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Get Citrix connection failures

Query the selected delivery controller via OData to retrieve connection failure details for a specific user, or all users, within a specified number of days ago
Version: 2.4.10
Created: 2020-08-05
Modified: 2020-12-01
Creator: Guy Leech
Downloads: 438
Tags: broker citrix vdi xenapp xendesktop
The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#requires -version 3


Send queries to a Citrix Delivery Controller or Citrix Cloud and present the results back as PowerShell objects


Based on code from https://github.com/guyrleech/Citrix/blob/master/Get%20Citrix%20OData%20data.ps1


The Delivery Controller to query

.PARAMETER daysago

Number of days ago to return records for

.PARAMETER username

Usernname to return connection failures for otherwise will return all connection failures


'.\Get Citrix OData data.ps1' -ddc ctxddc01 

Send a web request to the Delivery Controller ctxddc01 and retrieve the list of all available services



If an auth token is not passed, the Citrix Remote PowerShell SDK must be available in order to get an auth token - https://www.citrix.com/downloads/citrix-cloud/product-software/xenapp-and-xendesktop-service.html



    [string]$ddc ,
    [double]$daysAgo = 1 ,

$VerbosePreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'verbose' ] ) { $VerbosePreference } else { 'SilentlyContinue' })
$DebugPreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'debug' ] ) { $DebugPreference } else { 'SilentlyContinue' })
$ErrorActionPreference = $(if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'erroraction' ] ) { $ErrorActionPreference } else { 'Stop' })
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

[int]$outputWidth = 400
[bool]$join = $true
[string]$query = 'ConnectionFailureLogs'
[string]$protocol = 'http'
[int]$oDataVersion = 4 ## if this fails will try lower versions
## map tables to the date stamp we will filter on
[hashtable]$dateFields = @{
     'Session' = 'StartDate'
     'Connection' = 'BrokeringDate'
     'ConnectionFailureLog' = 'FailureDate'

[hashtable]$connectionFailureCodes = @{}

# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
if( ( $PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI ) -and ($WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize) )
    $WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
    $PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

## Modified from code at https://jasonconger.com/2013/10/11/using-powershell-to-retrieve-citrix-monitor-data-via-odata/
Function Invoke-ODataTransform

        $propertyNames = $null

        [int]$timeOffset = if( (Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime() ) { 1 } else { 0 }

        if( $records -and $records.PSObject.Properties[ 'content' ] )
            if( ! $propertyNames )
                $properties = ($records | Select -First 1).content.properties
                if( $properties )
                    $propertyNames = $properties | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select -ExpandProperty name
                    // v4+
                    $propertyNames = 'NA' -as [string]
            if( $propertyNames -is [string] )
                $records | Select -ExpandProperty value
                ForEach( $record in $records )
                    $h = @{ 'ID' = $record.ID }
                    $properties = $record.content.properties

                    ForEach( $propertyName in $propertyNames )
                        $targetProperty = $properties.$propertyName
                        if($targetProperty -is [Xml.XmlElement])
                                $h.$propertyName = $targetProperty.'#text'
                                ## see if we need to adjust for daylight savings
                                if( $timeOffset -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $h.$propertyName ) -and $targetProperty.type -match 'DateTime' )
                                    $h.$propertyName = (Get-Date -Date $h.$propertyName).AddHours( $timeOffset )
                            $h.$propertyName = $targetProperty

        elseif( $records -and $records.PSObject.Properties[ 'value' ] ) ##JSON

Function Get-DateRanges
        [string]$query ,
        $from ,
        $to ,
        [switch]$selective ,
    $field = $dateFields[ ($query -replace 's$' , '') ]
    if( ! $field )
        if( $selective )
            return $null ## only want specific ones
        $field = 'CreatedDate'
    if( $oDataVersion -ge 4 )
        if( $from )
            "()?`$filter=$field ge $(Get-Date -date $from -format s)Z"
        if( $to )
            "and $field le $(Get-Date -date $to -format s)Z"
        if( $from )
            "()?`$filter=$field ge datetime'$(Get-Date -date $from -format s)'"
        if( $to )
            "and $field le datetime'$(Get-Date -date $to -format s)'"

Function Resolve-CrossReferences
        $properties ,
        $properties | Where-Object { ( $_.Name -match '^(.*)Id$' -or $_.Name -match '^(SessionKey)$' ) -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Matches[1] ) }  | Select-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object `
            [string]$id = $Matches[1]
            [bool]$current = $false
            if( $id -match '^Current(.*)$' )
                $current = $true
                $id = $Matches[1]
            elseif( $id -eq 'SessionKey' )
                $id = 'Session'

            if( ! $tables[ $id ] -and ! $alreadyFetched[ $id ] )
                if( $cloud )
                    $params.uri = ( "{0}://{1}.xendesktop.net/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v{2}/Data/{3}s" -f $protocol , $customerid , $version ,  $id ) ## + (Get-DateRanges -query $id -from $from -to $to -selective -oDataVersion $oDataVersion)
                    $params.uri = ( "{0}://{1}/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v{2}/Data/{3}s" -f $protocol , $ddc , $version , $id ) ## + (Get-DateRanges -query $id -from $from -to $to -selective -oDataVersion $oDataVersion)

