ControlUp Release Notes

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Real-Time DX Release Notes

Released: January 20th, 2025

Current build: 548

New features

Monitor Independent Sites

ControlUp Monitor sites can now operate independently from one another, eliminating their reliance on a single Master Monitor. If you monitor a large organization, you can divide your main monitor site into smaller, self-sufficient sites that work independently to enhance scalability and fault tolerance.

Site-Level Permissions for Shared Credentials

To prevent running distributed queries on monitors that don’t contain relevant site data for a user, we now assess the site-level permissions of the user logged into VDI & DaaS. You can also assign permissions for shared credentials to specific users, and assign specific credentials to specific security roles.

Cloud Connection Enhancements

You can now create multiple Azure connections for the same subscription using either PowerShell cmdlets or the Real-Time DX Console. Assign specific resource groups to each connection to improve data collection granularity. This optimizes performance by utilizing a data collector closer to your virtual endpoints.

Built-In Sync Script Enhancements

You can now map the names of folders or FQDN of machines to a specific folder path using the Real-Time DX Console. This enables you to easily customize folder mapping synchronization for EUC or AVD machines, allowing for flexible and precise mapping based on your environment’s requirements.

Improved Query Performance

Queries in VDI & DaaS now load data continuously, allowing data to be displayed incrementally even before the full data set is retrieved from the monitors. This significantly reduces wait times and improves user experience for large data sets.

New PowerShell Cmdlets

Use new PowerShell cmdlets to perform the following configurations.

Manage Cloud Connections Cmdlets


Breakdown Cloud Connections Cmdlets


Manage Sites Cmdlets


Environment Configuration Cmdlet 


Known Issues

Real-Time DX 

  • 204578: The Invoke-CUAction PowerShell cmdlet might not accept user input parameter values.
  • 207748: ControlUp Agents with many sessions might consume up to 12% CPU.
  • 221633: There’s a discrepancy in how the value of “Outbound Connected Agents”’ is displayed in telemetry, but it doesn’t impact functionality or underlying data integrity.
  • 222017: CVAD 2411 isn’t currently supported. We are actively working on a solution, and a new 9.0.5 build will be released to include support for CVAD 2411.
  • 222029: The cuMonitor.exe process continues to run after its monitor service is stopped.
  • 222582: When adding a new connection in the Real-Time DX Console, the Credentials list flickers if its length exceeds the dialog box.
  • 222833: ControlUp Agent and Real-Time Agent Manager can’t be installed if .NET Core version 8 is installed on the same system.
  • 224129: The Console crashes if left open past the timeout with an error “NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
  • 224277: After running the Add-CUHorizonPod PowerShell cmdlet, the specified Connection Servers Failover List isn’t applied.
  • 224546: When disconnected from the cuAgent, the cuAgent protocol overrides the HDX protocol in the Session view of the Console.
  • 224553: When adding a Hypervisor connection in the Console, a Hyper-V virtual machine can’t be added.
  • 224627: After running the Update-CUHorizonPod PowerShell cmdlet, the specified Connection Servers Failover List isn’t applied.
  • 224999: If in DEX Global Settings (, the Session Timeout for the Real-Time DX Console is set to a certain time (default is 24 hours) and the Real-Time DX Console is left open for longer than the Session Timeout, the Console might freeze and not get logged out as it should.
  • 233920: When Independent Site Configuration is enabled, adding a domain assigned from one site to another site throws an error “One or more validation errors occurred.”
  • 233936: When Independent Site Configuration is enabled and a Console is open on each site, after closing the Consoles one site throws an error “NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
  • 223077: Data processes uploaded to monitors may be bloated if the machines are running Real-Time DX agent version 9.0 or lower.


Web Interface

  • 221312: The topology is grayed out when focusing on Site Monitors.
  • 233731: After running an action on an agent machine, the Requesting User column doesn’t display data in the VDI and DaaS Audit Log.
  • 233867: The topology widget Citrix Sites doesn’t display the correct count of sites listed in the grid.
  • 233869: The topology widgets Citrix Sites and Delivery Groups don’t list the same actions available for Citrix Delivery Group in the Console.
  • 233901: The topology widget Processes doesn’t list the same actions available for Processes in the Console.
  • 233896: When viewing Machines in the topology details in the web UI, you may not see the option Send Wake On LAN signal in the right-click menu of a machine. This option does appear in the Real-Time DX console.

Released: September 15, 2024

Current build: 423

New features

Web Login 

Log into the Real-Time DX Console through a browser with your ControlUp account. You no longer need an Active Directory or a domain user. You can use SAML SSO or Azure/Google OAuth to access the Console, and you can use SSO groups to manage Console permissions. User management is also simplified because you now access the Real-Time Console and with the same account.

Trigger Management with PowerShell cmdlets

You can now create, read, update and delete triggers, and trigger actions, schedules and templates with PowerShell cmdlets, without having to access Trigger Settings in the Real-Time DX Console. You can efficiently perform bulk actions on triggers with increased flexibility, especially if you frequently update your organization’s triggers.

Browser Performance Monitoring

Improve visibility into the performance of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge by collecting browser URL and browser tab title information on a per process basis. You can  identify performance issues caused by specific web pages that might affect the overall performance of the user session or even other users sharing the same infrastructure.

Citrix EDT Monitoring

You can now monitor Citrix EDT (Enlightened Data Transport) user sessions to gain better insight into users that access their virtualized Citrix environments using this method. You can benefit from enhanced real-time visibility into session reliability and performance.

Add Non-Domain Machines to ControlUp

You can now add non-domain joined machines to your organization with the Real-Time DX Console. You no longer need to use the Add-CUComputer PowerShell cmdlet to add a non-domain joined machine to the organization tree.

Bug fixes

  • 189787: In the Real-Time DX Console org tree, a checkbox now appears as expected near Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops + Citrix Cloud connections if “Enable Synchronization” is checked.
  • 191830: For FSLogix, profile disks are now visible after upgrade.
  • 192414: Using PowerShell scripts for monitor actions can now be enforced by the permissions set in the Security Policy.
  • 200635: If you use the Uninstall PowerShell command to uninstall a monitor, the service is now completely uninstalled as expected.
  • 201740: If outbound agent communication is disabled globally, gRPC server for outbound agent connections is no longer activated.
  • 200164: The Monitor Management role is now assigned to only one monitor in a cluster.
  • 209498: In the Security Settings window, all roles are now listed as expected after you create a new organization with a new user email account.

Known issues

  • If in DEX Global Settings (, the Session Timeout for the Real-Time DX Console is set to a certain time (default is 24 hours) and the Real-Time DX Console is left open for longer than the session timeout, the Console may freeze and not get logged out as it should.
  • After the initial upgrade, if you open the Real-Time DX Console as the user with the Owner role, you may not see monitor status or hypervisor connections. The Controller, Incidents and Events panes may also be unavailable.
    Workaround: Restart the Real-Time DX Console. 
  • CVAD 2411 is not currently supported. We are actively working on a solution, and a new 9.0.5 build will be released to include support for CVAD 2411.

