Cancel scheduled reboot

Cancel a reboot scheduled via the Schedule Reboot action by finding and deleting the scheduled task created by the Schedule Reboot action
Version 1.5.13
Created on 2018-09-29
Modified on 2018-11-26
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 87

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#requires -version 3
    Find and delete the scheduled task that the Scheduled Reboot SBA created

    @guyrleech 2018

[string]$taskName = 'Reboot scheduled from ControlUp console'

[bool]$foundTask = $false
[int]$exitCode = 0

Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $taskName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object `
    ## The Date property is empty so we get creation time from the task description
    [string]$createdAt = $null
    if( $_.Description -match '\. Created at (.*)$' )
        $createdAt = ", created at $($Matches[1])"
    $_ | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false
    if( $? )
        Write-Output "Successfuly deleted scheduled task `"$($_.TaskName)`"$createdAt"
        Write-Error "Error deleting scheduled task `"$($_.TaskName)`"$createdAt"
        $exitCode = 1
    $foundTask = $true

if( ! $foundTask )
    Write-Error "Failed to find a scheduled task called `"$taskName`""

Exit $exitCode