                ## save looking up again, especially if it errors as we are not looking up anything valid
                $alreadyFetched.Add( $id , $id )

                ## if it's a high volume, time specific table then we will filter it
                if( $dateFields[ $id ] )
                    $params.uri += Get-DateRanges -query $id -from $from -to $to -oDataVersion $oDataVersion

                [hashtable]$table = @{}
                    Invoke-RestMethod @params | Invoke-ODataTransform | ForEach-Object `
                        ## add to hash table keyed on its id
                        ## ToDo we need to go recursive to see if any of these have Ids that we need to resolve without going infintely recursive
                        $object = $_
                        [string]$thisId = $null
                        [string]$keyName = $null

                        if( $object.PSObject.Properties[ 'id' ] )
                            $thisId = $object.Id
                            $keyName = 'id'
                        elseif( $object.PSObject.Properties[ 'SessionKey' ] )
                            $thisId = $object.SessionKey
                            $keyname = 'SessionKey'

                        if( $thisId )
                            [string]$key = $(if( $thisId -match '\(guid''(.*)''\)$' )
                                    $Matches[ 1 ]
                            $object.PSObject.properties.remove( $key )
                            $table.Add( $key , $object )

                        ## Look at other properties to figure if it too is an id and grab that table too if we don't have it already
                        ForEach( $property in $object.PSObject.Properties )
                            if( $property.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' -and $property.Name -ne $keyName -and $property.Name -ne 'sid' -and $property.Name -match '(.*)Id$' )
                                $property | Resolve-CrossReferences -cloud:$cloud
                    if( $table.Count )
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding table $id with $($table.Count) entries"
                        $tables.Add( $id , $table )
                    $nop = $null

Function Resolve-NestedProperties
        $properties ,
        $properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne 'sid' -and ( $_.Name -match '^(.*)Id$' -or $_.Name -match '^(Session)Key$' -or $_.Name -match '(EnumValue)' ) -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Matches[1] ) } | . { Process `
            $property = $_
            if( ( $matchedEnum = $Matches[1] ) -eq 'EnumValue' )
                ## http://grl-xaddc01/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v3/Methods/GetAllMonitoringEnums('SessionFailureCode')/Values
                ## need to find a generic way of doing this
                $lookupTable = $null
                if( $property.Name -eq 'ConnectionFailureEnumValue' )
                    if( ! $connectionFailureCodes -or ! $connectionFailureCodes.Count )
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Resolving enum $($property.Name)"
                        ## v4 equivalent??
                        $params[ 'uri' ] = ( "{0}://{1}/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v3/Methods/GetAllMonitoringEnums('SessionFailureCode')/Values" -f $protocol , $ddc )
                        if( $enums = Invoke-RestMethod @params )
                            ForEach( $enum in $enums )
                                ## http://grl-xaddc01/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v3/Methods/MonitoringEnumItems(0)
                                if( $enum.id -match '\((\d+)\)$' )
                                    $connectionFailureCodes.Add( $Matches[1] , ( $enum.content.properties | Select-Object -expandProperty Name ) )
                    $lookupTable = $connectionFailureCodes
                if( $lookupTable )
                    if( [string]$expandedEnum = $connectionFailureCodes[ $property.Value.ToString() ] )
                        [pscustomobject]@{ ( $property.Name -replace $matchedEnum ) = ( $expandedEnum -creplace '([a-z])([A-Z])' , '$1 $2' ) }
                        Write-Warning -Message "Unable to find enum value $($property.Value) for enum $($property.Name)"
                    Write-Warning -Message "Unable to lookup enumeration $($property.Name)"
            elseif( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( ( $id = ( $Matches[1] -replace '^Current' , '')) ))
                if ( $table = $tables[ $id ] )
                    if( $property.Value -and ( $item = $table[ ($property.Value -as [string]) ]))
                        $datum.PSObject.properties.remove( $property )
                        $item.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object `
                            [pscustomobject]@{ "$id.$($_.Name)" = $_.Value }
                            if( $_.Name -ne $property.Name -and ( ! $previousProperties -or ! ( $previousProperties | Where-Object Name -eq $_.Name ))) ## don't lookup self or a key if it was one we previously looked up
                                Resolve-NestedProperties -properties $_ -previousProperties $properties

[hashtable]$params = @{ 'ErrorAction' = 'SilentlyContinue' }
[hashtable]$alreadyFetched = @{}
$credential = $null

if( $PSBoundParameters[ 'XDusername' ] )
    if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $XDpassword ) )
        $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( $XDusername , ( ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -String $XDpassword -Force ) )
        Throw "Must specify password when using -username either via -password or %RandomKey%"

if( $credential )
    $params.Add( 'Credential' , $credential )
    $params.Add( 'UseDefaultCredentials' , $true )

