the Incidents Pane organizational tree (bug #36606)
  • Similar Incidents will be reported in 10-minutes interval instead of the configured 5-minutes interval (bug #47917)
  • An empty folder icon might appear under the XenServer pool connection after connecting to the pool (bug #48021)
  • VMware power management actions might fail (bug #47918)

Known issues

The following are known issues in version 7.2:

  • The new Process Disk and Network KB/s columns are not supported on Windows 2003 and Windows XP
  • VM actions on Nutanix CVMs do not affect although the UI shows a positive response
  • To support published applications which are part of an Application Group configuration, please make sure the XD PowerShell SDK installed on the XD data collector is version 7.9 or above
  • GPU performance metrics are not available on 32 bit operating systems (as NVIDIA’s API does not support that)
  • Stress settings might affect disconnect computers (bug #38293)
  • The XenDesktop “Test connection” test might take a long time to complete (bug #33514)
  • The Datastore latency columns in the Hosts view show N/A for XenServer hosts. As a workaround, use the Storage views (bug #38015)
  • AWS EC2 pricing info is not fully updated (bug #34341)
  • The “vCPU/pCPU” Host column might show incorrect data for Hyper-V hosts (bug #35627)
  • The memory columns might show “0” (instead of N/A) for Hyper-V VM’s (bug #35628)
  • When the XenDesktop data collector uses legacy PowerShell snapins (from XenDesktop version 7.6 – 7.8), some published apps show N/A instead of ERR (bug #35683)
  • The “Free Space on System Drive” filter only accepts int values when used inside the Computer Stress configuration wizard (bug #34456)
  • Some computers fail to load the App Load Time driver (smdrv64.sys) causing ALT data collection to fail (bug #37579)
  • RDP connections cannot be renamed (bug #38356)
  • The Computer “Processor Queue Length” column might show ERR on Non-English based operating systems (bug #33757)
  • When the XenDesktop site is configured to use a dedicated agent based data collector, the XD Broker health metrics might show wrong or empty data (bug #37728)
    • Workaround – Using a ControlUp .Net 4.5 agent resolves this issue
  • The Monitor service might fail to upload activity files to S3 with the Unexpected error message (bug #36262)
  • The ControlUp console might crash when browsing for new computers and a user with an expired password is configured in the AD Connection settings (bug #35709)
  • Due to Hyper-V architecture Controlup cannot aggregate the “Datastores on Hosts” data to the Datastore level. This means that Hyper-V storage is only available for Datastores on Hosts and Virtual Disks (bug #24277)
  • ControlUp agent support for TLS 1.1 or newer versions is only available in the .NET 4.5 agent version. This is relevant for scenarios when the agent is configured as a dedicated data collector for extensions like vSphere 6.7 which require TLS 1.1 or higher
  • VMware vSAN based data stores appear in the Storage views with “0” values instead of ERR or N/A (ControlUp 7.2 doesn’s support vSAN based data stores)
  • On computers where a NVIDIA GPU card was removed, the GPU metrics will show ERR
  • After using the Focus option once, the 3 dots Stress Level button doesn’t respond for child entities in the Folders View. As a workaround, double click the Stress Level cell to see which metrics cause the Stress.

New Features and Enhancements

Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop Published Applications – ControlUp can now be integrated with XenDesktop to offer unprecedented real-time visibility for published applications. All your published apps are now available in ControlUp’s
powerful grid, which allows for quick troubleshooting, assessment of current activity and fast drill-down to the session
level to show detailed activity.

The new views include:
The list of applications currently published, including their name, state (enabled / disabled) and other metadata.
Real-time metrics displaying the current configuration and activity associated with the published application, such as:
Number of computers on which the application is published
Number of computers on which the application is available
Number of users who currently have an open instance of the application
Ratio metrics that enable for diagnostics, troubleshooting and alerting, for example a metric that shows how many of the computers on which an application is published are actually available for user connections.
Built-in management actions allow for enabling and disabling published applications without leaving the console.

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Storage Support – ControlUp can now be integrated with VMware vSphere to allow full visibility for storage-related objects and metrics, including:
    • Monitoring datastores IOPS, latency, rates, free space and more
    • Show which hosts are using which datastores and the respective resource consumption
    • Monitoring vDisks performance metrics
  • Logical Disks Support – ControlUp now shows details of all fixed drives on a managed computer including free space, disk transfer rates and so on
  • AWS EC2 Support – ControlUp can now be integrated with AWS to enhance visibility of EC2 instances performance metrics and cost information.
    • For each EC2 instances the following metadata, performance and networking metrics are available – region, availability zone, type, CPU utilization, network in/out, disk IOPS etc.
    • Cost information – catalog price per hour, EC2 instance hourly cost, storage hourly cost, snapshot hourly cost, elastic IP hourly cost , estimated monthly run rate and more!
    • Some actions can be taken directly from ControlUp’s Console like: start, stop and reboot
  • Browser URL – ControlUp now has the ability to show the browser URL of Internet Explorer browsers. The URL data is displayed in the Processes view via 2 new columns: “Browser URL domain” and “Browser URL”
  • Add folder/computer via PowerShell – ControlUp has a PowerShell API which allows adding and removing computers from an organization
  • Scalability enhancements:
    • Faster console launch time
    • Enhanced UI responsiveness when console is connected to a large number of VDI endpoints
    • Monitor service support for large VDI environments
    • Enhanced Insights data upload module
  • Miscellaneous UI enhancements
    • Improve columns presets usability – ControlUp now has the option to search for columns to be added to a preset and set their order in a designated window
    • Expose incident trigger follow-up actions – you can now right-click any Windows event in the Events pane to create an incident trigger for future similar events
    • Search actions – You can now search for a dedicated action instead of scrolling through a long list
    • GPO templates were updated to support large scale environments with the following options:
      • Disable process flat views
      • Support active/passive mode & data collection interval
      • Default search population
      • Download the new GPO ADMX template via this link

Known issues

The following are known issues in version 7:

  • For AWS connections, when a data collector is set as a dedicated computer (and not console/monitor) the proxy settings are not passed to the data collector’s agent
  • Removing many computers (~1000) from the Console takes a lot of time (several minutes)
  • Changing the tree definitions to show full computer name might cause the Console to freeze
  • XenDesktop sessions with empty ‘Associated user’ field (a rare scenario which still creates sessions in the XD database) are counted for licensing purposes
  • Sometimes, after disconnecting from Hypervisors, XenDesktop sites or AWS Cloud connections, “orphan” computer records might remain in the real-time Computers view. Restart the console to remove these records (internal bug #29752)
  • Removing or adding logical disks on Managed Computers may cause ControlUp Agent service to log an error event to the Application log every 3 seconds until the next ControlUp Agent service restart

New Features and Enhancements:

Major Features

  • XenDesktop Support – ControlUp can now be integrated with XenDesktop to allow full visibility for XenDesktop-related objects and metrics, including:
    • Monitoring health and performance of VDAs and delivery controllers
    • Discovering and monitoring XenDesktop user sessions
    • Monitoring delivery groups
    • Manipulating Maintenance Mode for delivery groups and VDAs
  • Hyper-V Support – the hypervisor monitoring capabilities of ControlUp have been extended to include support for standalone and clustered Hyper-V hosts.
  • Application Load Time – ControlUp now has the ability to measure the time it takes every application to become available for the end user. The application’s load time in seconds is displayed in the Processes view. Average app load time for all processes is aggregated on the session, computer, and folder levels.