Released: June 16th, 2024

Current build: 1680

New Prerequisites

ControlUp Agents

  • Any ControlUp Agent running 9.0 now requires .NET Framework 4.8. It is important that you install .NET Framework 4.8 before upgrading the agent to 9.0.

Network Requirements

For 9.0, you need to whitelist new URLs on your console and monitor machines to access our new backend services. You can find a full list of required DNS and ports here (for US and rest of the world) and here (EU) 

Note that there are additional URLs to whitelist on your agents, if you want to use the the agent outbound communication feature.

Agent Outbound Communication

Reverse agent communication where agents initiate the communication (“outbound”) with the ControlUp Monitors. By default, monitor machines will expose a gRPC server for agent outbound connections (over TCP 443). However, to mark an agent as ready for outbound communication, you need to explicitly set agents to be able to communicate outbound. 


  • Modernize agent to monitor communication over HTTPS.
  • Remove AD dependency for ControlUp Agent. You can now add non-domain-joined machines to the ControlUp organization. 
  • Agent forward compatibility. When agents use outbound communication, agents can run higher version than the monitors.


Inbound port 40705 is still required for:

  • Data Collector machines (API data collection for extensions)
  • Machines you want to manage via the Real-Time Console. For the Console to Agent communication, the agent still needs to listen to TCP port 40705. 

To learn more about this feature, click here

Monitor Metrics and Actions

This feature enhances visibility into the performance of your monitor clusters. These metrics are available in the VDI & DaaS view.


Some of the new actions allow you to:

  • Create new triggers based on new monitor metrics.
  • Run the following actions on monitors:
    • Start monitor
    • Stop monitor
    • Restart monitor
    • Set monitor capacity
    • Set public DNS name 

To learn more about this feature, click here

Removed AD Dependency for Monitors

  • If you install your monitors on a workgroup machine, UPNs are no longer used. To configure the security policy of your ControlUp accounts, you can now configure security policy roles using DEX email addresses.

To learn more about this feature, click here

Install Monitors with New Automation Module

In 9.0, you no longer need to use the Real-Time Console to install, upgrade or remove a ControlUp Monitor. Simply import the new ControlUp Automation module from the PowerShell gallery. Once you import the module into a PowerShell session, you can use the built-in PowerShell cmdlets to manage monitors programmatically. This new approach allows you to deploy the monitor on any workgroup PC (non domain-joined).

To learn more about this feature, click here.

Built-In Folder Synchronization

Synchronizing your AVD, CVAD, Horizon, and Citrix Cloud is now built-into RTDX. This allows you to add your virtual machines to the ControlUp organization tree without the need of manually adding them one by one. You can synchronize your machines manually from the console or by configuring the synchronization to be run automatically from your monitors. Synchronization options such as DNS mapping or Sites mappings are included, as well as the option to define specific host pools (AVD), desktop pools (Horizon) or delivery groups (Citrix). 

To learn more about this feature, click here.

New PowerShell Cmdlets

Monitor Cmdlets


Security Policy Cmdlets


API Profile Management


Horizon Management


To learn more, click here.

Remote Control

You can now use Remote Control for VDI & DaaS which is available as an action in Solve and DEX. To learn more, click here.

Additional Features and Enhancements


  • When you deploy a Monitor, the ControlUp Agent is now automatically installed on the machine. Note any further upgrade of the monitor will not upgrade the agent. This needs to be done manually. 
  • If you upgrade the ControlUp Agent to 9.0 from the console, a Real-Time Agent Manager is also installed on the agent machine. If you don’t want to install the Agent manager, go to Settings > Agent in the Real-Time Console and clear the checkbox Enable Agent Manager. Find more information about the agent manager here.
  • You can now use the Real-Time Console to manage ControlUp Agents installed on any machine with the MSI package. To learn more, click here.


  • You can monitor specific details about the FSLogix log file with the new columns Office Log File Size and Profile Log File Size in the web application. To learn more, click here.
  • You can now use FSLogix columns in Solve dashboards at any folder level.
  • We now support custom naming for FSLogix monitoring.


  • New Azure Budget metrics
  • Updated REST API versions for Azure.
  • New data collection interval configurations for Azure. To learn more, click here.


  • You can now configure Advanced and Scheduled Triggers with a new STA record type to add values from the NetScaler STAs view columns in the Real-Time Console. To learn more, click here.
  • New CVAD Minimum Functional Level column in the Folders view. To learn more, click here.
  • New Citrix License metrics. To learn more, click here.
  • Additional supporting text in CVAD triggers for the following columns:
    • CVAD Database Avg. Transaction Time
    • CVAD Licensing Server State
    • CVAD Last Licensing Server Event

Bug Fixes

Real-Time DX (current build 1680)

  • 192842: Agent connection fails with the following .NET error: “the formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message due to an invalid DateTime string”.
  • 194730: If the agent is installed via MSI without a Registration Key, the value “0” is written to the agent’s registry key, causing the agent to mistakenly attempt an outbound connection.
  • 195996: Some monitors open a channel to the monitor proxy even if they are not View monitors.
  • 196109: Inconsistent topology numbers for AVD machines.
  • 196451: Missing signatures in appmond32.dll and appmond64.dll.
  • 196598: In some cases, machines receive an empty SiteID, causing them to fail to connect outbound.
  • 197130: Fixes for instabilities in agent outbound connections.

Real-Time DX (build 1616)

  • 172028: If a performance counter is unavailable when you start an agent, the agent tries to connect to the counter only once, until you restart the agent.
  • 182872: The Console fails to connect to an existing Azure connection with an error “The gateway did not receive a response from ‘Microsoft.ResourceHealth’ within the specified time period.”
  • 185321: After you select the Enable built-in synchronization option and move a machine to a different folder, an additional checkbox appears next to the moved machine.
  • 185602: Scheduled triggers stop firing with an error “This trigger was already scheduled for next invocation.” 
  • 185862: cuAgentHelper.exe crashes after upgrading to version 8.8.
  • 187084: The following indicators for Citrix Delivery Groups are not always populated as they should be: Enabled and Maintenance Mode.
  • 187898: The Console causes high CPU utilization.
  • 188055: The Monitor fails to get pending updates from the Real-Time DX configuration services.
  • 188488: Azure Cloud Machine Actions are still available after you set them to “Deny” for a user in the Console Security Policy.
  • 188908: Sometimes running the Install-CUMonitor PowerShell cmdlet fails to install the Monitor.
  • 189037: In version 9.0 script-based actions are not available for unmanaged Azure machines. They run on the console and should be visible for machines even if those machines are unmanaged.
  • 189303: When upgrading to version 9.0 the organizational scope set for a trigger changes automatically.
  • 190049: A machine with an agent is connected to one organization and then moved to another organization, and its connection method is changed from inbound to outbound. When the agent is using inbound communication it is correctly connected to the second organization, but when changed to outbound communication, it shows as being connected to the first organization before it was moved.
  • 190066: When installing an agent via MSI with an AuthKey but leaving the RegistrationKey empty, the agent attempts to connect via outbound connection.
  • 190125: You can’t remove an SMTP server from Monitors Settings in the Console.
  • 190203: The option to Set Outbound Communication on an agent should have its own Security Policy permission.
  • 190609: Triggers with a nested folder scope are reset to “ScopeInclusions = badf00d0-bad0-bad0-bad0-badf00dbad00” after you upgrade the Console to version 9.0 and restart the monitors.
  • 190639: After you move an EUC connection to a new subfolder, the Console throws the error “Moving the selected nodes failed. Nullable object must have a value.”
  • 190665: The ControlUp.Common.Enums.dll file properties show an incorrect product version.
  • 190707: The Install-CU Monitor command in PowerShell is missing a description and parameter descriptions.
  • 194214: The Monitor stops listening to port 443 after you set it with an unresolved Public DNS Name.

