Find hardware device problems

This script gets all the computer devices and checks the status.
Version 1.1.5
Created on 2022-05-23
Modified on 2022-05-31
Created by Joel Stocker
Downloads: 82

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#require -version 3.0
    Find hardware device problems

    This script gets all the computer devices and checks the status.

    Version:        1.0
    Author:         Joel Stocker
    Creation Date:  2022-05-17
    Updated:        2022-05-23  Ton de Vreede Error handling, refactored
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Set output encoding to ensure non-ASCII characters are captured
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

# Build an array with error codes and description, based on
[hashtable]$hshErrorMapping = @{
 1  = "This device is not configured correctly"
 3  = "The driver for this device might be corrupted"
 9  = "Windows cannot identify this hardware"
 10 = "This device cannot start"
 12 = "This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use"
 14 = "This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer"
 16 = "Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses"
 18 = "Reinstall the drivers for this device"
 19 = "Windows cannot start this hardware device"
 21 = "Windows is removing this device"
 22 = "This device is disabled"
 24 = "This device is not present, is not working properly"
 28 = "The drivers for this device are not installed"
 29 = "This device is disabled"
 31 = "This device is not working properly"
 32 = "A driver (service) for this device has been disabled"
 33 = "Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device"
 34 = "Windows cannot determine the settings for this device"
 35 = "Your computer's system firmware does not"
 36 = "This device is requesting a PCI interrupt"
 37 = "Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware"
 38 = "Windows cannot load the device driver"
 39 = "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware"
 40 = "Windows cannot access this hardware"
 41 = "Windows successfully loaded the device driver"
 42 = "Windows cannot load the device driver"
 43 = "Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems"
 44 = "An application or service has shut down this hardware device"
 45 = "Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer"
 46 = "Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device"
 47 = "Windows cannot use this hardware device"
 48 = "The software for this device has been blocked"
 49 = "Windows cannot start new hardware devices"
 50 = "Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device"
 51 = "This device is currently waiting on another device"
 52 = "Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device"
 53 = "This device has been reserved for use by the Windows kernel debugger"
 54 = "This device has failed and is undergoing a reset"

# Gather the data
try {
 $objDevices = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PNPEntity | Where-Object { $_.ConfigManagerErrorCode -ne 0 } `
 | Select-Object @{Expression={$_.Name};Label="Device Name"},`
 @{Expression={$_.DeviceID};Label="Device ID"},`
 @{Expression={$_.ConfigManagerErrorCode};Label="Error Code"},`
 @{Expression={$hshErrorMapping.[int]$_.ConfigManagerErrorCode};Label="Error Description"}
catch {
 Write-Output -InputObject "There was an issue getting the device(s) status:`n$_"
 Exit 1

# Only output the devices that have a problem
If ($objDevices.Count -eq 0) {
 Write-Output -InputObject "No hardware device issues found on machine."
Else {
 $objDevices | Format-Table