Tag: Microsoft Office

(3 Scripts)

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Show the open Excel, Word or PowerPoint files for the user, highlighting the active one and naming the active sheet of the active workbook if Excel.
Version: 1.2.17  •   Created: 2024-02-29  •   Modified: 2024-05-31
While add-ins enhance the functionality of Microsoft Office, in some cases they can affect performance and stability. This script will list the add-ins for a selected user session.
This script leverages OfficeIns.exe from https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/officeins.html
Version: 1.15.23  •   Created: 2018-06-07  •   Modified: 2018-12-21
Version: 1.2.3  •   Created: 2017-02-13  •   Modified: 2017-02-13