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List or Install Available Windows Updates

Lists any Windows Updates available to be installed - or optionally install available Windows Update
Version: 3.11.19
Created: 2020-06-23
Modified: 2022-10-30
Creator: Trentent Tye
Downloads: 641
Tags: update windows
The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
        Run a Windows Update Report or Installs Windows Updates

        Run a Windows Update Report or Installs Windows Updates

    .PARAMETER  <Update <switch>>
        Runs Windows Update to install any missing updates
 .PARAMETER <List <switch>>
  Lists any detected Windows Updates

    .PARAMETER <AllUpdates <switch>>
  Retrieves all updates, including drivers

    .PARAMETER <PatchesOnly <switch>>
  Retrieves all Windows Patches

 .PARAMETER <SaveOutputTo <string>>
  Saves the output of the script to a CSV file. If the CSV file isn't specified the file is created with a format %YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%.csv

        . .\WindowsUpdate.ps1 -List -PatchesOnly
        Lists all Windows Update detected as needed by this system.

        . .\WindowsUpdate.ps1 -AllUpdates -List
        Lists all updates, including drivers, detected as needed by this system.

        . .\WindowsUpdate.ps1 -Update
        Installs any detected updates

        . .\WindowsUpdate.ps1 -List -SaveOutputTo D:\WindowsUpdatesToInstall.csv
        Lists all Windows Update detected as needed by this system and saves the output to the specified file.

        . .\WindowsUpdate.ps1 -List -SaveOutputTo \\mwss01.jupiterlab.com\fileshare\AvailableWindowsUpdate.csv
        Lists all Windows Update detected as needed by this system and saves the output to the specified file.

        . .\WindowsUpdate.ps1 -List -SaveOutputTo \\mwss01.jupiterlab.com\fileshare\MissingWindowsUpdate
        Lists all Windows Update detected as needed by this system and saves the output to the specified directory with the default filename.
        The default filename is %YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY% from the date the script was run. An example name is 2022-10-13.csv.


        Created TTYE : 2020-06-22
        Updated TTYE : 2022-10-13 - added SaveOutputTo optional parameter.

    AUTHOR: Trentent Tye

Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='"-list" will display any available updates')]                [switch]$list,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='"-update" will apply any available updates')]                [switch]$update,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='"-AllUpdates" will display all updates, including drivers')] [switch]$AllUpdates,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='"-PatchesOnly" will display only Windows Updates')]          [switch]$PatchesOnly,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Saves the output to a CSV file.')]                           [string]$SaveOutputTo = "$($Env:windir)\Temp"

function Write-Header {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Path to the file to create the headers')] [string]$Path
    $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($Path)
    $stream.WriteLine("Machine,Date,KB,Patch Description,URL")

    if (-not(Test-Path $Path)) { ## We should have a file created now.
        Write-Error "Unable to write to the target file: $Path"

###$verbosePreference = "continue"
#Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# Start or restart the service
Write-Verbose "Starting or restarting the Windows Update service"
if ((Get-Service -Name wuauserv).Status -eq "Running") {
        Write-Verbose "Windows Update service found running"

if ((Get-Service -Name wuauserv).Status -ne "Running") {
    Write-Verbose "Windows Update service was NOT running"
    try {
        Set-Service -Name wuauserv -StartupType Automatic -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Host "Unable to set wuauserv service to Automatic"
    $service = Get-Service -Name wuauserv
    if ($service.Status -ne "Running") {
        try {
        catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to start wuauserv service"

$UpdateCollection = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$Searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher
$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
Write-Verbose "Initialising and Checking for Applicable Updates. Please wait ..."
if ($AllUpdates) {
    $SearchQuery = "IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=0"
} else {
    $SearchQuery = "IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0"
$searchTime = Measure-Command {$Result = $Searcher.Search($SearchQuery)} ## Original String - "IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0". Removed "Type='Software'" to allow scanning for drivers / firmware too
if ($searchTime.TotalSeconds -gt 60) {
    Write-Verbose "Search took $($searchTime.Hours) Hours(s) $($searchTime.Minutes) minute(s) $($searchTime.Seconds) second(s)" 
    Write-Verbose "Search took $($searchTime.TotalSeconds) seconds" 
If ($Result.Updates.Count -EQ 0) {
 Write-Host "There are no applicable updates for this computer."
} Else {
 Write-Verbose  "=============================================================================="
 Write-Host "List of Applicable Updates:"
 For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $Result.Updates.Count; $Counter++) {
  $DisplayCount = $Counter + 1
     $FoundUpdate = $Result.Updates.Item($Counter)
  Write-Host  "$DisplayCount -- KB$($FoundUpdate.KBArticleIDs) -- $($FoundUpdate.Title)"

    if (Get-Variable SaveOutputTo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {

