ControlUp Beta Program

Be among the first to explore what is coming from Controlup! You will get to use features and play around with new releases before anyone else.

How do I join?

Fill out the form on the right side of this page and we’ll notify you whenever there is a new beta available.

Please note: Some beta may be limited to a certain number of users and registering to the beta program does not guarantee you will be selected for all programs.

How to get help and provide feedback

Your feedback is extremely valuable to us.

During the beta period, you can share feedback, report any bugs you find, or ask questions in our CU community on Slack under beta channel. Not a member yet? Click here to join!

Dedicated email address -

Keep an eye out for an email with further details when the beta begins.

Please register for the ControlUp Beta Program, even if you have previously enrolled.

Thanks for registering!
Keep an eye out for an email with further details when the beta begins.