ControlUp Virtual Expert

Remediates issues in your environment by identifying the root cause, applying the appropriate fix and confirming problem resolution.

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ControlUp Virtual Expert™ kicks in when one needs to troubleshoot and solve issues in the environment. This usually involves few steps including finding the root cause of the issue, remediating the problem and then checking to see that the issue was indeed resolved. The Virtual Expert guides and assists in each step of the way.

Shortest Path to Root Cause

By analyzing data from tens of thousands of troubleshooting sequences and continuously improving its AI / Machine Learning algorithms, the Virtual Expert recommends the shortest drill down path to uncover the root cause of the problem.

Contextual Troubleshooting

At any junction of the troubleshooting journey there are many additional pieces of information or actions that can be taken. By observing the Context of the user and the problem and applying analysis form a vast array of similar past troubleshooting sequences, the Virtual Expert suggests a set of actions that are most likely to solve the problem.

Abnormalities Detection

Sometimes numeric thresholds cannot tell the entire story. Being able to compare the behavior of a resource or a metric over time, at a given time of day, at a given day in the week or in comparison to a similar resources is a tedious task for humans but not for computers. Leveraging a smart BI algorithem and trend analysis comparing to multiple data points the Virtual Expert sifts through thousands of data points and effortlessly highlights abnormalities.

Benchmark Enriched Baselines

Establishing baselines values for metrics and resources is critical in order to compare and calculate if the current behavior is within norm and on trend. Many IT systems calculates and updates baselines, but these baselines are internal and therefore cannot help understand if the baseline is normal or just “my normal”. By leveraging anonymized metadata from thousands of data centers worldwide the Virtual Expert is able to enrich any baseline with a comparison to a global dataset or to any other segment dataset. Helping answer questions such as: “Is my user density per 4 core host normal”, “is my users profile load time phase long or short compared to other organizations with SSD storage?”



Verbringen Sie nicht Stunden damit, komplizierte IT-Probleme zu lösen, sondern lassen Sie ControlUp die Probleme in Minutenschnelle identifizieren und automatisieren

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