The Upload with ControlUp

Episode 1 – Introduction, Summer Time, & ControlUp Updates

June 15, 2021
  1. Introduction: ControlUp is introducing a new podcast. This podcast will feature ControlUp updates, topics, blogs, and more Industry updates, topics blogs, and more. Customer insights, stories, and real-world feedback. Partner insights, stories, and cool integrations. Fun, banter, and random topics our goal is simple… we won’t bore you to death!
  2. ControlUp Release Updates w/ Joel Stocker: Joel will take us through the recent product updates and launches that will help you optimize your end-users digital experience and in turn, minimize helpdesk tickets.
  3. Summer Giveaways w/ Katie Hance: It is summer time and why not give away some cool stuff. Listen in to hear what we are giving away!
Hosted by:
Eugenia Schipelliti
Jeff Johnson
Pete Downing