Minor Features

  • Protocol session bandwidth usage / bandwidth limit monitoring – the Sessions view now includes columns which displays the bandwidth usage and amount of bandwidth available in each ICA/PCoIP user session
  • Column presets for all views – ControlUp Console now supports configuring a column preset for each view on a per-folder basis. Use the Preset Settings tab of the Settings window to configure which columns will be displayed when focusing on a folder or drilling down into objects in a folder.
  • Script-based Actions enhancements
    • Actions on Hosts – script-based actions now support virtualization hosts as targets
    • Results export to Excel – the SBA results window can now be exported to Excel to allow for documenting output and advanced comparison of execution results
    • Export and Import – script-based actions can now be exported and imported as portable XML packages, which enables for sharing your SBAs with other users without uploading to the entire community
    • Suppressing the results window – Console-side SBAs can now be configured to hide the results window, which is useful when the SBA launches a third-party program
  • Create triggers from the Events pane – you can now right-click any Windows event in the Events pane to create an incident trigger for future similar events
  • Other new columns
    • User AD OU – for every user session, ControlUp now displays the name of the Organizational Unit in which the user’s account is located in Active Directory
    • User Full Name – the Sessions view now includes the full name of each user in Active Directory
    • PVS RAM Cache Usage – a more accurate and reliable metric for showing the amount of cache space used by PVS target device configured to use RAM cache
    • NIC Packet Errors and Dropped Packets – new metrics for virtualization hosts
    • Session Disconnection Rate – the Computers view now includes a measure of the rate at which user sessions are disconnecting
    • ICA Sessions Count – each computer will now show the number of ICA sessions established on it
  • Enhanced grouping in the Incidents pane – additional columns have been added to the group-by sidebar to enhance troubleshooting and investigating past incidents
  • Miscellaneous UI enhancements:
    • Improvements to the Events pane
    • Redesigned SBA store window
    • Enhanced navigation between the views
    • Adding the monitor schedule name to monitor settings pane
    • Sign-in wizard – display organization list in alphabetical order
    • Remember the console’s ribbon state, tree size and actions pane size
  • .NET 4.6 Support – ControlUp Agent now supports .NET Framework 4.6
  • XenServer SDK updated to v6.5

Before upgrading to v6:

  • ControlUp console and monitor now require .NET 4.5 or 4.6. Please ensure this feature is enabled on your OS before upgrading to v6. The .NET requirements for ControlUp agent are without change.
  • App Load Time monitoring is an experimental feature that is disabled by default. We recommend testing this feature in a controlled environment to prevent compatibility issues. To enable app load time monitoring on a testing computer, configure the following registry value:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smart-X\ControlUp\Agent\AppLoadTime
    • EnableMeasurement (REG_DWORD) = 1

    By default, this will enable app load time monitoring for the following processes: winword.exe, powerpnt.exe, excel.exe, outlook.exe, iexplore.exe, chrome.exe
    ControlUp Agent needs to be restarted after adding the registry value above.

  • Hyper-V integration is supported for hosts running Windows 2012 R2. In order to monitor Hyper-V hosts, they need to be added to ControlUp as managed computers prior to adding a hypervisor connection.
  • XenDesktop PowerShell SDK needs to be installed on all computers that will perform data collection (console, monitor and dedicated data collectors). To prevent all console and monitor instances from connecting directly to XenDesktop, it is recommended that a dedicated data collector for XenDesktop is configured in the connection properties window for the site.
  • In order to display the columns added in v6 in the grid, please open the Columns dialog box and click “Reset Defaults”. Otherwise, ControlUp will retain your column presets from the previous version, which do not include the new columns. This reset should be performed after upgrading to v6.

Known issues

  • Some files might remain in the ControlUp agent installation directory after uninstalling the agent
  • A connection to a Hyper-V host might fail with a “A item with the same key was already added” error
  • Data from XenDesktop Linux VDA might not be displayed correctly in ControlUp Console
  • When uninstalling .Net framework 4.5, it’s not possible to uninstall ControlUp agent. Workaround: re-install .Net framework 4.5 and then uninstall the agent
  • App Load Time does not work on Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 computers which do not support SHA-2 code signing.  Workaround: please follow
  • App Load Time measurement might be inaccurate for large (>100MB) Excel 2016 files (since they create a child process)
  • On rare occasions, ControlUp agent might cause .NET processes to remain running after their UI windows have been closed. This issue was observed only on Windows 2012 R2 servers.
    Workaround: configure the “handlefree” registry value:
    Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARESmart-XControlUpAgentExclusionRules
    Value Name: HandleFree
    Type: MultiString
    Value/s: Process names of the affected applications, one per row.
    As a result, process exit time and exit code for these processes will not be visible using ControlUp
  • On Windows 10 systems with Windows Defender enabled, console launch may be slow because of a thorough scan initiated by Defender
  • Protocol Bandwidth Session Avg / Limit – in some cases, due to environmental issues, these columns might display N/A even though the session is active. If you experience this issue please run the following command on the target computer and then restart the ControlUp agent –  regsvr32 /s “C:Program FilesCitrixICAServiceicaperf.dll” (
  • Hyper-V 2016 hosts were not tested and are not fully supported in this release

New Features and Enhancements:

  • ControlUp Insights – ControlUp Insights is an innovative web-based operational intelligence solution for monitoring and analysis of end-user computing environments. ControlUp Insights displays historical reports regarding activity and resource consumption in enterprise information systems, allowing for efficient troubleshooting of system issues, identifying trends, investigating past activity, and receiving other actionable information.ControlUp Insights can be accessed using a dedicated button on the Home ribbon of ControlUp Console or directly by URL: In the initial release of the portal, the following reports are offered:
    • Session Count – this report displays a chart with the number of concurrent user sessions and the number of monitored computers for the selected time period (1 week by default), as well a partition of all user sessions by status (active, idle, disconnected).
    • Session Activity – this report displays a table showing various properties (including session duration, client IP and name, logon duration, and more) of all user sessions established on your monitored computers during the selected time period (24 hours by default)
      • Sessions which were not reported as logged off will be displayed as “Still Active” or with the date and time during which they were last detected by ControlUp, with an exclamation mark.
    • Session Details – this report , accessible by clicking a row in the Session Activity table, displays a Gantt chart showing the timeline of activity in a single selected user session, including application, state transitions, resource consumption (CPU, RAM and I/O), and latency statistics.
    • Logon Duration – this report displays the logon duration average distribution over time, along with the number of logins performed during each time period, and a breakdown of the logon process duration into phases (Profile load, GP load, Desktop load, and other components). This report also displays a community benchmark for each chart.
    • Computer Trends – this report displays the distribution of performance statistics for the selected computers over time. The average values for CPU, RAM, I/O, and network utilization are plotted on a default timeframe of 1 week. Every data point can be clicked to reveal the top consumers for each performance metric.
    • Hosts Trends – this report displays the distribution of performance statistics for the selected virtualization hosts over time. The average values for CPU, RAM, I/O, I/O latency, and network utilization are shown, with the ability to reveal to consumers by clicking any data point.

    For an updated list of known issues in ControlUp Insights, please refer to the Known Issues document below.

