Script Library

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Tag: cvad

(10 Scripts)
Run on a Citrix Delivery Controller as a user with at least read only Studio access to site and license data. It will highlight licenses due to expire within the specified number of days, to allow for the renewal process to commence, or where the maximum number of licenses is in use or has been exceeded.
Version: 1.1.5  |   Created: 2023-04-14  |   Modified: 2023-05-25  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 37
Check the status and common issues with Citrix VDA registration
Version: 1.0.1  |   Created: 2021-08-19  |   Modified: 2021-08-19  |   Creator:  |   Downloads: 255
Assign or unassign a tag to one or more Citrix machines, optionally creating the tag if it does not already exist.
Can also be used to show current tag assignments for specified machines and delete a tag entirely after removing it from all machines where it is in use.
Maintenance mode can be enabled/disabled too where the use case is where the tag is used to give details of why the machine has been put in maintenance mode, who by, when, etc
Script must be run on a Citrix delivery controller or a machine where the Citrix PowerShell cmdlets are installed. In the latter case, a delivery controller name must be given in the arguments
Version: 1.1.21  |   Created: 2021-07-27  |   Modified: 2022-07-27  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 43
Performs a test of all the technical requirements for HDX content redirection, which can potentially save bandwidth and CPU. The script's output provides the test results along with recommendations on components that need to be enabled or upgraded for content redirection to work.
Version: 1.4.20  |   Created: 2020-10-07  |   Modified: 2020-10-13  |   Creator: Marcel Calef  |   Downloads: 137
Run on a Delivery Controller or where the CVAD PowerShell snapins are available, e.g. Studio is installed. User running the script must have sufficient permission to chage the enabled state of the selected delivery groups
Version: 1.1.6  |   Created: 2020-10-06  |   Modified: 2020-10-13  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 47
Run on a Delivery Controller or where the CVAD PowerShell snapins are available, e.g. Studio is installed or on a machine with the DaaS Remote PowerShell SDK (for Cloud). User running the script for on-prem must have sufficient permission to change the enabled state of the selected delivery groups. For Cloud, CU stored credentials must have previously been saved for the local user running the script.

To use this script as an automated action where parameters cannot be passed, copy the script and set the $disable parameter in the Param() block at the top of the script to "true" or "false" depending on whether you are disabling or enabling delivery groups respectively.

The Cloud Customer Id or Delivery Controller is an optional argument which can be used when there are more than 1 credential file for the user running the script so that the correct Cloud customer can be chosen. When used on-prem, the parameter is used to tell the script what delivery controller to connect to when the script is not run on a DDC.
Version: 2.1.13  |   Created: 2020-10-06  |   Modified: 2024-01-26  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 10
Show how recently (in number of days) delivery groups have had sessions launched from them, by checking the last used property for each machine in a delivery group.
Specify the minimum number of days last launched to show only delivery groups which have not had sessions launched within that number of days and optionally disable them. Specify 0 days to show all delivery groups.

Run on a Delivery Controller or where the CVAD PowerShell snapins are available, e.g. Studio is installed.
Version: 2.6.19  |   Created: 2020-10-02  |   Modified: 2020-10-09  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 75
This is a simple script that restarts the BrokerAgent service on a Citrix VDA. This is useful when VDAs become unregistered. It forces them to try to re-register to a Delivery Controller. In some instances a reboot of the VDA may be required, for everything else there's this SBA!
Version: 1.1.8  |   Created: 2019-10-23  |   Modified: 2021-03-18  |   Creator: Rory Monaghan  |   Downloads: 282
Disable XenDesktop maintenance mode for the selected computer(s)
Version: 9.10.32  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2023-02-23  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 1476
Enable XenDesktop maintenance mode for the selected computer(s). Highlight the target VMs, but run it on the broker for the VMs.
Version: 8.0.11  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2023-02-23  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 1300