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Tag: powershell

(31 Scripts)
This SBA confirms whether protection against these vulnerabilities have been enabled on the target computer.
For more infomation:
Version: 2.2.6  |   Created: 2018-01-04  |   Modified: 2018-01-11  |   Creator: Rotem Agmon  |   Downloads: 116
Adds the required registry keys to enable the mitigations on the target computer.
Requires the relevant Microsoft patch installed on the target computer.
For more inforrmation:
Version: 2.2.15  |   Created: 2018-01-04  |   Modified: 2018-01-11  |   Creator: Rotem Agmon  |   Downloads: 73
This action allows you to set the amount of CPUs, memory size and hard disk size for a VMware virtual machine.The script requires VMware PowerCLI to be installed on the machine it runs on. ** IF THE VM IS ON IT WILL BE RESTARTED! **
Version: 3.9.29  |   Created: 2016-12-25  |   Modified: 2018-12-18  |   Creator: Ton de Vreede  |   Downloads: 370
Run this SBA against one or more user sessions to lock that session. Taken from Stephen Owen's blog,
Version: 1.1.6  |   Created: 2016-12-18  |   Modified: 2016-12-18  |   Creator: Stephen Owen  |   Downloads: 164
This script will list all the VMs in a specific XenDesktop site that are listed in maintenance mode in the DDC. It must be run on a XenDesktop broker. The script prompts for and requires at least a XenDesktop read-only admin account.
Version: 1.3.8  |   Created: 2016-05-04  |   Modified: 2016-05-05  |   Creator: Matan Nataf  |   Downloads: 287
The script runs on the ControlUp Console computer and initiates an HDX connection against one or more XenApp servers in order to check the server's health. The script does not perform any actual login activity to the targeted XenApp server.
Version: 1.12.26  |   Created: 2016-03-13  |   Modified: 2016-03-16  |   Creator: Matan Nataf  |   Downloads: 1200
Opens a remote PowerShell session to the selceted computer(s) or to the computer(s) hosting the selected process(es) or user session(s). WinRM and PowerShell remoting already needs to be configured on the target computers. You can do that with ControlUp using the "Enable PSRemoting" SBA.
Version: 1.11.12  |   Created: 2015-08-20  |   Modified: 2016-08-17  |   Creator: Eugene Kalayev  |   Downloads: 812
The script checks if a Windows Update is installed, using Get-WMIObject commandlet and WMI information under 'win32_quickfixengineering' and 'win32_ReliabilityRecords'.

About Win32_ReliabilityRecords:
They are enabled by default on Windows 7 but Group Policy has to be used to enable them on the server side. See Computer Settings – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Windows Reliability Analysis.

MSDN Win32_ReliabilityRecords class
Version: 1.12.57  |   Created: 2015-02-21  |   Modified: 2016-04-05  |   Creator: ajal  |   Downloads: 518
Disable Horizon View Maintenance Mode for the selected computer(s).
Version: 3.3.12  |   Created: 2014-11-26  |   Modified: 2022-06-13  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 121
Enable Horizon View Maintenance Mode for the selected computer(s).
Version: 3.3.12  |   Created: 2014-11-26  |   Modified: 2022-06-13  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 148
This script looks at all of the services running under svchost.exe (a generic wrapper) and tells which service is using which wrapper.
Version: 1.0.1  |   Created: 2014-09-02  |   Modified: 2014-09-02  |   Creator: ControlUp Support  |   Downloads: 577
For the selected user session/s, enumerates all user shell folders redirected to a non-default location outside the user profile.
Version: 4.1.8  |   Created: 2014-06-23  |   Modified: 2016-06-15  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 1908
For a machine streamed using Citrix Provisioning Services, marks the device as down, resets the Active Directory machine account password and reboots the device. This action should be executed on a PVS server with MCLI PowerShell snap-in installed.
Version: 3.3.10  |   Created: 2014-06-22  |   Modified: 2014-07-02  |   Creator: ControlUp Support  |   Downloads: 313
For every selected process, displays the list of DLLs currently loaded
Version: 1.0.2  |   Created: 2014-04-01  |   Modified: 2014-04-01  |   Creator: ControlUp Support  |   Downloads: 712
Show the URL for a given IE process.
This script does not fully support published applications. (Published Apps will not show the actual URL.) You may also get unusual or no results if IE is at a site which uses Unicode characters.
Version: 4.5.24  |   Created: 2014-01-27  |   Modified: 2014-03-18  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 935
Retrieves process IDs and the URLs associated with them. Assigned to a session.
This script does not fully support published applications. (Published Apps will not show the actual URL.) You may also get unusual or no results if IE is at a site which uses Unicode characters.
Version: 4.7.26  |   Created: 2014-01-27  |   Modified: 2014-03-18  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 876
Gracefully restart a VMware VM using PowerCLI through the vCenter.
Version: 4.4.12  |   Created: 2014-01-07  |   Modified: 2018-12-06  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 371
Here are some tips and ideas for structure for writing PowerShell scripts in ControlUp!
Version: 3.0.5  |   Created: 2013-12-31  |   Modified: 2014-02-23  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 321
This is one way to write a PowerShell script for ControlUp.
Version: 1.0.3  |   Created: 2013-12-31  |   Modified: 2013-12-31  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 396
Adds the selected XenApp server(s) to a Worker Group
Version: 3.2.13  |   Created: 2013-12-30  |   Modified: 2014-02-18  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 199
Adds the selected user(s) to an Active Directory group or groups
Version: 4.0.6  |   Created: 2013-11-25  |   Modified: 2014-02-18  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 272
Send an e-mail message to the selected user(s) using Microsoft Outlook. Also requires the AD PowerShell module.
Version: 3.1.22  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-20  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 267
Enables the Active Directory account of the selected user(s)
Version: 3.0.6  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-19  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 194
Disables the Active Directory account of the selected user(s)
Version: 3.0.4  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-19  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 204
Unlocks the Active Directory account of the selected user(s). This can be run on any computer with the AD PowerShell module installed.
Version: 2.0.3  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-20  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 449
Resets the password for the Active Directory account of the selected user. Best to run this on one user at a time unless you want to assign the same password to all target accounts.
Version: 3.0.6  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-20  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 322
Remove selected server(s) from the list of servers on which a selected application is published
Version: 2.0.2  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-20  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 170
Enable XenApp Logon to the selected server
Version: 2.0.2  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-19  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 542
Disable XenApp Logon to the selected server. This state only persists until the next reboot.
Version: 2.0.4  |   Created: 2013-11-24  |   Modified: 2014-02-19  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 578
Changes the XenApp Logon Mode for the selected server. Please enter one of the following states: AllowLogOns, ProhibitNewLogOnsUntilRestart, ProhibitNewLogOns, ProhibitLogOns
Version: 4.1.7  |   Created: 2013-11-21  |   Modified: 2017-11-14  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 574
Removes the selected XenApp server(s) from a Worker Group
Version: 2.0.3  |   Created: 2013-11-21  |   Modified: 2014-02-20  |   Creator: Zeev Eisenberg  |   Downloads: 179