FSLogix – AppMasking – List Rules

Lists the FSLogix AppMasking Rules on the machine
Version 2.2.3
Created on 2023-08-16
Modified on 2023-09-11
Created by Trentent Tye
Downloads: 75

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
        Reports the FSLogix currently-loaded App Masking rules

        Reports the FSLogix currently-loaded App Masking rules, implemented by calling 'frx.exe list-rules'

        If no rules are defined, the script returns:
            No rules


        Created TTYE : 2023-08-16

    AUTHOR: Trentent Tye

$ProgramFiles =[Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::ProgramFiles)

[string]$FSLogixRulePath = Join-Path -Path $ProgramFiles -ChildPath "FSLogix\Apps\Rules"
[string]$FRXPath = Join-Path -Path $ProgramFiles -ChildPath 'FSLogix\Apps\frx.exe'

& $FRXPath list-rules -verbose