## used to try and figure out the highest supported oData version but proved problematic
[int]$highestVersion = $oDataVersion ## if( $oDataVersion -le 0 ) { 10 } else { -1 }
$fatalException = $null
[int]$version = $oDataVersion

$services = $null
## queries are case sensitive so help people who don't know this but don't do it for everything as would break items like DesktopGroups
if( $query -cmatch '^[a-z]' )
    $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
    $query = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase( $query ).ToString()

if( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'cloud' )
    if( ! $PSBoundParameters[ 'authtoken' ] )
        Add-PSSnapin -Name Citrix.Sdk.Proxy.*
        if( ! ( Get-Command -Name Get-XDAuthentication -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
            Throw "Unable to find the Get-XDAuthentication cmdlet - is the Virtual Apps and Desktops Remote PowerShell SDK installed ?"
        Get-XDAuthentication -CustomerId $customerid
        if( ! $? )
            Throw "Failed to get authentication token for Cloud customer id $customerid"
        $authtoken = $GLOBAL:XDAuthToken
    $params.Add( 'Headers' , @{ 'Customer' = $customerid ; 'Authorization' = $authtoken } )
    $protocol = 'https'

[bool]$cloud = $false

[datetime]$from = ($to = Get-Date).AddDays( -$daysAgo )

[array]$data = @( do
    if( $oDataVersion -le 0 )
        ## Figure out what the latest OData version supported is. Could get via remoting but remoting may not be enabled
        if( $highestVersion -le 0 )
        $version = $highestVersion--
    if( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'cloud' )
        $params[ 'Uri' ] = ( "{0}://{1}.xendesktop.net/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v{2}/Data/{3}" -f $protocol , $customerid , $version , $query ) + (Get-DateRanges -query $query -from $from -to $to -oDataVersion $oDataVersion)
        $cloud = $true
        $params[ 'Uri' ] = ( "{0}://{1}/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v{2}/Data/{3}" -f $protocol , $ddc , $version , $query ) + (Get-DateRanges -query $query -from $from -to $to -oDataVersion $oDataVersion)

    Write-Verbose "URL : $($params.Uri)"

        Invoke-RestMethod @params | Invoke-ODataTransform

        $fatalException = $null
        break ## since call succeeded so that we don't report for lower versions
        $fatalException = $_
        if( $_.Exception.response.StatusCode -eq 'Unauthorized' )
            Throw $fatalException
        elseif( $_.Exception.response.StatusCode -eq 'NotFound' )
            $fatalException = $null
            $oDataVersion = --$version ## try lower OData version
} while ( $highestVersion -gt 0 -and $version -gt 0 -and ! $fatalException ))

if( $fatalException )
    Throw $fatalException

if( $services )
    if( $services.PSObject.Properties[ 'service' ] )
        $services.service.workspace.collection | Select-Object -Property 'title' | Sort-Object -Property 'title'
        $services.value | Sort-Object -Property 'name'
elseif( $data -and $data.Count )
    [hashtable]$tables = @{}

    ## now figure out what other tables we need in order to satisfy these ids (not interested in id on it's own)
    $data[0].PSObject.Properties | Resolve-CrossReferences -cloud:$cloud

    [int]$originalPropertyCount = $data[0].PSObject.Properties.GetEnumerator()|Measure-Object |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
    [int]$finalPropertyCount = -1

    ## now we need to add these cross referenced items
    [array]$results = @( ForEach( $datum in $data )
        $datum.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne 'sid' -and ( $_.Name -match '^(.*)Id$' -or $_.Name -match '^(Session)Key$' -or $_.Name -match '(EnumValue)' ) -and ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Matches[1] ) } | . { Process `
            $property = $_
            Resolve-NestedProperties $property | ForEach-Object `
                $_.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' | ForEach-Object `
                    Add-Member -InputObject $datum -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value

        if( $finalPropertyCount -lt 0 )
            $finalPropertyCount = $datum.PSObject.Properties.GetEnumerator()|Measure-Object |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            Write-Verbose -Message "Expanded from $originalPropertyCount properties to $finalPropertyCount"

    if( $results -and $results.Count )
        Write-Verbose -Message "Start date is $(Get-Date -Date $from -Format G)"
        $results | Where-Object { $_.FailureDate -as [datetime] -ge $from -and ( ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $username ) -and $null -ne $_.PSObject.Properties[ 'User.UserName' ] ) -or ( $null -ne $_.PSObject.Properties[ 'User.UserName' ] -and $_.'User.UserName' -eq $username ) ) } | Select-Object -Property 'User.UserName' , @{n='Date';e={$_.FailureDate -as [datetime]}} , ConnectionFailure , @{n='Delivery Group';e={$_.'DesktopGroup.Name'}} , 'Machine.Name' , 'Connection.ClientAddress' , 'Connection.IsReconnect'  | Format-Table -AutoSize
        Write-Warning "No data returned"
    Write-Warning "No data returned"