The Upload with ControlUp

Episode 3 – Insights from VDoppler and DEX Fun

July 14, 2021
  1. Introduction: Pete, Jeff, and Eugenia catch up on all things ControlUp, EUC, and more. We set the stage for the episode.
  2. Interview with Tom Fenton: Vdoppler AKA Tom talks ControlUp, VMware, his journey, and more.
  3. Digital Employee Experience Discussion (DEX): We discuss DEX, what it is, is it subjective or objective, and how ControlUp can help. A fun discussion focused on the problem and not the product.
  4. Five minutes or less: We close the episode with what is coming and some fun conversations around jobs. You need to listen to find out…
Hosted by:
Eugenia Schipelliti
Jeff Johnson
Pete Downing