  • Insights-related settings – The following supporting functions have been introduced to ControlUp console in order to control ControlUp Insights-related features:
    • Data Upload Settings – Starting with ControlUp v5, the Monitor service uploads activity data to ControlUp Insights by default. This behavior can be modified using Data Upload tab of the Settings window. This tab can also be used to disable or enable incidents reporting, configure bandwidth limits for data upload, and restrict data upload to a preconfigured schedule.
    • Insights Access Settings – by default, all ControlUp users are able to access reports in ControlUp Insights using their ControlUp username and password. Using the Insights Access tab of the Settings window you force all users in your organization to use dual-factor authentication for portal access. Also, you can limit access to the portal by providing a list of source IP ranges from which ControlUp Insights will be accessible.
    • Per-user Access Settings – by right-clicking the root folder in the organization tree and clicking Organization Properties, individual users can be granted or denied access to ControlUp Insights. To be able to modify these settings, the user must be granted the “Manage User Permissions for ControlUp Insights” organization-wide right in the Security Policy pane.
  • Citrix License Monitoring – when a Citrix License Server is added to ControlUp as a managed computer, the following new functionality is introduced:
    • Citrix Licenses view – Double-clicking on the license server in the Computers view reveals the Citrix Licenses tab (in addition to the Sessions and Processes tabs) which shows all licenses currently installed on the server along with real-time utilization information for every installed license.
    • License Utilization metric – The Computers view now features a “Top Citrix license utilization” column which displays the utilization percentage and the product name of the most heavily utilized Citrix license pool. This column is only applicable to Citrix license servers and will show N/A for all other computers. As any other metric, this column can be configured to influence the License Server’s Stress Level, thus allowing for alerts to be sent when license utilization crosses a configured threshold.
  • Session source branch name mapping – The Sessions view features a Branch Name column which can be used to display a friendly name for the subnet from which the user session originates. Using the Branch Mapping tab of the Settings window, a subnet-to-name mapping table can be configured manually or imported from Active Directory Sites and Services.
  • Controllers Export – the Controllers pane now allows for exporting comparison data for any registry key or value, system service, file, folder or network share. The Export functionality creates an Excel file containing the comparison table displayed in the rightmost panel of the Controllers pane.
  • Protocol Latency – the Sessions view now features a new column “Protocol Latency – Session Avg” which displays a moving average of the twenty most recent remote connection protocol latency samples. This column supports ICA and PCoIP latency, and displays the relevant value according to the type of remote connection protocol used in a session. This enables for monitoring user session latency regardless of the current state of the user session, in addition to the “ICA Latency – Last Recorded” column which only displays valid data when there is activity in the user’s session.
  • PCOIP session bandwidth – the Sessions view now features a “PCoIP Kbit/sec – Session Average” and “PCoIP Kbit/sec – Last Recorded” column which displays the bandwidth consumed by PCoIP for the user session. The average counter displays a moving average of 20 samples, and the “Last Recorded” column displays the last value.
  • Add computers with alternate DNS suffix – the Add Computers window now features an “Alternate Suffix” field which allows for adding computers with a DNS suffix different from the one used in the dNSHostName Active Directory attribute. This feature allows for adding managed computer in organizations with non-default DNS configurations and custom suffixes which are not identical to the computers’ domain FQDN.
  • Non-paged Pool Memory column – the Computers view now features a Non-paged Pool Memory metric which provides an estimate of the RAM cache used by the computer in Citrix PVS environments.
  • The Script-based Actions output window is redesigned to match the classic PowerShell look-and-feel and to improve the usability of script output comparison.

Bug Fixes:

  • #1919(ZD1131) – User cannot sign up with an email address ending with a 4-character suffix (*.info, *.muni, etc.)
  • #1912 – Test message is not sent when installing a new local SMTP server with credentials
  • #1882(ZD1079) – “Out of memory” exception when launching ControlUp console on some 32-bit versions of Windows
  • #1852(ZD1069) – “File not found” exception when exporting grid data to Excel
  • #3704 – Idle time not reported correctly for HDX console sessions (such as XenDesktop VDI sessions)

Known Issues:

  • Monitor service might fail starting after the server is rebooted following Windows Update. As a workaround, the monitor service can be set to Automatic (Delayed Start).

New Features and Enhancements:

  • User Logon Duration Columns – the Sessions view now displays the duration of the login process from the end user’s perspective, all the way from the moment the user is authenticated and ending with the moment when the desktop actually becomes responsive. This feature provides an accurate user experience metric which allows for identifying and troubleshooting slow logins and their causes. The following columns are added to the Sessions view:
    • Logon Duration – The interval between the end of the user’s authentication and the time when the desktop became available to the user, or when a published application was launched.
    • Profile Load Time – The loading time of the Windows user profile for the session.
    • Group Policy Load Time – The loading time of the user logon group policies, not including logon scripts.
    • Desktop Load Time – The interval between the beginning of desktop initialization and the time the desktop became available to the user.
    • Logon Duration – Other – The time taken by logon scripts, 3rd party profile management solutions, and other components that delayed the logon process.

The Computers view now includes an “Avg. Logon Duration” column which displays the average logon duration for all user sessions established on the computer.

The Folders view also includes an “Avg. Logon Duration” column which displays the average logon duration for all user sessions established on all computers in the folder.

  • Scalability improvements – ControlUp now supports larger environments and utilizes system resources more efficiently by leveraging the following mechanisms:
    • Regulating the rate of performance updates – ControlUp can now be configured to pull performance updates from the managed computers instead of receiving push updates. This enables a degree of control over the number of updates received by the console, thus decreasing the amount of CPU cycles and RAM required in order to process updates.
    • Disabling process views – The Processes view is the most densely populated view in ControlUp, which may contain millions of records in large organizations. ControlUp now supports disabling updates for processes, which dramatically decreases the number of records which the console is required to process. Even after disabling the Processes View, you can still view processes for an explicitly selected user session or computer, and continue receiving alerts on process-related events via ControlUp Monitor Service.
  • ControlUp Mobile Apps – brand-new mobile apps for iPhone and Android enable ControlUp users to receive and view alerts for any incident occurring on the managed computers (such as stress conditions, user logon/logoff events, Windows errors, and more). A new “Send Mobile Push Notification” follow-up action can be added to the existing incident triggers in order to deliver an alert in real-time when the incident occurs.
  • Minor Enhancements
    • Hypervisor Monitoring Delegation – the Security Policy can now be configured to limit access to hypervisor-related activity using the following permissions:
      • View Hypervisors – when granted, allows viewing hypervisor connections, hosts, and hypervisor-originated data about virtual machines.
      • Manage Hypervisors – when granted, allows creating, editing and deleting hypervisor connections.
    • Freeze first column – by default, the first column will be frozen in all of ControlUp’s views, preserving the name of the record in sight while scrolling the information grid sideways.
    • Show unmanaged VM’s display filter – the Display Settings drop-down on the Home Ribbon now includes a “Show Unmanaged VMs” filter option which controls whether to display virtual machines to which ControlUp Agent was not deployed.
    • Updated counter thresholds – the critical values for performance counters have been updated based on Citrix and VMware best practices as well as community data.

Bug Fixes:

  • The ControlUp Monitor status indicator may appear in red (disconnected) status following an intermittent disconnection from the cloud login services. The indicator behavior was enhanced by recovering automatically from temporary disconnections.

Known Issues:

  • Incident follow-up actions configured to use a local SMTP server with SSL might succeed initially but fail after the ControlUp Monitor service is restarted, in case the actual SMTP server does not support SSL. Errors while contacting such an SMTP server will be logged to the Application log on the console/monitor computer.
  • When changing the configuration of a monitor service, only the changes made to the last open tab of the monitor’s configuration are applied. As a workaround, settings changed on each tab of the monitor’s configuration need to be applied individually.