        # Set Default File Name
        $DateTime = [datetime]::Today
        if (($SaveOutputTo.EndsWith("\")) -or (-not($SaveOutputTo.EndsWith(".csv")))) {
            if (-not($SaveOutputTo.EndsWith("\"))) { $SaveOutputTo = $SaveOutputTo + "\" }
            $SaveOutputTo = "$SaveOutputTo" + "$($DateTime.Year)-$($DateTime.Month)-$($DateTime.Day).csv"
            Write-Verbose "Path updated to $SaveOutputTo"
            ## Check to see if file already exists
            if (-not(Test-Path $SaveOutputTo)) {
                Write-Verbose "Creating default CSV file with headers"
                Write-Header -Path $SaveOutputTo

        if ($SaveOutputTo.EndsWith(".csv")) { #ensure CSV headers are present
            if (-not(Test-Path $SaveOutputTo)) {
                Write-Header -Path $SaveOutputTo
            } else {
                ## check if the header exists on the file
                if ((Get-Content $SaveOutputTo -First 1) -eq "Machine,Date,KB,Patch Description,URL") {
                    Write-Verbose "File exists with headers"
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "File exists without headers."
                    Write-Header -Path $SaveOutputTo

        ## File should be created, we'll dump the patching info into it.
        ## Since this script could be used for automation for reporting on the status of updates and the file might be stored on a file share with latency, it might be locked by another operation when we try and write to it.
        ## To avoid contention I'll test to see if it's locked and retry a few times with some random delays. If it fails after a few retries I'll error out.
        $DateTime = [datetime]::Today
        $ShortDateString = $DateTime.ToShortDateString()
        Write-Verbose "Examining Updates..."
        Foreach ($WinUpdate in $Result.Updates) {
            Write-Verbose "Examining KB$($WinUpdate.KBArticleIDs)"
            [int]$LoopCount = 0
            $ExceptionFound = $false
            Write-Verbose "Examining Update : KB$($WinUpdate.KBArticleIDs)"
            Do {
                $ExceptionFound = $false
                try {
                    $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($SaveOutputTo, $true)
                    Write-Verbose "Wrote line: `"`"$($env:COMPUTERNAME)`",`"$ShortDateString`",`"$($WinUpdate.KBArticleIDs)`",`"$($WinUpdate.Description)`",`"$($WinUpdate.MoreInfoUrls)`""
                } catch {                                                             # if error encountered whilst setting up StreamReader, try again up to 5 times.
                    $ExceptionFound = $true
                    $delay = $(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10)
                    Write-Verbose "Failed to write to the file. Delaying $delay seconds and retrying..."
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $delay
                } finally {
                if ($LoopCount -ge 5) { Write-Error "Failed to write to $SaveOutputTo" }
            } Until ($LoopCount -ge 5 -or $ExceptionFound -eq $false)

### Apply update
if ($update) {
    $Counter = 0
    $DisplayCount = 0
    Write-Verbose "Initialising Download of Applicable Updates ..."
    Write-Verbose  "------------------------------------------------"
    $searchTime = Measure-Command {$Downloader = $Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()}
    Write-Verbose "Download Initialization took $($searchTime.TotalSeconds)"
    $UpdatesList = $Result.Updates
    $searchTime = Measure-Command {
        For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $Result.Updates.Count; $Counter++) {
      $UpdateCollection.Add($UpdatesList.Item($Counter)) | Out-Null
      $ShowThis = $UpdatesList.Item($Counter).Title
      $DisplayCount = $Counter + 1
      Write-Verbose  "$DisplayCount -- Downloading Update $ShowThis "
      $Downloader.Updates = $UpdateCollection
      $Track = $Downloader.Download()
      If (($Track.HResult -EQ 0) -AND ($Track.ResultCode -EQ 2)) {
       Write-Verbose  "Download Status: SUCCESS" 
      Else {
       Write-Error  "Download Status: FAILED With Error -- $Error"
    if ($searchTime.TotalSeconds -gt 60) {
        Write-Verbose "Download took $($searchTime.Minutes) minute(s) $($searchTime.Seconds) second(s)"
        Write-Verbose "Download took $($searchTime.TotalSeconds) seconds"

    $Counter = 0
    $DisplayCount = 0
    Write-Verbose "Starting Installation of Downloaded Updates ..."
    Write-Host  "`nInstallation:"
    Write-Host  "------------------------------------------------"
    $searchTime = Measure-Command { 
        ForEach ($UpdateFound in $UpdateCollection) {
            $Track = $Null
            $DisplayCount = $DisplayCount + 1
            $WriteThis = $UpdateFound.Title
      Write-Host  "$DisplayCount -- Installing Update: $WriteThis"
            $Installer = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Installer
            $UpdateToInstall = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
            $UpdateToInstall.Add($UpdateFound) | out-null
      $Installer.Updates = $UpdateToInstall
      Try {
       $Track = $Installer.Install()
       Write-Host  "Installation Status: SUCCESS" 
      Catch {
       Write-Error  "Update Installation Status: FAILED With Error -- $Error()"
    if ($searchTime.TotalSeconds -gt 60) {
        Write-Verbose "Install took $($searchTime.Hours) Hour(s) $($searchTime.Minutes) minute(s) $($searchTime.Seconds) second(s)"
        Write-Verbose "Install took $($searchTime.TotalSeconds) seconds"
    if ($DisplayCount -ge 1) {
     Write-Host "Updates were installed.  Reboot to apply..."