#File locations:
$installutilroot = "$env:systemroot\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe"
$pvsconsoleinstallroot = "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Provisioning Services Console"
If (!(Test-Path "$pvsconsoleinstallroot\Citrix.PVS.SnapIn.dll")) {
Write-Warning "This server is not running provisioning services 7.6 or higher, or the console is not installed."
Else {
Try {
Get-PSSnapin -Registered Citrix.PVS.SnapIn -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
Catch {
Write-Warning "PowerShell Snapin for Provisioning Services is not registered. Attempting to register it now..."
Try {
cd "$pvsconsoleinstallroot\"
Start-Process -FilePath $installutilroot -ArgumentList "Citrix.PVS.SnapIn.dll" -WorkingDirectory "$pvsconsoleinstallroot\" -NoNewWindow -wait
Catch {
Write-Warning "An error occurred while registering the snapin for Provisioning services."
Try {
Add-PSSnapin citrix.pvs.snapin -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
Write-Warning "Powershell snapin not registered for provisioning services, the script will now close."
If (!$exit) {
Write-Host "Site Report:"
Get-PvsSite | Select name, @{Name = 'Servers'; Expression = {(Get-PvsServer -sitename $_.sitename).count}},@{Name = 'Online Devices'; Expression = {(Get-PvsDeviceInfo -sitename $_.sitename -OnlyActive).count}} -wait | ft
Write-Host "Collection Report:"
Get-PvsCollection | Select name, sitename, Enabled, @{N='Devices'; E={$_.devicecount}}, @{N='Active Devices'; E={$_.activedevicecount}} | ft
Write-Host "Disk Report:"
$disks = Get-PvsDiskInfo
$disks | Select name, enabled, active, @{N='Site'; E={$_.sitename}}, @{N='Store'; E={$_.storename}}, @{N='Server'; E={$_.servername}}, locked, @{N='Devices'; E={$_.devicecount}} | ft
ForEach ($disk in $disks) {
If ($disk.ServerName.length -gt 0) {
Write-Warning "Disk image $($disk.name) is currently bound to a single server: $($disk.servername)"
Write-Host "Server Report:"
$servers = Get-PvsServerInfo
$servers | Select name, sitename, @{Name = 'Active'; Expression ={[System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.active)}}, devicecount | ft
ForEach ($server in $servers | Where {$_.active -eq 0}) {
Write-Warning ("$($server.name) is currently offline!")
$stores = @()
Write-Host "Store Report:"
ForEach ($server in $servers | Where {$_.active -eq 1}) {
ForEach ($store in Get-PvsStore -ServerName $server.name) {
$properties = @{
'Free Space (MB)'=(Get-PvsStoreFreeSpace -StoreName $store.name -ServerName $server.name)}
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties
$stores | Select store, servername, 'Free Space (MB)' | ft
Write-Host "Device Retry Report:"
$devices=Get-PvsDeviceInfo | Where {$_.active -and $_.status -gt 0}
If ($devices.count -gt 0) {
$devices | Select devicename,Collectionname,sitename,@{Name = 'Server'; Expression = {(Get-PvsDeviceInfo -devicename $_.devicename).servername}},@{Name = 'Retries'; Expression = {$_.status}} | sort -Property Retries -Descending | ft
else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "No Devices with retries! - Devices online: $($devicesonline.count)"