New Features and Enhancements:

–    Hypervisor Integration – ControlUp 4.0 extends the familiar monitoring and management functionality to include the virtualization infrastructure (vSphere and XenServer). This feature enables ControlUp users to:

o    Monitor the performance and health of virtualization hosts. The new Hosts view will show a variety of performance counters and system information for physical hypervisor servers. This view also enables the administrator to drill into each virtualization host to see all virtual machines running on it, thus enabling for faster and more efficient identification of performance bottlenecks and system issues related to the virtualization layer.
o    Visualize the impact of individual virtual machines and entire virtualized workloads on the performance on the resources provided by the virtualization hosts. This release adds a variety of metrics to the Computers view, which provide the hypervisor’s point of view with regard to resource consumption.
o    Receive performance updates and status information even when the operating system layer is inaccessible. By querying the virtualization infrastructure directly, ControlUp provides essential information for monitoring computers before ControlUp Agent is deployed (e.g. during boot time) and in cases where agent deployment is not possible (e.g. non-Windows virtual machines).
o    Perform actions at the hypervisor layer – manage the power state of your virtual machines without leaving ControlUp Console (e.g. hard reset an unresponsive VM) and perform a variety of virtualization-related system tasks using Script-based Actions.

–    ControlUp URLs (controlup://) – following numerous requests to allow for integration of ControlUp into various IT management and ticketing systems, ControlUp now supports for locating resources by clicking a URL-like link from any external source – an email, web page, or an external support system. For example, to launch (or bring forward) a ControlUp Console window while selecting a computer named SRV001, type:
in Windows Start > Run menu.
To display incidents related to a user named JohnD, use:

–    Detailed I/O metrics – several I/O-related columns have been added in order to enable tracking abnormal I/O activity to a single process. New I/O metrics have been introduced to the Processes, Sessions, and Executables views.
–    Sending Alerts Using a Local SMTP Server – ControlUp users in offline environments can now leverage existing SMTP servers on their local networks to support alerting on incidents. Users who already receive alerts from ControlUp cloud services can add local SMTP as an additional back-up option for alerting in case Internet connectivity becomes unavailable.

–    VMware Horizon 6 Support – the View-related session columns are populated correctly with the RTM version of Horizon View 6. Also, the computers view now includes a View Agent Version column.
–    Mobile push notifications (experimental) – incident triggers can now be configured to send a mobile push notification to the upcoming ControlUp app for Android and iPhone.
–    Account Management Window – The new “Account Management” option on the File menu allows ControlUp users to manage their account information, such as email address, password, alert subscription and activation.
–    Upgrade Monitor Service – when upgrading to a newer version of ControlUp, the monitor service can now be easily upgraded without reinstalling the monitor component.
–    Local Server Time Column – the Computers view now includes a Local Time column, which can be used to troubleshoot time synchronization issues.
–    Process Type column showing the bitness of processes – the Processes view now includes a bitness column, to distinguish between 32-bit and 64-bit processes.
–    New Process Actions (Priority, Affinity, Throttling) – the Processes view now supports changing the scheduling priority and processor affinity of any running process. It also allows for capping CPU utilization for any process to a user-configured threshold.
New Organization-wide Security Rights – You can now delegate access to the Incidents pane and the Events pane using dedicated organization-wide security rights, called “View Incidents” and “View Events”, respectively. By default, all organization members have access to these panes.
–    Domain Login Server Columns – the Computers and Sessions views now include the Logon Server column, which enables for identifying the Active Directory domain controllers used by your users and managed computers for authentication.
–    Freeze Column Button – similar to Excel, the information grid now supports freezing the selected column for more effective scrolling.

Notice for users upgrading from earlier versions of ControlUp:

–    The “Net bytes / sec” columns have been modified to display the value in Mbps. If you have configured any Stress Level thresholds on these columns, please adjust the threshold values accordingly.
–    The “XenDesktop VDA version” column has been renamed to “VDA Version” and is now applicable to both XenApp and XenDesktop VDA.
–    The “Terminal Services” action category was renamed to “Remote Desktop Services”.
–    The “Connect to Desktop” button was renamed to “RDP to Computer”.

Removed Features

–    Controllers for unavailable computers – for computers in Error and Disconnected status, the controllers (Manage Registry, Manage Services, Manage File System, Manage Programs and Updates) are no longer displayed on the context menu and action side panel. Since the computer is inaccessible, those actions would result in an error anyway.

Bug Fixes:

–    (#2527) – When the information grid is grouped by a field, any changed values for that field will cause the groups to collapse
–    (#2511) – When adding a custom event log to the Events pane, event collection would stop after ControlUp is restarted (Thanks to Urs Odermatt)
–    (#2502) – Some performance metrics were not displayed for system processes (smss.exe, csrss.exe and services.exe) in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
–    (#2099, #2191) – Script-based actions in Actions side panel and Security Policy are not sorted alphabetically.
–    (#2203) – Script-based actions configured to run on the console or on “other computer” were unavailable for disconnected computers.
–    (#2702) – ControlUp Console refuses to launch when the “Delete cached copies of roaming profiles” group policy setting is enabled (Thanks to Scott Lorenzen).
–    (#2990) – The “ICA Latency – Last Recorded”, “Citrix Receiver Version” and “Client IP” columns showed no values for XenDesktop ICA sessions (Thanks to Jason Samuel)
–    (#2728) – Disk and CPU columns in the Computers View are sometimes displayed as ERR.
–    (#2714) – “Failed to process computer snapshot” error message displayed upon first connection attempt to a managed computer on which the agent was deployed in installed (permanent) mode.
–    (#2631) – Incidents Pane appears disconnected from the cloud services if a proxy server is needed to access the Internet (Thanks to Geert van der Meulen)
–   (#2702) – ControlUp detects the admin user profile as temporary when the “Delete cached copies of roaming profiles” policy is enabled.
– (#3148) – Handling of Windows Events by ControlUp Monitor is improved in order to cut back on RAM consumption by the monitor service (Thanks to Kohath Ben-Israel and Jason Samuel).
– (#3142) – Registry and File System Controller actions might not respond on first try if the target location hasn’t been refreshed.
– (#3133) – Schedule settings for triggers other than Stress Level were ignored.
– (#3174) – “Manage SBA” permission was not enforced correctly (Thanks to Vern van den Boorn).

Known Issues:

•    Restoring ControlUp from minimized state might not work as expected in Windows 8 with animations enabled. When restored from the minimized state, only a small part of the ControlUp window is shown in the left top corner of the screen. Configuring Windows to disable unnecessary animations is a suggested workaround. The issue does not occur in later versions – Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2.
•    Stress Level details screen might flicker and disappear – when ControlUp is published as a XenApp published application, the Stress Level details screen (accessible by clicking the small triangle that appear in the upper-right corner of the cell when a performance threshold is breached) might flicker and disappear without any user intervention. This issue was seen in XenApp 5.x and XenApp 6.5 environments. A possible workaround is to enable the “Force raw mouse events to server” seamless flag as described in CTX101644.
•    Remote Assistance might fail with error 0x80070052 – this issue was seen only on Windows 2008 (non R2) servers when trying to remote assist minimized RDP sessions. A possible workaround is to maximize the target RDP session before attempting to remote assist the end user
•    VMware hypervisor connections may disconnect with “Cannot complete login due to an incorrect username or password” error message. This is a known issue with vSphere 5.1 / 5.5.
•    Permissions for VM Power Actions are not assigned by default to the “Organization Members” group by default and need to be explicitly granted.
•    Clicking on the “Freeze Column” button may cause the horizontal scroll bar to disappear from the information grid.
•    The state of the “Freeze Column” button is not saved upon quitting ControlUp.
• Deploying ControlUp Monitor to the local computer might fail. As a workaround, remove the AD connection to your own domain, or deploy the Monitor Service to (or from) a different computer.
• ControlUp Console utilizes OS components which are not compliant with FIPS. Please disable FIPS-enforcing policies before executing ControlUp.