Real-Time DX (build 1470)

  • 134002: Warning popup appears after editing/removing a service name in the Service Monitoring window.
  • 139714: AVD % Machines with successful AVD Agent upgrade” textbox is not fully visible in the trigger editor.
  • 140464: Dump to Disk follow-up action doesn’t work.
  • 141723: Cannot edit “Run an action” follow-up action due to grayed out “Template” field.
  • 144305: Export Azure Machine view to an XLS (Excel 97-2003) throws an “Argument Out Of Range” error.
  • 144750: Incorrect number of CPU cores and missing logical processors reported for XenServer hosts.
  • 146664: Get-CUCredentials shows information about Site association when Site is already deleted.
  • 149144: Real-Time DX doesn’t display the branch name for AVD user sessions in the Sessions grid. 

Web Interface (current build 1567)

  • 191090: Users unable to log into VDI & DaaS web UI because they don’t match Active Directory users on the Monitor machine.

Web Interface (build

  • 118241: Machines don’t appear in the Machines (Horizon) topology view.
  • 142993: Wrong Stress Level for “AVD Host Pool Public Network Access” metric.
  • 143868: Solve: Wrong number of available machines shown.

Known Issues

  • 141867: When adding a WebHook (Send RESTful API request) in an Advanced or Scheduled trigger, the Stress Level is shown as Advanced.
  • 162625: If you attempt to stop the agent, it may fail with the following error – Invalid Service Control.
  • 179809: After upgrading, the Monitor Historical Upload Settings that were disabled may change to enabled while upgrading the
  • 179872: Monitor Errors – Master service is unavailable from time to time
  • 180784: A monitor with the broker role may display with the wrong hostName.
  • 182777: Remote Control – Screen dropdown list button is missing (when user have more than 2 screens)
  • 187786: Monitor Metrics: In some cases, duplicated monitor records are displayed. Workaround: Restart your monitor cluster
  • 188071: Monitor Association was broken on Azure Agent and Monitor – Duplicate records
  • 189308: Monitor Metrics: In some cases, the cuAgent is missing the Agent tagging and this causes to broken topology drilldown
  • 189787: Console: Org Tree: checkbox does not appear near Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops + Citrix Cloud connections if “Enable Synchronization” is checked
  • 190333: Monitor – Monitor fails to stop – remains in status ‘Stopping’. Workaround: Restart the monitor manually

Released: November 26, 2023

Current build: 1067

Important Notes

The Process Data Collection feature introduced in this version is enabled by default. Once you upgrade to 8.8 MR, system-level processes will automatically be filtered in the Real-Time DX Console and Solve.

Read this knowledge base article to learn how to add these processes to the Process Inclusion List.

New Features and Enhancements

Real-Time DX

  • Azure Government: Adding an Azure Government Cloud to ControlUp is now supported.
  • Custom Tags Column: You can now add a custom Tags column to the Machines and Sessions views by using registry settings to create new keys. Use the Tags column to show the values that you configure. Learn more here.
  • CVAD Data Collection Columns: You can now add CVAD Data Collection columns to show CVAD data collection metrics in the Folders, Machines, Sessions, and Applications views. Learn more here.
  • Process Data Collection: You can use the Process Data Collection feature to specify which system and non-user attached processes should not be collected by the ControlUp Agents. Reducing agent resource usage leads to better overall data collection and performance. Learn more here.
  • Network Drives Column Preset: You can add the Detailed Network Drive Info column preset to the grid in the Storage view. The preset enables you to more efficiently monitor your mapped Windows network drives. Learn more here.


  • Network Drives in Solve: You can now view the network drives of managed machines if you drill down to specific sessions in the Topology view. Learn more here.


Bug Fixes

Real-Time DX (992 build)

  • 120436: Configuration service endpoint isn’t detected.
  • 136564: Logon Duration doesn’t display the correct color in the grid for custom stress level settings.
  • 140464: Dump to Disk follow-up action doesn’t work.
  • 141723: Cannot edit Run an action follow-up action due to grayed out Template field.
  • 144270: The Invoke-CUQuery PowerShell cmdlet fails to run on ControlUp Monitors.
  • 144305: Export Azure Machine view to an XLS (Excel 97-2003) throws an “Argument Out Of Range” error.
  • 145315: You can’t perform Install Agent or Deploy ControlUp Agent actions on machines after you upgrade the console version.
  • 146254: The coordinator stops reporting data after you create and execute a scheduled folder trigger.
  • 148662:Script-based actions don’t appear in the Real-Time Console if the “Category” and “ActionCategory” fields have values in the action metadata.
  • 149144: Real-Time DX doesn’t display the branch name for AVD user sessions in the Sessions grid.    
  • 149490: MSP environment:The monitor of a tenant fails to connect after you update the tenant with an expired user password.
  • 149921: Large process files corrupt the log files of the monitor.
  • 149961: Azure machines don’t appear in the grid in the Real-Time Console or in Solve if you add them to a new resource group for existing connections.
  • 151052: No hypervisor data shown in the Real-Time Console DX and Solve.   
  • 151142: AVD Session Connection Type and AVD Session Connection Transport  columns in the Sessions view display N/A for AVD sessions.
  • 151272: Monitors don’t show association with Horizon RDS machines if you add them as EUC and hypervisor.
  • 152381: The option Disable views that depend on process-level information is missing from Advanced Settings.
  • 154118: The ControlUp Agent fails to connect to the cuAgentHelper via the pipe.
  • 155594: If you enable MSP mode, editing shared credentials fails if you don’t set the domain to primary.
  • 155643: The Real-Time Console can’t add an Azure connection with local credentials.
  • 155911: Monitor crashes due to an exception in association mask distribution.

Real-Time DX (1012 build)

  • 163560: Running Solve Script Actions will only work if Org Members role has the “Run Shared Script Action” permission
  • 162491: The process “AppLoadTimeTracer” is now included in the global inclusion list.
  • 163605: Session Logon Duration data isn’t saved if the CUAgent restarts.
  • 163671: Monitor doesn’t upload all CacheActivity files when it returns from offline mode to online mode.

