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Cancel pending logoffs

Cancels any "Message and Logoff" SBAs which are still running on the selected computer(s) by finding the associated PowerShell process and terminating it.
Cancellation Message - A message to display to the users so they can be informed that they will not be logged off (default is no mesage)
Version: 1.3.3
Created: 2018-10-12
Modified: 2018-11-23
Creator: Guy Leech
Downloads: 47
Tags: citrix Disconnected Idle logoff parallels ras
The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#requires -version 3.0
    Find running PowerShell processes hosting our logoff SBA and kill it.
    Run if the original script timed out due to a long grace period specified but you no longer need to log users off

    @guyrleech 2018

[string]$message = $args[0]
[string]$owner = Get-Process -Id $pid -IncludeUserName | Select -ExpandProperty Username
[int]$killed = 0

Get-Item -Path ( Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath "ControlUp.Logoffs.*" ) | ForEach-Object `
    $thisPid = ($_.Name -split '\.')[-1]
    $process = Get-Process -Id $thisPid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -IncludeUserName
    if( $process )
        if( $process.Username -eq $owner -and $process.Name -eq 'powershell' ) ## can't match arguments as variable
            $parent = Get-Process -Id (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "processid = $($process.id)"|select -ExpandProperty ParentProcessId) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if( $parent -and $parent.Name -eq 'cuAgent' )
                $terminated = Stop-Process -InputObject $process -Confirm:$false -PassThru
                if( $terminated -and $terminated.HasExited )
                    Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force
                    Write-Warning "Failed to terminate process id $($process.Id)"

if( ! $killed )
    Write-Warning "Found no processes to kill"
    Write-Output "Killed $killed processes"

if( $killed -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $message ) )
    $msgProcess = Start-Process -FilePath 'msg.exe' -ArgumentList "* $($message -replace '\\n' , "`n")" -PassThru -Wait -ErrorAction Stop -WindowStyle Hidden
    if( ! $msgProcess )
        Throw $error[0]