Solving Horizon Monitoring Use Cases with ControlUp

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Joel Stocker
Head of Product Marketing
Tristan Todd
Senior Solutions Engineer, End-User Computing, VMware
Tom Fenton
Technical Marketing Manager, ControlUp
Cris Lau
Product Manager, VMware

As a Horizon administrator, you’ve got a lot on your plate.

Each and every day, you battle user experience demons: excessive logon durations, endless application launch times, high protocol latency, bandwidth limitations, and more. You need to make sure your systems are healthy and that you’re delivering the best possible user experience.

How do you solve these issues and proactively prevent problems, instead of reacting to things as they arise?

Join us for an exclusive VMware + ControlUp webinar to hear perspectives, gain insight and see how to solve some of the most common—and time-consuming—Horizon user experience use cases.

This is your chance to see real-world problems solved by industry experts as they unpack everything from slow logons to environment reporting and assessment, and more.

Our experts: