Great New Update to the Analyze Logon Duration Script

Analyze Logon DurationCitrix LogonLogon DurationScript Library

Hi there ControlUpers!

A new and most welcomed update to our most popular script, which I have written – Analyze Logon Duration – has been released.

You’ll find two major aspects that are new in the updated script:

  1. The Analyze Logon Duration script now fully supports Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
  2. In an effort to make things easier and streamline the process, I have merged my two existing scripts Analyze Logon Duration and Analyze XenDesktop Logon Duration.

The updated script, when run, will prompt you with a new screen as it is attempting to communicate with your Citrix Broker.

This is what it will look like:


You’ll be prompted to specify a username and password for the XenDesktop Broker connection with appropriate privileges to the Citrix Site.

Please note that you have to also specify the appropriate domain, you can do so as seen in the screenshot, or alternatively as (Username@Domain).

I hope you’ll enjoy the new and upgraded script, which should make things easier if you’re using a XenDesktop deployment as well as other run-of-the-mill published applications and desktops. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any thoughts or feedback on the matter!
Want to see how this all works? Easy! Get your free trial now and see how useful my script is.