The State of Windows 11 Migration: Why ‘Ready’ Isn’t Ready Enough

windows 11

Have you ever noticed how moving to a new operating system is rather like moving house? You know you’ve got to do it. You’ve found the perfect place. You’ve even started packing a few boxes. But somehow, three months later, you’re still “getting ready” to move.

That’s exactly where many organisations find themselves with Windows 11. Our January 2025 data shows that 87% of devices are technically “ready” for migration. Great news, right? Well, sort of. Because here’s the problem: only 34% have actually completed the move.

The Procrastination Paradox

Let’s look at the trend. In August, we at ControlUp found that 18% had completed their migration. In September, the number crawled to 20%, followed by 23% in October and 31% in December. At this rate, we’ll reach the October 2025 end-of-support deadline for Windows 10 with a lot of organisations still “getting ready to get ready.”

As I’m writing this, 66% fall into the “Not on Win11” category, which means one or more of the following:

  • Devices need to be replaced in order to successfully migrate
  • Devices need to be upgraded in order to successfully migrate
  • Devices meet the requirements for migration, though migration has not been completed

Fortunately, very few fall into the “need to be replaced” category. Based on the numbers we’re seeing, the most common problem is that devices are ready for migration, but it just hasn’t happened yet.

It’s like having a fully packed removal van (moving truck for those of you in the States) but never putting it in gear.

Why the Hesitation?

The gap between “ready” and “done” isn’t just about technology. Our data shows a clear pattern: organisations have the technical capability but are stuck in the planning phase. It’s understandable—migrating thousands of devices isn’t like updating your mobile. There are legitimate concerns about:

  • Application compatibility
  • User training
  • Support readiness
  • Resource allocation
  • That one critical application that only works on Thursdays when Mercury isn’t in retrograde (kidding…mostly)

But here’s the thing: these challenges don’t get easier with time. If anything, waiting compresses your timeline and amplifies your risks.

The Cost of Waiting

Remember that 66% are still in the “Not on Win 11” category? It’s time to look at that as more of a countdown clock instead of just a statistic. Every month that passes reduces your runway for:

  • Proper testing
  • Phased rollouts
  • User adaptation
  • Issue resolution
  • Actually finding those admin passwords you’ve written down somewhere

And while our month-over-month improvements show that organisations are moving forward, the current pace suggests many are seriously underestimating the time required for a smooth migration. At this rate, with under a year until the October 2025 end-of-support deadline, the urgency is rising quickly.

Time for Action

I do have some good news. If you’re in that 87% “ready” category, you’ve already cleared the biggest technical hurdle. The bad news? Being ready isn’t the same as being done, and October 2025 isn’t going to politely wait while you finish “getting ready.”

Think of it this way: Windows 10 end-of-support isn’t like those “final reminder” notices that keep arriving for three months. It’s more like that removal van you’ve booked—they’re going to turn up, ready to go, whether you’ve packed everything or not.

Our data clearly shows that technical readiness isn’t the main barrier anymore. What’s needed now is decisive action. Because “34% complete” sounds a lot like “we should probably get cracking.” Because being ready to move is great, but eventually, you have to actually leave where you are and show up where you’re going.

Ready to plan your Windows 11 migration? Learn about ControlUp’s Windows 11 readiness assessment tool and start a free trial today!