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Tag: wvd

(7 Scripts)
This Azure Script Based Action allows you to to retrieve detailed information on actual costs of selected VM in the Azure Subscription your Service Principal has access to.
Version: 1.1.2  |   Created: 2020-12-25  |   Modified: 2020-12-27  |   Creator: Esther Barthel, MSc  |   Downloads: 72
This Azure Script Based Action allows you to to retrieve detailed information on actual and forecast costs of the Azure Subscription your Service Principal has access too.
Version: 1.1.2  |   Created: 2020-12-06  |   Modified: 2020-12-13  |   Creator: Esther Barthel, MSc  |   Downloads: 40
This Azure Script Based Action allows you to to retrieve detailed information on actual and forecast costs of the Azure Subscription your Service Principal has access too.

Version: 1.1.2  |   Created: 2020-12-06  |   Modified: 2020-12-13  |   Creator: Esther Barthel, MSc  |   Downloads: 60
This AVD Script Based Action prepares the machine with the required PowerShell modules to run the AVD script based actions
Version: 1.1.1  |   Created: 2020-07-22  |   Modified: 2020-07-22  |   Creator: Esther Barthel, MSc  |   Downloads: 24
This WVD Script Based Action allows you to change the Hostpool Load Balancing Algorithm to either DepthFirst or BreadthFirst
Version: 1.5.5  |   Created: 2020-06-12  |   Modified: 2020-07-22  |   Creator: Esther Barthel, MSc  |   Downloads: 20
This WVD Script Based Action allows you to change the Max Session limit for a Hostpool.
Version: 1.6.9  |   Created: 2020-06-12  |   Modified: 2020-07-22  |   Creator: Esther Barthel, MSc  |   Downloads: 19
Script Action to store the required Service Principal credentials in an encrypted file for usage with the AVD Script Actions
Version: 1.4.5  |   Created: 2020-05-18  |   Modified: 2020-07-22  |   Creator: Esther Barthel, MSc  |   Downloads: 41