Real-Time DX (1021 build)

  • 171129: cuAgentHelper.exe may crash after upgrading to version 8.8 MR.
  • The following features may not work as expected: Remote DX, Active Application and monitor network drive metrics.


  • 135153: Top Consumer Users names don’t appear in reports after you logoff and login to a session.
  • 150665: Enable\Disable maintenance mode actions fail on unmanaged Citrix machines.
  • 154456: Machines don’t appear in the Host Pools or AVD Workspaces topology views.
  • 155906: The Sessions Stress Level widget displays data from system sessions.
  • 157573: The number of processes in the Monitored Processes column in the grid doesn’t match the number of processes in the topology.
  • 161462: Incorrect data appears for an agentless machine if you drill down to a Horizon session in the Machines (Horizon) topology view.
  • 162049: The ControlUp Monitor returns the “HighStressedSessions” value even if there are no sessions.

Remote DX

  • 138305: Remote DX – IGEL: Switching between WIFI to Ethernet – WIFI metrics are frozen.
  • 139556: Remote DX data doesn’t display in the Sessions view if you select the Remote DX Column Preset. 
  • 141607: Can’t read ‘PING’ response from virtual channel “cuepux” for HZ Session.
  • 143855: Redundant errors appear in the CUAgent log if the Remote DX plugin isn’t installed on the client machine.
  • 145290: IGEL: The grid displays active data for a session 5 minutes after restarting the client machine. 
  • 149512: If you don’t install a Remote DX client plugin, the “vmware-rdpvcbridge-cuAgentHelper” log saves redundant files for the session.


Known Issues

Real-Time DX

  • 139714: AVD % Machines with successful AVD Agent upgrade textbox isn’t fully visible in the trigger editor.


  • 118241: Machines don’t appear in the Machines (Horizon) topology view.

Remote DX

  • 156761: If you install Remote DX on a macOS version 10.15 or earlier, Citrix Viewer crashes or displays a gray screen instead of the remote desktop.

Released May 1, 2023

Important Notes

  • Due to security enhancements, only Org owners can upgrade to 8.8 if they are currently using a version lower than 8.7
  • Starting with version 8.8, Login Access Managers are automatically assigned the Roles Manager role in the Security Policy.

New Integrations

  • Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop Integration: You can now monitor, manage and remediate your AVD environment 
    • Large set of AVD metrics including real-time metrics for host pools, session hosts, workspace, application groups, etc.
    • New AVD drilldowns in Solve for user-friendly navigation 
    • AVD Built-in Actions
  • FSLogix Integration: Use new FSLogix metrics and dashboards to monitor and manage FSLogix containers. Learn how to use the FSLogix integration here
  • Multi-Tenancy Support. Several enhancements to improve the network, usability, and privacy of the system. 
    • Removing the dependency between tenant monitors and the MSP’s domain controller
    • Allowing only specific monitor-to-monitor communication 
    • Each user is authenticated with the monitor at the specific ControlUp Site. A user can log into Solve and access only the data that is relevant to them. 

Additional Features

    • Azure Cost Metrics: In order to provide better insight into Azure costs, we have added new cost metrics. Find an overview here
    • Monitor API Cmdlets: You can now list all available schemas and tables by using additional parameters in the Invoke-CUQuery cmdlet. Read more here.
    • Service Monitoring: Create Advanced and Scheduled Triggers as well as Script Actions for Windows Services. Learn more here.
    • PowerShell cmdlets to manage Solve Actions. Click here to learn more.  
    • Solve Actions – We have added additional Solve Actions to our actions repository. You can find an overview of new Solve actions here.
    • Ability to uninstall and upgrade ControlUp Agents from the console. To achieve this, create a registry value EnableAgentManagement with DWORD value 1  under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smart-X\ControlUp\Console\

Remote DX

New Features and Enhancements

The following metrics have been added:

  • Remote DX Version. Displays the installed Remote DX plugin version on the client device
  • Client CPU. Shows the CPU utilization of the client device connected to the session. 
  • Client Location. Provides the geographical location of the client device as determined by its public IP address.
  • ISP Latency. Latency between the client device connected to the session and closest ISP router 
  • ISP Name. Name of the Internet service provider.


1. The new metrics are only available for the Windows Remote DX plugin which you can download from here.
2. Make sure that the client device has access to 


Bug Fixes

  • 144258: Fixed incorrect display of Client Location
  • 137810: Hovering over buttons in the console make buttons difficult to read (bright blue)
  • 139198: Error upon Agent upgrade (The service did not stop in a timely fashion)
  • 140039: When editing an AA trigger FUA, the script names and templates are lost
  • 143459: Wrong behavior when adding a Horizon pod in the Add EUC Environment dialog
  • 143599: Connecting to a managed machine take longer than in version 8.7
  • 143719: “AZ % AIP Variance column” exhibits odd behavior
  • 141712: Monitors in second site fail to connect data sources after upgrade from 8.7
  • 131115: A large number of “binding to performance counter errors” is recorded in the Agent log when the “ControlUp Home Drive Testing Service” is not installed
  • 138964: Session State display as “Disconnected” in an active Session
  • 139604: The “Add New Credential” option is missing from the Data sources Credentials Drop down list menu
  • 140627: Remote DX – ControlUp Agent crash when session is launched from two different clients
  • 141390: Cost values of zero are displayed as “N/A”
  • 142537: Incorrect display of ‘Avg. App Load Time’ for non-existent processes in the Sessions view aggregated column
  • 142951: AVD RDPShortpath columns show incorrect result
  • 143252: When clicking ‘Dropped Received Packets’ and ‘Dropped Transmitted Packets’ with empty values, the console crashes – An item with the same key has already been added
  • 143562: Column ‘AVD Available Machines’ has an incorrect tooltip
  • 143707: Corrupted Values for “FSLogix % Successful Disk” displayed
  • 143764: AVD Management category is available also for non-AVD machines
  • 143888: “AZ Power State” shown as N/A for Azure Stack HCI machines
  • 144074: Value in “RDP Shortpath Connections” widget in Solve is always shown as 0
  • 145129: Disable / Enable – Pool / Farm Provisioning / Pool Provisioning does not work correctly
  • 146331: The ControlUp Agent may hang with event ID 815 in the application log. When this occurs, the agent will stop updating session and process data. In this case, kill the process ID of the cuAgent and start the cuAgent service again

