Reset User Password

Resets the password for the Active Directory account of the selected user. Best to run this on one user at a time unless you want to assign the same password to all target accounts.
Version 3.0.6
Created on 2013-11-24
Modified on 2014-02-20
Created by Zeev Eisenberg
Downloads: 323

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
    Resets the password for the Active Directory account of the selected user.
    Resets the user password. Best to run this on one user at a time unless you want to assign the same password to all target accounts.
    Specifies an Active Directory user object - automatically supplied by CU
.PARAMETER NewPassword
    The new password - manually entered by user.

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

If ($args[1] -ne $args[2])
    Write-Error "The new password does not match the confirmation. Please re-enter the password and try again." -ErrorAction Continue
    Exit 1
Else {
    If ( (Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
        Try {
            Import-Module ActiveDirectory
        } Catch {
            # capture any failure and display it in the error section, then end the script with a return
            # code of 1 so that CU sees that it was not successful.
            Write-Error "Unable to load the module" -ErrorAction Continue
            Write-Error $Error[1] -ErrorAction Continue
            Exit 1

    # Because this is the main function of the script it is put into a try/catch frame so that any errors will be 
    # handled in a ControlUp-friendly way.

    Try {
        Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $args[0].split("\")[1] -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $args[1] -Force) -Reset
    } Catch {
        # capture any failure and display it in the error section, then end the script with a return
        # code of 1 so that CU sees that it was not successful.
        Write-Error $Error[0] -ErrorAction Continue
        Exit 1

    Write-Host "The operation completed successfully."