Analyze drive contents with WinDirStat

Run WinDirStat ( to analyze the usage of a drive.
If executed for a Logical drive that will be used.
If executed on a computer or session will be run for ALL Drives on that computer
Version 1.10.35
Created on 2019-03-13
Modified on 2019-03-29
Created by Marcel.Calef
Downloads: 548

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
REM    Analyze dirve contents with WinDirStat
REM    Run WinDirStat ( to analyze the usage of a drive.
REM    If executed for a Logical drive that will be used.
REM    If executed on a computer or session will be run for ALL Drives on that computer

SET targetComputer=%1
SET DriveName=%2

REM Hardcoding the executable path for automatic actions:
SET execPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinDirStat\WinDirStat.exe"

if exist %execPath% (
        ECHO Found %execPath% and will use it for Drive %DriveName% on Computer %targetComputer%
  GOTO runCommand
 ) else   (
  ECHO . 1>&2
  ECHO .     windirstat.exe not foundat %execPath% 1>&2
  ECHO . 1>&2
  ECHO .           Download from 1>&2
  REM GOTO doneFlag

 SET driveLetter=%DriveName:~0,1%
 ECHO running %execPath%   -accepteula  \\%targetComputer%\%driveLetter%$
 REM Start command should have released the script, but not TO-DO
 %execPath%  -accepteula  \\%targetComputer%\%driveLetter%$

 ECHO Done