Known Issues

  • 134002: Warning popup appears after editing/removing a service name in the Service Monitoring window
  • 138305: Remote DX – IGEL: Switching between WIFI to Ethernet – WIFI metrics are frozen
  • 139556: Remote DX metrics “ISP Name, Client NIC Name, Client NIC Type, Local Route IP and Client Public IP are not always displayed. 
  • 139714: AVD % Machines with successful AVD Agent upgrade” textbox is not fully visible in the trigger editor
  • 140464: Dump to Disk follow-up action doesn’t work
  • 141607: Cannot read ‘PING’ response from virtual channel “cuepux” for HZ Session
  • 141723: Cannot edit “Run an action” follow-up action due to grayed out “Template” field
  • 141867: When adding a WebHook (Send RESTful API request) in an Advanced or Scheduled trigger, the Stress Level is shown as Advanced
  • 142993: Wrong Stress Level for “AVD Host Pool Public Network Access” metric
  • 143868: Solve: Wrong number of available machines shown
  • 144305: Export Azure Machine view to an XLS (Excel 97-2003) throws an “Argument Out Of Range” error
  • 144750: Incorrect number of CPU cores and missing logical processors reported for XenServer hosts
  • 146664: Get-CUCredentials shows information about Site association when Site is already deleted
  • 151052: No hypervisor data shown in Real-Time Console DX and Solve. Workaround: Set the “View All Hypervisors” permission to the Organization Members role and restart your monitors.
  • 149144: Real-Time DX doesn’t display the branch name for AVD user sessions in the Sessions grid.    

Released January 9, 2023

IMPORTANT: Version 8.7 includes many security enhancements described below. If you are upgrading from a previous version of ControlUp, you must follow this upgrade flow for all ControlUp users:

  1. The organization owner (also known as the organization creator) MUST be the first user to upgrade the Real-Time Console to version 8.7.
  2. All other users MUST upgrade the Real-Time Console to version 8.7 after the organization owner. Users can no longer access previous versions of the Real-Time Console once the organization owner upgrades to version 8.7.

If you do not know who the organization owner is for your ControlUp environment, contact

New Features and Enhancements

Real-Time DX

  • Secure LoginThe following security enhancements were added:
    • Prevent ControlUp users from logging into ControlUp organizations for which they do not have privileges.
    • Users need to enter an OTP code sent to their email address when they start the Console and log into a ControlUp organization.
    • The OTP is saved for 14 days, so users won’t need to enter it again for that period.
    • Organization owners and users with the Login Access Manager role are now the users that can permit access to the Real-Time Console and Insights. Learn More
  • Support for non-NVIDIA GPU metrics

In addition to NVIDIA GPU metrics, other GPU metrics are supported. GPU data is now retrieved from the Windows Operating System (WDDM), providing GPU metrics for a wide range of other graphic card manufacturers.


To gather the new GPU metrics, make sure the machine on which the GPU is running meets the following requirements:

    • Windows 10 or higher
    • Windows Server 2019 or higher


The details of this Solve release are enabled by the Real-Time Console 8.7 release. The features and fixes described are available in Solve only when the Real-Time Console is updated to version 8.7. 

  • Solve Actions

Run built-in and script-based actions to remediate and optimize your environment directly from the Solve interface. Refer to the Getting Started with Solve Actions guide to learn more about this feature. 


To use Solve Actions, you need to upgrade your monitors to version 8.7. Additionally, you need to have .NET Framework 4.8 installed on each monitor machine. Make sure that your ControlUp Monitors have access to over TCP port 443


If the user that runs a Solve action belongs ONLY to the Local Admin role, running a Solve action will fail even when the permission for the script is set to “Allow”. Learn more here

  • IP Restrictions

By enabling the IP Restriction feature, you can now restrict who can access your Solve environment and perform actions in Solve based on IP address. You can add an IP whitelist to enable access only to those users from an IP address listed in your IP whitelist. Learn more.


Known Issues

Real-Time DX

  • 113191: SSH connection is forcibly closed when connection to IGEL 11.07.x.
  • 123526: CuMonitor process fails to stop after service is stopped.
  • 121823: Description for trigger condition “AWS Attached Snapshot Hourly Cost” is cut off.
  • 124355: The register page appears after logging into the Console, even though it shouldn’t.
  • 125864: Error when selecting the Process / Affinity  filter criteria with Advanced Triggers
  • 124235: Due to missing email templates, it isn’t possible to create a trigger with a follow-up action “Send an email alert.”
  • 117134: Cannot connect an MSP-managed Azure subscription under a CSP agreement. Learn more.
  • 132406: Azure cost representation may be inaccurate under some circumstances, or missing in rare cases
  • 135873: Datastores might not be displayed when the data collector is set to “Console/Monitor”.
  • 140823: Cannot install monitor machine when .NET Framework 4.8.1 is installed.
    Workaround: Remove KB5011048 from the monitor machine, install the monitor, and reinstall the KB once the monitor has been installed.
  • 144750: Incorrect number of CPU cores and missing logical processors reported for XenServer hosts.
  • 141867: When adding a WebHook (Send RESTful API request) in an Advanced or Scheduled trigger, the Stress Level is shown as Advanced.


  • 125954: The folder tree lacks/incorrectly displays machines and their folder paths

Remote DX

  • 123887: Remote DX – CUEPUX_VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_ERROR when switching between sessions.
  • 124781: When Wi-Fi settings are changed during a Citrix/Horizon session, Remote DX does not update Wi-Fi metrics.
  • 124601: Remote DX displays data for disconnected sessions.
  • 124600: After restarting cuAgent, Remote DX displays N/A for Citrix sessions.
  • 124829: After restarting cuAgent, Remote DX displays N/A for Horizon sessions.
  • 124987: When switching from Wi-Fi to Ethernet, Remote DX does not refresh data.
  • 130316: Reconnecting to a Horizon session does not display Remote DX data in the console

Bug Fixes

Real-Time DX

We have now fixed the following bugs. Refer to the previous ControlUp release notes to see where the bugs were identified.

  • 81183: Executing Monitor PS cmdlets succeeded with wrong error description.
  • 85225: It is possible to see stress levels more than 100%.
  • 97011: No tooltip display when Linux connection fails.
  • 100279: Console – Multiple instances of the console process are running on the same machine after closing.
  • 100379: Issue with trigger “Do not record incident” schedule does not work.
  • 100544: Console – After deleting AWS connection and adding a new one, opening the connection settings shows the settings of the removed connection.
  • 100554: Too much text in the license tooltip.
  • 100570: Imprecise tooltip information in the License window.
  • 109844: “ CVAD Logon” tooltip indicates value in milliseconds, though the metric shows seconds.
  • 101203: Logon Duration stops reporting statistics unless CUAgent is being restarted.
  • 108372: Missing .NET FW 4.8 validation upon upgrading monitor.
  • 110179: The Central Auditing Log does not correctly indicate From/To State filters.
  • 110399: Using Console triggers, REST API FUA with failed test can be saved.
  • 110543: Console trigger scope multi-selection: only a parent node can be checked when all its children are not and vice versa.
  • 110561: There is no indication that all checkboxes are checked or partially checked when selecting the trigger scope.
  • 110679: Not all Azure virtual machines are displayed in rare cases.
  • 111397: Console triggers: Empty UserName variable values in the trigger email/event.
  • 111032: AZ Forecast Cost shows 0 after several hours.
  • 111036: Export-CUQuery cmdlet: Output file is missing entries.
  • 111169: .NET script execution passes positional and named parameters that have a space enclosed in double quotes.
  • 112455:  Citrix Cloud connection failed when using proxy server.
  • 113929: Stress Levels do not apply when using Disk Read/Write KB/s.
  • 114530: NullReferenceException with .NET engine script execution.
  • 117279: Script Action activity has wrong Credentials, RequestingUser, RequestingUserSID values in Central Auditing.
  • 118616:  “BrowserURL” and “Active Application” cannot be disabled.
  • 118729: Setting a registry key value with types REG_MULTI_SZ (multi-string value) or REG_BINARY shows wrong values
  • Binary values (REG_BINARY) were displayed as “System.Byte[]”
  • Multi-string values (REG_MULTI_SZ) were displayed as “System.String[]”
  • 121462: Monitor can’t log in to BE and throws an error message in the Console “Access to ControlUp backend is not permitted”.  The error occurs when the CultureInfo of the monitor OS is not set to English.
  • 121498: Unable to use Solve Actions when subdomains are configured in the monitor settings.
  • 121973: Real-Time Console freezes if you auto-connect a large number of managed machines at the same time.


