Optimize IT Resources — Optimize Your WFH Workforce

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Yevgeni Klushin
Head of Pre Sales APAC & EMEA at ControlUp
Raïm Kornalijnslijper
Teamlead Platform as a Service at Visolit & Service Operation Manager Citrix Scandanavia
Samuel Legrand
Pre Sales and Technical specialist at ControlUp

When your corporate headquarters or regional locations go dark—as many are now—will your organization and end-users continue to thrive in a work-from-home scenario? Most organizations are facing significant wait times for new servers and storage, so standing up new end-user computing environments in the short term is unachievable.

What if a tool existed that showed you–in granular detail — how to do more with your existing infrastructure and give your WFH end-users the best possible computing experience? For example:

  • Prioritizing bandwidth for business-critical users and applications
  • Identifying idle or disconnected resources and automatically allocating them to business-critical users, applications, or servers
  • Analyzing logon speed, application performance, and virtual desktop responsiveness so you can pinpoint and fix issues that degrade end-user’s experience

ControlUp can do all of this — and more. In this webinar, you will learn how ControlUp can help you make the most of your existing infrastructure, providing a familiar, performant workspace for employees unused to working from home and dealing with abrupt, sweeping, and scary changes.

With ControlUp, when your end-users can’t get to the office, you can make sure they can still get to work.