If you have kids you’re familiar with that moment, when they start to walk by themselves, ride a bicycle without training wheels or start attending the first grade, that feeling you get which blends anxiety and happiness at this special moment with fears and worries. Try to recall when you felt that sentiment – or if you don’t have kids, try to imagine – because that’s how I feel now, releasing this “child” into the world.
One of the first sentences I wrote in the the NetScaler Monitor’s PRD document is “a simple, easy and efficient monitoring tool for NetScaler admins”, and after numerous demos and conversations – during and after the latest Citrix Synergy conference – I am quite sure we achieved what we had been planning just a few months ago.
Frankly speaking, I was completely blown away by the feedback we got from the community. I won’t forget that moment when I presented the application for the first time in front of a full room of ControlUp Experts program members. Wasn’t expecting your reaction guys, Thanks!
NetScaler Monitor is available for public beta – June 2017.
The NetScaler Monitor allows you to see the real time status of your Load balancers, gateways, HDX sessions running through your NetScalers (with system information and resource usage data displayed as well).
See a short video demonstrating the Netscaler Monitor in action.
Let’s say a few words about what’s under the hood:
The NetScaler Monitor is a service which is divided into two separate components. The first component reads the NetScalers data (at 3 second intervals by default, configurable) and the second component is self-contained web service which shows the collected data.
In fact, you can run the NetScaler Monitor on any computer or server in your network and provide access to anyone from a central location.
We put a lot of effort into making things as easy and simple as possible and to allow you to get to the information in the most convenient way. But I’m sure more can be done to make things simpler – and more enjoyable.
The NetScaler Monitor is currently in beta phase, which means that it’s not supported by the ControIUp support team yet (but will be in the future). Please report any issues, feedback or ideas here (just click on the “Create Issue” button in the upper right corner of the site. You don’t need to sign up or login).
We want your opinion! Please send us as much feedback as you can. Together we’ll make NetScaler monitoring great again.
The Netscaler Monitor is Free – take it for a test drive today!