655 Build:

  • 133562: The Active Application, Active Application Title, and Active URL fields do not display information for some customers
  • 133775 – Console: Citrix Delivery Group folder behavior 
  • 101869 –  Issue w/ Monitors taking too much RAM and crashing due to System.OutOfMemoryException
  • 124315 –  Automated action items are stuck in the exec queue

Remote DX

  • 112500: Remote DX – Wi-Fi signal is displayed in orange or red color at the beginning of  the session.

Released May 24, 2022

New Features and Capabilities

Note – starting version 8.6.5 the ControlUp Monitor requires to have .NET Framework 4.8

ControlUp Integration – PowerShell API

  • Invoke-CUQuery / Export-CUQuery – new PowerShell cmdlets to query the monitor cluster in-RAM database, used for troubleshooting, integrating ControlUp with third party software and more.  Instructions, examples, and more can be found here.


  • Add export/import triggers functionality – allows copying triggers from one system/organization to another.
  • Multi-scope selection – you can now select multiple folders within the organization tree, not only one folder and its descendants.
  • You can now search for triggers in a search bar in the Trigger Settings window.
  • Added the “greater than” and “less than” sign to the numeric field comparison in the Filter Editor window.
  • Option to sort triggers by any column in the Trigger Settings window.
  • Set a webhook (RestAPI call) as a follow-up action.

PVS Metrics 

  • New Citrix PVS metrics are now available for full visibility of PVS Target Devices.
  • New “PVS Target Device Health” column to show aggregated health data of the target device.
  • Check out the “Health” column to discover the new CVAD PVS Preset which will include metrics from PVS Target Device and Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops.

Script-based Actions

  • Preview of the new .NET engine to run PowerShell scripts
    • With this option, all parameters are passed in memory. Parameter values are no longer written in the Event log, reducing the possibility of sensitive data being captured.
    • When using a script as part of an Automated Action, the .NET engine also allows passing information about the trigger for which the script was started.
  • Allow passing trigger-related parameters to the AA
    • Only available when using the preview .NET engine
    • A script that is triggered will now have access to the $CUTriggerObject. This object contains the properties of the Trigger that fired to run the script.
  • Support of named parameters
    • It is now possible to name parameters being passed to a script so it is no longer necessary to rely on positional parameters. This makes scripting safer and more robust.
    • Positional parameters are still supported, and all older scripts that use positional parameters are still functional.
  • Optional passing of ‘empty’ metrics.
    • In the past, when a metric from the Console didn’t contain any data, the Script Action would be passed an empty value. This would require extra checks in scripts. You can now choose what happens when a metric does not contain a value:
      • Pass empty parameter – default behavior. Same as in previous versions to ensure existing scripts will still run as expected.  If the parameter is a Named Parameter the parameter name will be passed, there will be no value. 
      • Do not pass parameter – the parameter is not passed at all.
      • Abort script and log – use this if your script cannot run without this parameter having a value. 

Azure Integration

  • Azure cost metrics have been expanded to include forecast and last-month cost values (last month reflects this billing from the previous calendar month) 
  • New Azure machine action: Stop (Deallocate) VM

Other enhancements

  • Horizon Integration – Add New Aggregation Metrics (“Preparing”). It provides better visibility into the status of the virtual machines and allows troubleshooting based on the number and percentage of machines in the “Preparing” state.
  • Enhance resilience for CU Agent and Monitor.
    • CU Agent: If the CU Agent service fails, the service will be restarted automatically after one minute.
    • If the monitor service fails, the service is automatically restarted after one  minute. A retry is attempted after one minute if the first one fails.
  • Monitor enhancements: add option to prevent monitors from being removed, a new “manage monitor” role.
  • Add Ability to Set which site is the default in add Machines
  • Ignore legal notice Duration in ALD & Logon Duration
  • False-negative versions for the Cloud Connector Version value
  • Enforce operating system validation on the monitor host
  • Security policy pane: New Permission “Change Settings”
  • New registry key for changing the Agent’s dump file location
  • New PowerShell cmdlet Get-CUVendorVMs to retrieve information about virtual machines (in the context of an extension connection).
  • Outliers for the “User input delay” folder aggregation metrics are now excluded from the aggregated average calculation. For more information check this KB article.

Known Issues

  • When upgrading from pre 8.2 releases to 8.6.5, each user will have to register again
  • When upgrading monitors, and no .net 4.8 is installed on the target machine, no error message will be displayed.
  •  Error displayed for a few seconds when upgrading or restarting monitor.
  • In some cases when renaming a folder on the “Remote Desktop” tab, the folder will not be rename on the main tree
  •  Invoke-CUQuery cmdlet: Duplicates displayed when querying monitor nodes
  • Console SBA: Script .NET engine passes positional arguments and named parameters that contain a space enclosed in double quotes.
  • Export-CUQuery – command might not include all results.
  • Folders View – ‘HZ User Assignment’ should be Empty for pools of type ‘RDS Desktop Pool’, instead showing a value of ‘floating’
  • Triggers configured for applications metrics will not run.
  • When viewing virtual disks for a HyperV/AHV machine the virtual disk isn’t visible when focusing on the machine in the CU tree
  • On monitor setting – the number of resources (connected and available) per site might not sum correctly (data per site and when summing the values per monitor might get different results)
  • No backward compatibility for controllers with pre 8.6.5 agents
  • Script based actions – when creating a new SBA: When using metric values for parameter input and changing the default ‘Pass empty parameter’ setting to a different setting this change is reflected in the overview of parameters. However, when closing and re-opening the script editing dialogue the Input Validation field will always show ‘Pass empty parameter’ even though the setting for a parameter is different. Note that the selected different setting is applied and will work as intended.
  • The registry keys of types ‘REG_BINARY’ and ‘REG_MULTI_SZ’ display incorrect values when using controllers. Attempts to modify the values with these types also result in a failure. Version 8.7 will fix this issue.
  • 101060 – Triggers multi-scope selection – on old consoles, the scope warning (indicating the trigger cannot be edited with the old console as it doesn’t support multi-scope selection) will not appear if the old console is open while creating the trigger using a new console.
  • 111169 – Script preview .NET engine passes positional arguments or named parameters that contain a space enclosed in double quotes. For example, a value ‘My Test’ will be received by PowerShell as “My Test”, including the double quotes around the text ‘My Test’. This issue only affects values with a space in them.
  • Cannot install monitor machine when .NET Framework 4.8.1 is installed.
    Workaround: Remove KB5011048 from the monitor machine, install the monitor, and reinstall the KB once the monitor has been installed