Geek Stuff

–    The search box in My Organization pane can be switched to Advanced Mode, which enables instant filtering of the grid by searching in all record fields and not only the Name field (Thanks to Tamir Levy).
–    Added a customizable error message to be show when a user-provided script argument fails on validation.
–    Added a “Save Configuration” button to the File menu (Thanks to Al Boyce).
–    F5 can now be used to refresh the Incidents pane.
–    Enhanced contrast for numeric values in counters (Thanks to Ron Waselenchuk)
–    When sorted by any column, the grid will automatically jump to the top of the sorted list. This feature only works if no records are currently selected – press Escape and then sort to enable (Thanks to Ron Waselenchuk).
–    Concurrent agent connection and deployment can now be regulated by using a registry value: HKCUSoftwareSmart-XControlUpPreferencesThrottleThreadPoolCapacity (DWORD) (default thread count is 15)
–    Added a registry flag that disables incidents evaluation in ControlUp Console, for organizations in which ControlUp Monitor is installed and console performance is a concern: HKCUSOFTWARESmart-XControlUpConsoleDisableIncidents (DWORD) = 1
– The number of concurrent console connections to the agent was increased from the default WCF limit of 10 to 20. In order to manipulate this limit, use the following registry value on the managed computers: HKLMSoftwareSmart-XControlUpAgentmaxConnections (DWORD) = NUMBER

New Features and Enhancements:

 –  The Incidents Pane – ControlUp now supports monitoring a variety of system events and alerting you when they occur:
o    The following incidents are supported: event log entry recorded, process started / exited, session logged on / off, user session state changed, record stress level reached, computer down. A variety of filters can be configured for every incident, to ensure incidents are recorded only for relevant objects.
o    E-mail alerts can be configured to be delivered to any ControlUp user in the organization when an incident occurs.
o    ControlUp Cloud Analytics will deliver dynamic incident triggers based on vendor recommendations and industry best practices.
–    Monitor Service – ControlUp now supports passive monitoring using ControlUp Monitor, which eliminates the need to keep a ControlUp console open in order to record incidents and receive alerts. The Monitor can be deployed on a headless server and will automatically connect to all computers in the organization to ensure continuous monitoring and incident reporting.
–    Script-based actions – ControlUp users can now create their own management actions using their scripting language of choice – PowerShell, VBS or batch file (CMD). The custom management actions can be assigned to any managed resource in ControlUp (folder, computer, user session or executable) and can be shared with the user’s colleagues in the organization as well as with ControlUp users worldwide. ControlUp will let you know whenever new script-based actions are published by members of the ControlUp user community and offer you to download them for use in your environment.
–    Additional Citrix columns in the Computers View – following numerous requests from our user community, we have added several useful metrics for XenApp and XenDesktop environments:
o    XenApp Load Evaluator
o    XenApp Worker Group Name
o    XenApp Farm Name
o    XenApp Zone Name
o    XenApp Zone Data Collector Name
o    Number of XenApp Published Applications
o    XenApp Is Data Collector
o    XenApp Version
o    XenApp Edition
o    ICA session round-trip / latency
o    ICA session bandwidth
o    XenDesktop Desktop Group
o    XenDesktop Farm Name
o    XenDesktop – Desktop Kind
–    VMware Horizon View columns – the Sessions View now includes several columns displaying several parameters for on users sessions established on virtual desktops running VMware Horizon View. Available data includes: View Client Connection Server URL, View Client Protocol, View Client Domain, View Client Tunnel, View Client Type).
–    Other new Columns and Actions – additional built-in columns (Processor Queue Length, PVS vDisk Name, Number of CSG Connections) and actions (Set Process Priority, Diagnostic Actions) are now available, following requests from our user community.
–    Diagnostic Actions – the context menus in the Computers View and in the organization tree now include the ability to perform various diagnostic actions (such as ping, tracert, nslookup, remote WMI test) on you machines. Those actions are always available, even when ControlUp Agent on the target machine is unavailable.
–    User Interface Lockdown – In case some ControlUp users in your environment need not be aware of some views, actions or panes, it is now possible to hide any user interface component in ControlUp by using a Group Policy administrative template. This effectively allows for delegating permissions even in offline environments in which the Security Policy is unavailable.
–    Per-folder column presets – Sysadmins around the world seem to find a great variety of resources to monitor using ControlUp. It is now possible to assign a column preset to each folder in your ControlUp organization, so that each type of resources – RDS, desktops, general purpose servers and others – are shown with the most relevant columns.
–    Fast login –Come here often? We have transformed ControlUp login process so that it happens in the background. In order to enjoy this feature, select the “Login Automatically” checkbox on the login screen, and the “Always Use this Organization” checkbox on the next window. Starting with the next launch of ControlUp, the login process will happen in the background.
–    .Net Framework 4.5 support – for monitoring computers running Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, we have added support for .Net 4.5 which is enabled by default on these operating systems. From now on, it is not necessary to enable .Net 3.5 features if 4.5 is already enabled.
–    Enhanced console and agent logging – troubleshooting ControlUp is now easier than ever – just place a logging configuration file next to the console / agent executable and get an instant activity log, which can be used for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.
–    Improved performance for large environments – ControlUp console and agent behavior is optimized to improve scalability and responsiveness even in large user populations (up to 20,000 concurrent user sessions!).
–    Adding Custom Event Logs other than System, Application, and Security to the Events pane to enable monitoring events from non-default logs, such as DNS, Active Directory and third-party applications.
–    Personalized RDP Settings – Remote Desktop connection settings such as screen resolution and resource mapping are considered private, so each ControlUp user can save their own personalized settings without affecting other users.
–    Get Session Screenshot granular permissions – now you can configure who is permitted to take screenshots of user sessions, with a separate permission for every notification level (no notification, user notification, user approval).
–    Parent Record View – when drilling into a record (folder, computer, or session) ControlUp will display all child objects like before. In addition, the parent (double-clicked) record will be shown on top of the grid. This behavior can be disabled using Display Options (thanks to Robert Skinner)
–    Set Process Priority – added an ability to change the CPU priority for any process (thanks to Jose Ramon)
–    Organization Properties – available when right-clicking the root folder, allows you to see which users have logged into your organization and invite other colleagues to ControlUp (thanks to Cian Allner).
–    ICA Session Latency– added a Session Latency column for ICA sessions hosted on Citrix XenApp 6.5 and later (thanks to Decisive Solutions)
–    Launch Event Viewer from untrusted domains and forests – you can now invoke this action on machines that belong to Active Directory domains and forests with which your workstation does not have a trust relationship (requested by Matt Goulding).
–    Hide computers with errors – in some environments, like VDI pools, many computers are normally powered down. This new display option enables you to prevent the grid from displaying computers which ControlUp was unable to reach.
–    System process – The Processes view now displays the System (PID 4) process (thanks to Manigandan Pasupathy). This feature is not supported on computers running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
–    License consumption details – the About > Licensing window now shows a detailed count of consumed licenses by type – user sessions, general-purpose servers and workstations.
–    Send to friend – recommend ControlUp to your friends and colleagues using the Help menu and from the organization properties window.

Notice for users upgrading from earlier versions of ControlUp:

•    With ControlUp 3, the list of displayed columns for every view is a shared setting. When the first user in the organization upgrades to ControlUp 3, their personal column display preferences are copied to the organization’s central configuration. All subsequent ControlUp users in the same organization will see the same columns as the first user, regardless of their previous preferences. Please note that the order of displayed columns is still a personal setting, which means that in case admin A wants to see column X and admin B prefers to see column B, both columns should be added and each admin can drag and arrange the columns in their preferred order.

