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Tag: windows

(9 Scripts)
Query all services, both system and per-user, get the binary responsible for the service, which will be a dll when the service executable is svchost,exe and check its digital signature.
By default, only services whose binary is not validly signed will be shown but parameters are available to show any signing state and to show all services or just non-Microsoft ones
Version: 1.0.6  |   Created: 2023-02-23  |   Modified: 2023-02-23  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 10
Exports users from active directory to a CSV for solve user import.
Users and groups must be comma separated, if one is not used please have '$null' in the field so it does not attempt to be processed.
A user account should contain the following data, otherwise it will not be exported: userprincipalname (UPN), givenname, sn (surname), mail (emaill address), samaccountname, distinguishedname
Builtin groups such as Domain Users are not supported
Version: 1.0.19  |   Created: 2022-10-11  |   Modified: 2022-10-30  |   Creator: Steve Schneider  |   Downloads: 541
Show FSLogix currently mounted volume details and cross reference to FSLogix session information in the registry.
Version: 2.2.25  |   Created: 2022-08-17  |   Modified: 2022-12-04  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 453
Adds or Removes Windows Features from Server or Desktop operating systems.
Version: 1.10.26  |   Created: 2020-10-05  |   Modified: 2020-10-20  |   Creator: Trentent Tye  |   Downloads: 92
Enables Firewall Auditing Events and then tails the event log remotely. The tailing of events for this script is closer to realtime then the text log.
Version: 1.7.9  |   Created: 2020-09-22  |   Modified: 2020-09-28  |   Creator: Trentent Tye  |   Downloads: 47
Opens Windows Admin Center to the server manager for the selected machine
Version: 1.2.11  |   Created: 2020-09-11  |   Modified: 2020-09-12  |   Creator: Trentent Tye  |   Downloads: 35
Lists any Windows Updates available to be installed - or optionally install available Windows Update
Version: 3.11.19  |   Created: 2020-06-23  |   Modified: 2022-10-30  |   Creator: Trentent Tye  |   Downloads: 641
Check the permissions of the records that match the computer name specified and optionally change them so that the computer account for the current AD object for that computer has rights to update the record.
Run on a computer that has the ActiveDirectory PowerShell mdoule installed like a domain controller. Permissions for Domain controller DNS records will not be changed,
Use when machines have been rebuilt and they cannot update their own DNS record because it is owned by the account for the previous build which no longer exists in AD so the current computer does not have permissions when it wants to register the IP address against its own DNS record
NOTE: It is recommended you make a backup of your DNS with the Backup DNS Zone script before running this script with Fix set to Yes.
Version: 1.1.7  |   Created: 2019-10-03  |   Modified: 2022-10-06  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 29
Backup the specified DNS zone(s) to file using dnscmd.exe. The backup is stored in a subfolder created in system32dns
The default 'Zone name or regex' setting of * will backup all Zones on the DNS server.
A REGEX like ^backmeup$ will only backup a zone named 'backmeup'
Version: 1.2.14  |   Created: 2019-09-27  |   Modified: 2022-10-06  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 8