Bug Fixes

  • 105966 – Issue accessing Solve with a URL for customers who have installed MS update January 18, 2022—KB5010791 (OS Build 17763.2458) Out-of-band ( Login method has changed, to revert to previous method the following registry key need to be set: S-1-5-20\Software\Smart-X\ControlUp\MonitorSvc\UseOldSolveAuth (new default value is 0, to revert to previous method use a value of 0)
  • 96722 – unable to kill NetScaler HDX sessions
  • 98394 – Incorrect Remote DX metrics for RDP/console sessions in Solve Client Device scores  
  • 101954 – Issue with service Group metrics show 0 even when there is traffic in the LB.
  • 101994 – User Name field in the Notification email sent for Session Change trigger is blank 
  • 105336  – Console stops at preparing user interface – UPN issue
  • 100269  – Email verification process – email address truncated in Console UI
  • 100479 – Cloud connectors – drill to cloud connector w/o an agent, will display incorrectly.
  • 100496 – User Session – Drill – Session name is missing in the breadcrumbs
  • 101291 – Azure SBAs: Action Results window: Target Column: Written “instance id” instead machine name
  • 102617 – Azure Machines: Description: “AZ VM Size” description is wrong 
  • 112130 – CUEPUX virtual channels are flooding the multi-session VDA logs with RPM events leading to performance issues.

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.6.5.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.6.5.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

  • Centralized Auditing
  • ControlUpSOLVE

Released February 17, 2022

New Features and Capabilities


ControlUp can now integrate with Microsoft Azure to enable real-time monitoring and management of Azure compute resources in just a few steps. See the relevant metrics displayed in the Real-Time Console and Solve.

The integration automatically discovers and collects comprehensive information such as Cost, Health, Configuration and other metadata on each of the following new objects:

  • Subscriptions
  • Resources Groups
  • Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Disks

In addition to offering a wide range of new metrics, predefined actions, and drill-down relationships for easier troubleshooting and navigation, this integration supports seamless association between Azure VMs and entities from different CU extensions, virtual machine management, and more!

For all the details on the monitoring Azure,  see Getting Started with Azure Integration.

Scheduled Triggers

For version 8.5 we introduced the ability to create triggers based first on a schedule you set, rather than an incident.
Now for version 8.6, we’ve expanded the feature to include more options for the schedule which are now:

  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Daily
  • Per minute
  • One time

Read here about how to set scheduled triggers (article details the version 8.5 options).


Remote DX

Designed for remote users working outside the office, Remote DX collects performance metrics from off-the-network client devices running Windows, macOS or IGEL OS, without the need for line of sight to the ControlUp Real-Time DX infrastructure in your datacenter. 

Previously available for Citrix and VMware Horizon environments, this release will add support for Microsoft RDS and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) environments running on Windows.

See these instructions for deploying Remote DX on your client devices.


ControlUp Solve

ControlUp Solve allows you to see, in real time, the overall health of your EUC environment, end to end. Delivered as a SaaS application, Solve’s features are released independently. Here are features, some with a dependency on Real-Time DX v8.6, that are now being added to Solve:

  • Drill-down from Sessions view into Edge DX client metrics!
  • Topology drill-down enhancements, including new Azure entities, Clusters and Datastores
  • Centralized Auditing now Generally Available
  • Resource Center where you can access walkthrough guides, announcements and links into our Knowledge Base and Academy.

Other Enhancements

  • In the Real-Time Console, Citrix NetScaler is now under a new category called App. Delivery Controller (ADC). This change applies to the relevant menus (Add screen, hierarchy tree, grid views, etc.)
  • When ControlUp agents are deployed from the ControlUp Real-Time Console, there is now a TCP 40705 allow rule.
  • When ControlUp agents are deployed from the ControlUp Real-Time Console, the agent is signed by default.
  • An email can now be sent when an Automated Action fails to run.
  • ControlUp no longer has a dependency on .NET framework version 3.5.
  • In the Real-Time Console Controllers pane, you can now select Automatic Delay as an option for when selecting to Start a Service.
  • You can now set an upper limit to exclude very high values from affecting the latency metrics. 
  • You can now set an upper limit to exclude very high values from affecting the logon duration metrics.
  • to set up upper limits please review this manual


Bug Fixes

  • 74780 – Triggers no longer corrupted after deleting the folder selected as the scope for the trigger.
  • 89749 – RDP metrics logic updated.
  • 78283 – Centralized Audit Log: Final status (Completed/Error) no longer missing for some activities.    
  • 80835 – Centralized Audit Log: All activities are reported to SysLog (schedule).
  • 81174 – Centralized Audit Log: When configuring Stress Level Settings, configuration errors no longer occur.
  • 82267 – Centralized Audit Log: Formatting for Edit Security Roles fixed.
  • 82439 – Centralized Audit Log: Folder selection dropdown list no longer includes duplicate folder names.
  • 85034 – Real-Time Console Triggers: Occasional omission of event 5005 for an Automated Action from the EventViewer log fixed.
  • 87247 – When setting filters on metrics with non-values (Error, N/A, etc.) Solve now behaves correction.
  • 87361 – ControlUp Automated Actions queue persistence has now been fixed.
  • 87961 – ControlUp Monitor: “Error: An item with the same key has already been added on some targets” in the Event Viewer for Automated Actions on multiple targets, was fixed.
  • 88027 – Centralized Audit Log: Final status (Completed/Error) no longer missing for some Automated Actions over the throttling limit.
  • 80827 – Centralized Audit Log: Errors occurring when adding extensions with Data Collectors (DC) fixed.
  • 87485 & 95835 – ‘Uptime’ metric for Machines fixed so that it works in trigger filter conditions.
  • 88898 – The Incidents pane is now available and no longer offline.  
  • 92601 – Core: Folder column – Session Avg. Protocol Bandwidth/Latency – Aggregate session column was changed to “Bandwidth Last” / “Latency Last”.
  • 105966 – Unable to log into Solve when KB5010791 is installed on the ControlUp Monitor machines.
  • 88559 – Fatal Error when launching RTC in secure environments 


Known Issues

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.6.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.6.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

  • 96383 – Scheduled Triggers – Monthly – Providing days/weeks out of range will not be validated from the console UI.  
  • 100784 – On WIndows 10 machines Active Application column shows “applicationframehosts.exe” instead of the actual active app
  • 99619 – Client Metrics – Support RDP/WVD sessions – No Data Display for AVD Sessions opened from the Azure Web Client
  • 101498 – Scheduled Triggers: All the Scope step controls are enabled for Applications/Accounts, differs from the Advanced Triggers
  • 101497 – Advanced Triggers:  Wrong initial wizard step is displayed upon going Back on the filters step
  • 101867 – Triggers: templates: When renaming a template and using an existing template name, console might exit.
  • 101325 – Azure integration – When drilling down to a Virtual Disk from a Machine VM without an agent deployed, the AZ Encryption State may be missing data. 
  • 101469 – Azure integration – Editing a property in the Azure Portal that contains a lot of characters may cause the ControlUp Real-Time Console to behave erratically (screen to blink white or become unresponsive).