•    In case you configured  a rule on your firewall / proxy server to allow ControlUp login, you will need to add the following destinations to this rule:,,,,,

•  Important: the %appdata%ControlUp folder should be backed up and deleted in case you would like to run ControlUp v2 again after upgrading to v3. If this directory is not deleted before reverting to the earlier version, some inconsistent settings may appear, but no damage to your configurations is expected.

Removed Features

–    Extract Agent MSI – standalone packages for ControlUp Agent are now available as a separate download from here.
–    File copy to session – this session-level action is no longer available

Bug Fixes:

•    (#1567) Change folder / computer description permissions are not enforced correctly
•    (#1575) ControlUp Agent uses an unquoted service path
•    (#1579)  RDP Connection preferences are saved in public configuration
•    (#1583) The Super Message action may leave behind a running process if no user feedback is received
•    (#1593) Stress Level may not be updated in a timely fashion (fix also included in maintenance version
•    (#1739)  %appdata% directory is created when ControlUp is launched using the “Run As” option
•    (#1748) Event Types in the Events Pane Settings are not saved when exiting ControlUp
•    (#1810) Performance data is not retrieved for computers with no paging file

Known Issues:

•    Restoring ControlUp from minimized state might not work as expected in Windows 8 with animations enabled. When restored from the minimized state, only a small part of the ControlUp window is shown in the left top corner of the screen. Configuring Windows to disable unnecessary animations is a suggested workaround. The issue does not occur in later versions – Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2.
•    Stress Level details screen might flicker and disappear – when ControlUp is published as a XenApp published application, the Stress Level details screen (accessible by clicking the small triangle that appear in the upper-right corner of the cell when a performance threshold is breached) might flicker and disappear without any user intervention. This issue was seen in XenApp 5.x and XenApp 6.5 environments. A possible workaround is to enable the “Force raw mouse events to server” seamless flag as described in CTX101644.
•    Remote Assistance might fail with error 0x80070052 – this issue was seen only on Windows 2008 (non R2) servers when trying to remote assist minimized RDP sessions. A possible workaround is to maximize the target RDP session before attempting to remote assist the end user.

•    Focus on a folder in large environments may be slower than in ControlUp 2.0. This behavior is by design and is aimed to preserve the stability of the grid with a large number of records.

•    In offline environments, you need to manually copy the organization config file (%AppData%ControlUpConfigurationorg_guid.xml) to the Monitor Service configuration directory after the setup process (e.g. C:WindowsServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingControlUpConfiguration)

•  Incident triggers on sessions and processes cannot be filtered by the CPU Utilization column – when configuring a filter for incident triggers with a condition on the CPU Utilization column, an “Invalid attribute” message is displayed.

•  Deploying ControlUp Monitor to the local computer might fail – as a workaround, remove the AD connection to your own domain, or deploy the Monitor Service to (or from) a different computer.

•  Using wildcards in incident trigger filters – when including a “*” (asterisk) wildcard in incident trigger filters, the filter matching behavior changes so that the search term is matched as a substring, and the wildcard expects a non-zero string. For example, “test*” will match “test1”, “test111”, “1test1”, “111test111”, but will NOT match “test”, “1test”, or “111test” since “*” expects at least one character after “test”.

•  Console logs off automatically after a few minutes – ControlUp users working with a free license might experience the console logging off automatically a few minutes after logging on. This behavior may occur on computers that have been up for more than 49 days. This issue results from a flaw in computing the uptime of the operating system and will be resolved in release 4.0 of ControlUp. In order to work around this issue, reboot the computer on which ControlUp console is executed. The issue should not occur on computers with uptime less than 49 days.


Organizations created using ControlUp 3.0 have an updated set of thresholds for Stress Level calculation. ControlUp organizations created in earlier versions of ControlUp are not affected by this change. The updated values are:
o    Memory (Private Bytes and Working Set) for sessions – high threshold is now 1GB and mid threshold is 500MB
o    Memory Usage for Computers – high threshold is now 90%
o    Free Space on System Drive – high threshold is 500MB and mid threshold is 1GB
o    CPU Usage for Computers – mid threshold is now 70%

New Features and Enhancements:

Central Configuration* – from now on, ControlUp users in the same organization may collaborate on managing and monitoring the same resources! Your tree of computers is securely shared with your colleagues and updated on-the-fly as computers are added or removed. Other organization-wide settings are also shared, which promotes effective team work and speeds up IT operations.

– Security Policy* – every management action within ControlUp can now be restricted for use by designated administrators or help-desk personnel. Using a role-based security model, you can now control what resources are visible to each administrator and what management actions are available to them.

Note: In order to maintain compatibility with previous versions of ControlUp, out-of-the-box security settings permit all organization members to add managed computers and edit the organization tree. However, only users with local administrative privileges on the managed computers will be allowed to run management actions. For more information, please refer to the “Secure Your Organization” chapter of ControlUp Online Documentation.

* – These Enterprise-Mode features require Internet connectivity since they rely on ControlUp Secure Cloud Services. ControlUp users in offline and isolated environments may opt for Standalone Mode, which does not support Central Configuration and Security Policy.

Stress Level Customization – the value of the Stress Level column is now sensitive to a larger set of conditions. When a performance counter threshold is crossed for a configured period of time, it will trigger a customizable increase in the Stress Level value. You can adjust these settings independently for each resource, thus ensuring that red alerts are always meaningful and informative.

Folders View – this fresh view summarizes and displays data from resources you have chosen to group in folders. You can now quickly assess the total user load on your server farm or monitor averages for selected performance counters on similar computers.

Controllers Pane – in this new pane you will find your favorite multi-target management tools for registry, Windows services and file system. This pane is also home of the new Programs and Updates Controller, which allows for comparing installed software on multiple machines.

New Management Actions and Data Columns – Flush DNS cache, send Wake-On-LAN signal and display a wealth of new performance metrics, including XenApp and XenDesktop counters recommended by Citrix in Operations Guide: Monitoring.

Brand-new Look and Feel – ControlUp has a new Metro-style user interface, with management actions arranged in ribbons. The new Actions sidebar makes your favorite actions even more easily accessible, and the context menu is dynamically updated according to the actions currently permitted.

Full Screen Display – Hit F11 to go full-screen and show ControlUp on that big display! Action ribbons and sidebars can be collapsed to maximize screen space for performance data.

Settings Window – all ControlUp settings and preferences are now grouped in a single window.

Notice for users upgrading from earlier versions of ControlUp:

– As a security precaution, once you modify the default Security Policy of your organization using ControlUp version 2.0, this organization will no longer be accessible by users of ControlUp’s earlier versions. Therefore, we recommend upgrading users not to modify the Security Policy until all ControlUp users in the organization have upgraded their installations. If the Security Policy was modified and users of ControlUp 1.x are unable to log in to the organization, please instruct them to replace their ControlUpConsole.exe with the new one, downloaded from our Smart-X website.

Bug Fixes:

– (#1144) After selecting multiple computers from the grid and choosing the Remove from organization action, the “No Computers were added” message is shown.

– (#1153) When a user in evaluation mode and receives an offline file, the yellow evaluation mode notice above the grid stays, and the status bar displays Evaluation in status.

– (#1164) When focused on a folder, the Processes table shows processes that run on machines that are not in the focused folder.

– (#1167) The tab skip on the Create Value window of the Registry Controller is in wrong order

– (#1229) Send Super-Message to a large number of user sessions fails before completion.

