Tag: message

(10 Scripts)

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Sends a message to Teams using an Incoming Webhook, with an option to include a clickable button with a URI link.Customize the Message input to use this as an Automated Action for alerts on session metrics.
If you want to include a clickable button with your message, ButtonText and ButtonURI must be provided. If either of these is missing the script will return an error.
Useful for Triggered scripts, fill the Title and message with data from the console as required.
This script requires a webhook to be configured in your Teams site. See the link on how to do this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook
Version: 1.2.19  •   Created: 2021-12-25  •   Modified: 2022-01-04
Example script for an automated action when CPU threshold is exceeded using the 'Send Teams message on machine condition' script.When configured as an automated action triggered from high CPU use a message will be posted in the configured Teams environment, with a button that can be clicked to open the console in the machine location.

Sends a message to Teams using an Incoming Webhook, with an option to include a clickable button with a URI link.Customize the Message input to use this as an Automated Action for alerts on machine metrics.
If you want to include a clickable button with your message, ButtonText and ButtonURI must be provided. If either of these is missing the script will return an error.
Useful for Triggered scripts, fill the Title and message with data from the console as required.
This script requires a webhook to be configured in your Teams site. See the link on how to do this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook
Version: 2.3.37  •   Created: 2021-12-25  •   Modified: 2022-02-07
Sends a message to Slack using an Incoming Webhook with an option to include a clickable button with a URI link. Customize the Message input to use this as an Automated Action for alerts on machine metrics.
If you want to include a clickable button with your message the ButtonExplanation, ButtonText and ButtonURI must be provided. If any of these is missing the script will return an error.
Useful for Triggered scripts, fill the title and message with data from the console as required.
This script requires a webhook to be configured in your Slack site. See the link on how to do this: https://slack.com/help/articles/115005265063-Incoming-webhooks-for-Slack
Version: 1.3.25  •   Created: 2021-12-25  •   Modified: 2022-01-04
Sends a message to Teams using an Incoming Webhook, with an option to include a clickable button with a URI link.Customize the Message input to use this as an Automated Action for alerts on machine metrics.
If you want to include a clickable button with your message, ButtonText and ButtonURI must be provided. If either of these is missing the script will return an error.
Useful for Triggered scripts, fill the Title and message with data from the console as required.
This script requires a webhook to be configured in your Teams site. See the link on how to do this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook
Version: 1.2.19  •   Created: 2021-12-25  •   Modified: 2022-01-04
This is an example of how the 'Send Slack message on Session condition' script can be used in a Trigger follow up action.
Configure the defaults for your Slack environment and set the script as a follow up action on User Logon on a machine.
NOTE: In Settings the following changes have been made (compared to the 'Send Slack message' script)
Action Assigned to: Session
Execution Context: User Session
Security Context: Default (Session's User)

Sends a message to Slack using an Incoming Webhook with an option to include a clickable button with a URI link. Customize the Message input to use this as an Automated Action for alerts on session metrics.
If you want to include a clickable button with your message the ButtonExplanation, ButtonText and ButtonURI must be provided. If any of these is missing the script will return an error.
Useful for Triggered scripts, fill the title and message with data from the console as required.
This script requires a webhook to be configured in your Slack site. See the link on how to do this: https://slack.com/help/articles/115005265063-Incoming-webhooks-for-Slack
Version: 2.15.44  •   Created: 2021-12-25  •   Modified: 2022-02-08
Sends a message to Slack using an Incoming Webhook with an option to include a clickable button with a URI link. Customize the Message input to use this as an Automated Action for alerts on session metrics.
If you want to include a clickable button with your message the ButtonExplanation, ButtonText and ButtonURI must be provided. If any of these is missing the script will return an error.
Useful for Triggered scripts, fill the title and message with data from the console as required.
This script requires a webhook to be configured in your Slack site. See the link on how to do this: https://slack.com/help/articles/115005265063-Incoming-webhooks-for-Slack
Version: 1.3.25  •   Created: 2021-12-25  •   Modified: 2022-01-04
Displays a Toast notification on the users'desktop (Windows 10/Server 2016 or higher only). Designed to be used as an automated action with client metrics requiring ControlUp 8.5 or higher.
Take a copy of the script and either use as a regular SBA, or set the defaults in the Param() block so it can be used in an automated action. If you are using the standard parameters setting default values for these will also allow use in an automated action.
Version: 2.4.27  •   Created: 2021-05-12  •   Modified: 2022-02-08
This is an example of how the 'Show message dialogue' script can be tailored for a specific use case.
_ClientMetric1 has been set to the Memory (Working Set) from ControlUp and the message includes this metric.
Use WPF to display a modal dialogue in a user's session with a message, optional title, and solid colour background.
Take a copy of the script and either add parameters to use as a regular SBA, or set the defaults in the Param() block so it can be used in an automated action. If you have created parameters, setting default values for these will also allow use in an automated action.
Unless -showForSeconds is specified and the value is less than the script timeout, it will timeout and show an eror but if no other errors are shown, the message will have been displayed
Version: 1.11.48  •   Created: 2021-05-07  •   Modified: 2022-02-07
Use WPF to display a modal dialogue in a user's session with a message, optional title, and solid colour background.
Take a copy of the script and either add parameters to use as a regular SBA, or set the defaults in the Param() block so it can be used in an automated action. If you have created parameters setting default values for these will also allow use in an automated action.
Unless -showForSeconds is specified and the value is less than the script timeout, it will timeout and show an eror but if no other errors are shown, the message will have been displayed
Version: 1.11.38  •   Created: 2021-05-07  •   Modified: 2022-02-08
Sends messages to the selected Horizon user/s. This script can be used to send messages to a single user session using the Horizon SOAP API's. It can also be used as an automated action with a fixed message and severity level. For the severity level these are allowed: INFO,WARNING, ERROR

This script requires VMWare PowerCLI to be installed on the machine running the script.
PowerCLI can be installed through PowerShell (PowerShell version 5 or higher required) by running the command 'Install-Module VMWare.PowerCLI -Force -AllowCLobber -Scope AllUsers' Or by using the 'Install VMware PowerCLI' script.
If you get TLS/SSL errors use this command Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction ignore
or Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction warn
To get rid of the CEIP warning use Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -ParticipateInCeip $true
or Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -ParticipateInCeip $false
Credentials can be set using the 'Create credentials for Horizon View scripts' script.
Version: 2.4.6  •   Created: 2020-07-07  •   Modified: 2023-11-24