Centralized Auditing

  • The Details field of some audit log entries may have formatting issues.
  • The Details field of audit log entries of Incident Triggers may be unclear or missing details.
  • Some audit log entries may have unclear activity names.
  • Scheduled triggers with no end time configured will be shown with the following timestamp: 1/1/0001
  • Adding a NetScaler may result in a record that says “Edit NetScaler”.
  • Scheduled Triggers – Monthly option may be reporting the wrong months and days in the log.
  • Custom Schedules – Operating Times for the action are reported by an ID, and not by the name of the schedule.

ControlUp Solve

  • To use ControlUp Solve, all monitors in your ControlUp Monitor Cluster must have network access and DNS resolution to the domain controllers of the logged in user’s domain.
  • ControlUp Solve does not support Integrated Windows Authentication when using a proxy server for the Monitors.
  • To use ControlUp Solve with NTLM proxy authentication for the Monitors, contact ControlUp support

Released October 17, 2021

New Features and Capabilities

Advanced Console/Monitor Authentication

Version 8.5.1 introduces a security enhancement that we strongly urge our customers to adopt. This version includes using trust certificates to log into ControlUp Consoles and communication to the ControlUp Monitors. You set advanced authentication in the organization settings and they are applied to the monitors. For details, see Certificate-Based Console and Monitor Authentication.

Bug Fixes

88559 – The Real-Time Console no longer freezes when users log in with Active Directory credentials that have been hardened for security.

Known Issues

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.5.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.5.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this documentis updated:

  • 100273 – A ControlUp organization owner has to have local admin rights on the console machine where you enable Advanced Authentication.
  • 98306 – If credentials fail to sync, monitor autostart might fail and the monitor may require a manual start.
  • 93990 – By default, Horizon data collector does not collect data for the “AD User Info” column.It can be added via a registry key
  • 97141 – In Horizon integration, when the “CollectUserInfo” registry key is enabled and there is no data collector configured other than the ControlUp Console/Monitor, the “HZ Assigned user” column will not be collected properly by the monitor.
    Workaround: Configure a dedicated data collector agent for the Horizon data collection. For details, see Data collector configuration.
  • 97125 – Monitor auto-remediation might not work when advanced authentication is set.
    Workaround: The monitor can be updated with the proxy setting by either:

    • Reinstalling the monitor.
    • Copying the proxy settings file (ProxySettings.xml) from a system running the console (under %appdata%\ControlUp) to a monitor (under %windir%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\ControlUp).

Released June 29, 2021

New Features and Capabilities

Remote DX – Client Metrics

ControlUp extends our digital experience capabilities by enabling you to now monitor remote client devices when they are logged into your virtual network. You can see metrics on how well the device’s connections are performing when your end users are remotely logging into your VPN or VDI from anywhere.

These metrics are collected per device for those devices that have the Remote DX .DLL installed. Once collected, these metrics appear in the Real-Time Console and in the Solve interface.

Scheduled Triggers

Scheduled Triggers are time-based triggers that fire at specified times. A trigger’s condition can be based on time only, or a combination of time and other parameters. This version includes a one time schedule or hourly recurrence with an interval of 1-24 hours.

Here are just some applicable use cases:

  • Set a daily reboot VDA at 2am if there are no active sessions for 15 minutes.
  • Power off machines every evening and power on machines every morning.
  • Run a daily health check script action based on monitored metrics and send the output to selected recipients.

ControlUp Solve

  • Remote DX – Client side metrics interface
  • Topology drilldown enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • 74780 – Triggers are no longer corrupted after deleting the folder that was selected as the scope for the trigger.
  • 78283 – Audit log: no longer missing a final status (Completed/Error) for some activities.
  • 80835 – Audit log: all activities are now reported to SysLog (schedule).
  • 82439 – Audit log: The dropdown list when selecting folders no longer has duplicate folder names (case sensitive).
  • 85034 – Real-Time Console triggers: Automated Action event 5005s are now always written to the EventViewer log.
  • 87361 – Automated Actions queue is not empty if there are actions waiting to be run.
  • 87961 – Monitor: the following error no longer appears when it shouldn’t in the event viewer for Automated Actions: “Error: An item with the same key has already been added on some targets”.
  • 88027 – Audit log: no longer missing a final status (Completed/Error) for some Automated Actions over the throttling limit.
  • 80827 – Audit log: no longer has errors upon adding extensions with Data Collectors.
  • 92103 – Removed the option to execute actions via the ControlUp agent’s named pipe.

Known issues

NOTE: Before upgrading your environment to v8.5.XXX, ControlUp recommends backing up your %appdata%/ControlUp directory by creating a copy of it and renaming it “ControlUp_old”.

This may prove useful if you need to revert to the previous version of ControlUp. Some new features require a change to the format or content of ControlUp configuration files. Therefore, if you need to downgrade ControlUp to a previous version, delete or rename the new “ControlUp” directory in %appdata% and rename the “ControlUp_old” directory to “ControlUp”.

The following is a list of known issues in the ControlUp v8.5.X general release. As these issues are resolved, this document will be updated:

  • 88468 – Client Metrics – Multiple Sessions for Citrix Machine – Citrix App Session – Inconsistent Data Display
  • 88559 – Fatal Error when launching RTC in secure environments 
  • 88473 (INTERNAL)
  • 91018 – To use Client Metrics, “Wireless LAN Service” should be enabled.
  • 93871 – Remote DX – Data may not display properly after performing a Reconnect to Network to a VMWare environment.

Centralized Auditing

  • The Details field of some audit log entries may have formatting issues.
  • The Details field of audit log entries of Incident Triggers may be unclear or missing details.
  • Some audit log entries may have unclear activity names.

ControlUp Solve

  • To use ControlUp Solve, all monitors in your ControlUp Monitor Cluster must have network access and DNS resolution to the domain controllers of the logged in user’s domain.
  • ControlUp Solve does not support Integrated Windows Authentication when using a proxy server for the Monitors.
  • To use ControlUp Solve with NTLM proxy authentication for the Monitors, contact ControlUp support