To use this feature, go to the Homepage of Edge DX. On the Device Map widget, you’ll see the location of the devices in your environment.
Then, select the metric that you’d like to monitor from the map from the Select Metric drop-down menu.
Once selected, the map will color-code the location pins and display them in a legend. In this case, Network Latency was selected and a device located in California had an orange pin, which is a medium health indicator.
You can then click the location pin to dive in deeper, pull more metrics on the device, and investigate the issue further.
This feature can greatly enhance your ability to find geocentric problems. For example, you’ll be able to tell, at a glance, if an entire datacenter or region of the world has a network slow-down or if it’s just a single device that’s having an issue.
As a side note, astute observers may have noticed that to the right of the drop-down menu is a Show All button and a square icon. These are not associated with this new feature. The Show All button will resize the map to best fit all the devices that you are tracking.
Before clicking Show All, the entire world is shown.
After clicking Show All, the map was resized to “best fit” all the devices.
The square icon will toggle to full screen view. Once in full screen mode, you can click it again or press the esc key to exit full screen mode.
ControlUp for Physical Endpoints & Apps allows you to monitor your Windows-, Mac-, Linux-, and IGEL-based physical endpoints in real time, regardless of their location. With it, you can gain a holistic understanding of and detailed information about your endpoints. Delivered as a SaaS app, it is accessible from anywhere, is designed to work for organizations of any size, and be used by any audience, from IT admins to help desk employees.