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APPV5: Publish Package (User)

This SBA will publish the package to the current user
Version: 2.5.11
Created: 2015-06-19
Modified: 2022-10-12
Creator: Nathan Sperry
Downloads: 130
Tags: $User App-V Publish
The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#Requires -Version 3.0

    This script will publish an App-V application to the user

    This script will publish an App-V application to the user


    NAME: N/A
    AUTHOR: Nathan Sperry, Virtual Engine
    LASTEDIT: 05/06/2015
    VERSI0N : 1.0
    WEBSITE: http://www.virtualengine.co.uk


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Check if App-V client is installed
Function Get-AppVClient{

    This function determines if the App-V client is installed
    This function determines if the App-V client is installed
    Returns true or false.
    NAME: Get-AppVClient
    AUTHOR: Nathan Sperry, Virtual Engine
    LASTEDIT: 05/06/2015
    WEBSITE: http://www.virtualengine.co.uk
    KEYWORDS: App-V,App-V ,VirtualEngine,AppV5

    ## TTYE - check if this is the built-in AppV
if ([boolean](Get-Command -Name Get-AppvStatus -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
    if ((Get-AppvStatus).AppVClientEnabled -eq $true) {
        return $true

$Installed = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | where Displayname -match 'Microsoft Application Virtualization' | Select-Object Displayname

if ($Installed -ne $null) {return $true} else {return $false}


$appvname = $args[0]

if (Get-AppVClient -eq $true)

    # Import App-V PoSH Module to make sure its loaded
    If ( ! (Get-module AppVClient ))

        # Find Installation Path
        $strAppVClient = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client
        $strInstallPath = $strAppVClient.InstallPath
     Import-Module ($strInstallPath + "AppvClient\AppvClient.psd1")

        $allpackages = Get-AppvClientPackage -All
        $packages = $allpackages | where {$_.Name -like $appvname}

        if ($packages.count -ge 1)

                foreach ($package in $packages)
                    If ($package.IsPublishedToUser -eq $false)
                         $result = Publish-AppvClientPackage -Name $package.Name
                         Write-host $package.Name 'has been published to the user'
                        Write-Output ($package.Name + ' is already published to the user')


            Write-Warning "No App-V packages that match '$appvname' are present on this device"
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Output $ErrorMessage

    Write-Warning 'App-V 5.x client is not installed'