– (#1527) Stress Settings may be edited even with its Security Policy is “not set”

– (#1526) “Import Registry” and Session File actions are not greyed out properly

– (#1532) Added “Launch Controllers” security right that allows to control access to the Controllers UI.

– (#1543) Under rare conditions, TSAPI calls fail and cause high memory usage by ControlUp Agent.

– (#1567) Change Folder/ computer description permission not properly enforced

– (#1568) A corrupted configuration cache file causes a failure to log on to and organization in Enterprise-Mode

Known Issues

RDP connections to Windows XP computers may fail.

Programs and Updates Controller may fail to present the entire list of programs, if details regarding one of the installed programs cannot be retrieved. The user sees an empty “Programs” folder in the controller, and the computer causing the issue is shown in black with a message “An error occurred while invoking operation…”.

Latest build:

Release Date: September 12, 2012

New Features and Enhancements:

–    First-time-use experience enhanced by introducing a brand-new evaluation mode and login wizard:

o    Evaluation Mode – new users may enjoy a fully functional  version of ControlUp for 1 week from download, without creating an online account and without creating a ControlUp organization. You can create your free ControlUp user account at any time by clicking on the yellow bar on top of the grid or using the “Register Now” button on the system menu.

o    Login wizard – it is now easier to create accounts, choose your organization and request an offline license.

–    Installed RAM is now updated as a dynamic value, in case your VMs get more memory allocated while running.

–    ControlUp can now manage machines running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (RC). Support for RTM version cannot yet be guaranteed, but users are encouraged to report any compatibility issues.

–    Frequent Event Filter notification pop-ups may now be disabled. (Thanks to Itzik and Olivia). In case you choose to turn off these notifications, please review you event filter settings in order to avoid storing an excessive number of events.

–    Help Menu – the following features are now available using the Help menu button: Check for new version, Report bug, Feature request, Ask the Support Team, About, Licensing and Download the User Guide.

–    “Show Auto Connect State” checkbox on the tree view– if you would like to change the automatic connection settings for your computers, you can do so by quickly selecting a checkbox next to each computer in the tree.

–    Added an option to remember previously used Active Directory connections, while suppressing connection failures for workgroup machines.

–    “Page Faults/sec” column replaced by “Pages/sec”, which includes only hard page faults and better indicates memory issues.

–    The Navigation Bar can now be closed using “View Options” and by right-clicking the bar itself.

Bug Fixes:

–    XenApp Server Load column occasionally displays an ERR value, while a valid value is reported by qfarm /load
–    Citrix Provisioning Services 6 does not enumerate NICs correctly when ControlUp agent version 1.3.0 and earlier is running (thanks to Daniel Negru and Simon Teale)
–    “Error Code 1” when modifying service properties using the Services Controller (thanks to Haim Eshed)
–    “Error in dsCache” displaying Active Directory Connections upon login on a workgroup machine (thanks to Cesar Diaz)
–    “Logon failure” message while sending a Super-Message (thanks to Ray McDonnell)
–    Sessions that have been disconnected for a few days show 0 in the number of processes
–    Error loading a registry import file (thanks to David Zitoun)
–    ControlUp window starts in minimized state if the last window state was not maximized
–    Show System Sessions reverts back to enabled each time you restart the ControlUp console
–    Maximum row height is unmanageable in the Events pane (thanks to Jon Fessler)

New Features and Enhancements:

Remote Desktop Pane – all Remote Desktop connections and their parameters are now displayed in a searchable and sortable grid view, which is accessible using a persistent “Connections” tab. Using this grid view, you can quickly locate your connections and edit their properties.

Support for multiple Active Directory environments – ControlUp can now monitor and manage computers from different Active Directory domains and forests, even if there are no trusts between these environments.

Support for standalone operation – The Windows user running ControlUp no longer has to be logged on to an Active Directory domain. You can now supply administrative credentials for any accessible domain and use ControlUp console even on machines that do not belong to a domain. (Domain membership and local administrative privileges are still mandatory for managed computers).

Secure Credentials Store – User credentials can now be saved securely for reuse in ControlUp’s different tasks – management actions, Remote Desktop connections and Active Directory connections.

Enhanced File System Controller – actions previously available on the “Files” menu (Copy file, Delete file) as well as many other file system operations are now available exclusively from within the File Systems Controller.

Registry Import – The Registry Controller now allows importing .reg files into the managed computers’ registries. Importing .reg files into user hives is supported using an action available in the Session view.

New monitoring columns – Several new parameters are available for display for every monitored computer:

  • Citrix XenApp farm load – the load parameter traditionally displayed using the “qfarm /load” command (on Citrix XenApp servers only)
  • Citrix XenApp logon status for Citrix XenApp RDS (supported starting XenApp version 6.5)
  • Free Space on System Drive – similar to the existing free space counters, displaying data for the system drive only
  • Physical disk performance – Avg. Disk sec / Read and Avg. Disk sec / Write performance counters
  • Network utilization – Bytes Received / sec and Bytes Sent / sec

User Session Domain Column  – a new “DNS Domain” column is available in the Sessions view, which allows for identification of user sessions established on computers from different domains

Agent Customization registry entries – ControlUp now supports customizing the cuAgent behavior by configuring registry values on the managed computers. These values may be created simultaneously on multiple machines using the Registry Controller.

  • Exclude drives from free space calculation – It is now possible to exclude disk drives from free space calculation counters.
  • Sensitive processes exclusion – Certain security solutions report malicious activity when a program attempts to obtain data about their processes. It is now possible to configure a list of sensitive processes not to be probed for performance data.
  • Toggle IPv6 address display – by default, IPv6 addresses are not displayed in the “IP Addresses” column. This behavior may be changed by setting a registry key on the managed computer/s.
  • Custom server load values for Citrix XenApp servers – When using the “Citrix XenApp Server Load” column for stress level calculation, custom values may be configured to be displayed in case the server is not included in the “qfarm /load” output and in case the server load is zero. This may be useful to identify abnormal conditions in your XenApp farm.

New methods for adding managed computers – It is now possible to add computers to ControlUp using an IP range scan, by selected IP address or using a text file.

Deleting multiple registry values in Registry Controller – Added multi-select functionality for deleting registry values and instances.

Search Computers by IP address – the Computers View now allows searching for computers by entering an IP address as well as a computer name in the “Search Computers” box.

Scheduled Export – Every view in “My Organization” pane can be configured to automatically export from the information grid to a CSV file on a scheduled basis using the drop-down “Schedule Export” near the Export button on the Command Bar.

Known Issues:

Due to operating system limitations, the following operations will not be available when no trust relationship exists between the managed computer/s and the computer running ControlUp:

  • Launch Event Viewer remotely
  • “Send Files Here” and “Gather” actions in File Systems Controller
  • “Shares” Controller

Latest build:

Release Date: February 08, 2012

Known issues:

Users upgrading from earlier versions are advised to make the following modifications in order to continue using ControlUp:

  • Re-submit your Offline Authentication Request – if you are using ControlUp in an offline environment, please note that Offline Authentication Files issued for earlier
    versions of ControlUp are no longer supported in this version. Please re-submit your request for offline authentication from the login window.
  • RDP authentication – this version includes an enhanced RDP client which supports authenticated Remote Desktop sessions. In order to support this functionality, please re-enter any credentials you have saved in the Remote Desktops pane.

Semantic changes:

  • Computers pane renamed to My Organization pane
  • Actions pane renamed to Actions History pane
  • Registry and Services Dashboards renamed to Controllers

New Features and Enhancements:

  • The user interface’s look and feel re-designed, including better screen space usage, new icons and more visual enhancements.
  • File System Controller (experimental) – a revolutionary built-in utility that allows multi-target operations on file systems of remote computers, including file property comparison, file manipulations, gathering and distributing files, editing security and more.
  • .Net Framework automated deployment – when adding computers running Windows Vista / Server 2008 or later versions, you can deploy .Net Framework remotely from the “Add Computers” wizard
  • A new “Stress Level” column added to all views in the “My Organization” pane (formerly “Machines” pane). This column displays a measure (None, Low, Medium, High, Critical) calculated using the number of performance columns currently in red or yellow range. By sorting the tables by this column, it’s easier to identify performance bottlenecks and prioritize their severity.
  • Column Thresholds Configuration UI – you can now configure custom thresholds for color-coding performance columns using the column selection window.
  • System Tray Notifications – the console’s default closing behavior is changed to minimize ControlUp to the system tray. It is now possible to configure ControlUp to display a bubble notification in the system tray whenever resources reach a certain stress level.
  • – Navigation bar includes buttons for recently visited views, which allow the user to quickly switch to recently visited locations
  • All Controllers (formerly Dashboards) now display the status of every monitored instance in a grid view on the left
  • Registry and Services actions are removed from the action menus – please use the enhanced Registry and Services Controllers
  • Order of items on actions context menus changed to promote more popular actions
  • Added “Remove from Organization” action for installed agents
  • RDP advanced tab added to the Properties of folders and computers in the Remote Desktop pane to support RDP authentication options (No authentication, Require authentication, Attempt authentication). Use this option if you receive an authentication error when establishing an RDP connection.
  • Default sort – all tables in “My Organization” pane are now sorted by the “Name” column
  • Persistent sort – ControlUp will remember the column by which you sorted each table after you close the console.
  • Crash reporting – when an unexpected error occurs, ControlUp will present a “Bug Report” window will full technical support information at next launch

Events Pane:

  • Added Export to Excel functionality for events
  • Added ability to filter events by log type in the tree view on the left
  • Added ability to open Event Viewer remotely and establish an RDP session to the target computer by right-clicking an event
  • content
  • content

System menu:

  • Added the “Ask the Support Team” option for submitting queries to Smart-X Support
  • Added a “Save configuration” option to save user settings on demand

Bug Fixes:

  • ControlUp agent consumes a high CPU load upon initial connection – fixed by improving the initialization process for stressed machines
  • Computers remain in “Loading” state after initial connection
  • Agent version upgrade targets computers that do not need an upgrade
  • First usage dialog is presented repeatedly in offline environments
  • An unsizable checkbox column is displayed in certain screen resolutions
  • Impersonation failed when including domain name in the user name field
  • Managed resources from different time zones may show invalid values for time-based columns
  • Various exceptions reported by the ControlUp community

Latest build:

Release Date: November 6, 2011
Bug Fixes:

  • Increased the stability of environment detection, which prevents irrelevant organizations from being displayed on the Login Wizard.
  • Improved functionality for user accounts belonging to a domain with no direct trust with the domain containing the managed computers.
  • Empty captions displayed in Registry Dashboard when grouping values
  • 354. Screenshot save ability added
  • 361. Move registry key functionality improved
  • 381. Services dashboard fails multi-target operations when one of the target computers is unavailable
  • 383. Run process fails if exe file extension not specified
  • 401. No way to re-open the monitor pane after closing it
  • 469. Customized column XML settings are not applied – see documentation
  • Large integer registry values displayed incorrectly in Registry Dashboard
  • Exception of type ‘NullReferenceException’ when expanding registry keys on the registry dashboard
  • Several Exceptions of different types occurred when launching ControlUp Console when the Domain Controller of the current domain is unavailable
  • A series of exceptions occurred when moving the mouse over the main grid control
  • Other Exceptions reported by ControlUp community
  • Services Dashboard ‘Grouping’ doesn’t work
  • When action fails, ControlUp Agent logs an empty event log entry

New Features and enhancements:

  • Machine RAM on Machines View is now rounded to 128 MB, so small differences in RAM are not displayed.
  • Added an About screen on the system menu with links to product documentation and website
  • Added a “Search In” functionality to the Events View, which enables the user to search Google, and TechNet for information about events reported by the managed computers
  • 364. Added “Close all tabs” and “Close other tabs” functionality to the Remote Desktops View
  • 387. Added additional agent information to the Uninstall key when deployed in permanent mode
  • 398. Added F2 shortcut for renaming computer folders
  • 403. Memory utilization is rounded to whole percents by default (existing XML settings are not affected)
  • 407. Added “Clear All” functionality for events
  • 451. Added an “Enable/Disable Ping test” option and “Retry selected” option to Add Computers
  • 466. All action failure events are now documented in the console machine’s Application log
  • 478. Added support for agent downgrade to previous ControlUp version
  • 526. “Rename” functionality on Remote Desktop Connections deprecated
  • Ability to permanently block taking session screenshot without user approval or notification for a given organization or environment
  • Access the ‘Privacy Policy’ directly from within ControlUp Console.
  • Added an About Screen on the system menu
  • From now on, a managed computer cannot be controlled simultaneously from more than one console run by the same ControlUp user
  • When the Domain Controller of the current user domain is unavailable, a proper message appears
  • UI enhancements to the ‘Action Results Screen’ of the Services Dashboard
  • Wording enhancement to the Agent Control Progress Window
  • Wording enhancement to the ‘Welcome’ wizard
  • Added an uptime column in the Machines View
  • Improved version update mechanism
  • Improved the process of reconnecting to computers after reboot
  • The display name for ControlUp Agent service is now “ControlUp Agent”. Added description for service.

ControlUp is now officially Citrix Ready !

Latest build:

Release date: August 18, 2011
Bug Fixes:

  • 262. Machines appearing to report data during reboot / shutdown
  • 268. Registry dashboard fails to display keys with illegal characters
  • 276. An handled exception on services dashboard when updating services retrieval errors.
  • 317. Reconnect to agent server fails after restart
  • 340. Logoff action appears to fail when the user is effectively logged off
  • 346. Exception raised when using an asterisk in “Add Computers” wizard
  • 348. RDP connection raises an exception if double-clicked twice quickly
  • 350. Send request is enabled prematurely before logon
  • 351. Icon missing on Proxy Settings button
  • 354. File type option empty on “Save Sessions Screenshot” dialog
  • 372. Column grouping still active even if disabled globally
  • 385. Processes count remains on
  • 393. “Select All” takes a long time to complete
  • 400. First-time-use screen appears behind the splash screen
  • 401. No way to re-open the “Monitor” screen after closing it
  • 408. Column grouping enabled by default
  • Various fixes for Remote Assistance and Remote Control behavior – Various services dashboard stability issues fixed
  • Automatic updates bug fix (build 97)

New Features and enhancements:

  • 314. “Select All” using “Ctrl+A”
  • 264. Copy / Move registry key dialog box enhanced
  • 265. Added ability to rename a folder in the hierarchy view
  • 269. Login grace period enabled for ControlUp Login Services downtime
  • 273. Added columns to Machines: Minimum and Maximum available disk space
  • 274. Added columns to Executables: Maximum, Minimum and Average Memory
  • 286. Computers sorted alphabetically in “Add Computers” wizard
  • 287. Disk Queue and Minimum Disk Space columns displayed by default
  • 288. “Copy key name” added to Registry Dashboard
  • 387. Agent installation package details added to “Add/Remove Programs”
  • 391. Memory (Private Bytes) column displayed by default in Processes view
  • 398. Added F2 keyboard shortcut for renaming folders – Event Filter functionality stabilized and enhanced