Get each CPU's usage over a period and show least loaded
@guyrleech 2018
Modification History:
20/11/18 GRL Always dispplay two decimal places so pad with zeroes if necessary
[int]$samplePeriod = $args[0]
[hashtable]$perCpuStats = @{}
[datetime]$first = 0
[bool]$gotFirst = $false
[datetime]$last = 0
Get-Counter -Counter '\Processor(*)\% Processor Time' -SampleInterval 1 -MaxSamples $samplePeriod | ForEach-Object `
if( ! $gotFirst )
$first = $_.TimeStamp
$gotFirst = $true
$last = $_.TimeStamp
$_.CounterSamples | ForEach-Object `
$thisCPU = $perCpuStats[ $_.InstanceName ]
if( $thisCpu )
$null = $thisCpu.Add( $_.CookedValue )
$perCpuStats.Add( $_.InstanceName , [System.Collections.ArrayList]@( $_.CookedValue ) )
"Average CPU utilisation over $samplePeriod seconds"
if( $perCpuStats -and $perCpuStats.Count )
[array]$results = @( $perCpuStats.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object `
if( $_.Key -ne '_total' )
'CPU' = $_.Key -as [int]
'Average CPU Utilisation %' = ( $_.Value | Measure-Object -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average ).ToString("0.00")
##'Minimum CPU Utilisation %' = [math]::Round( ( $_.Value | Measure-Object -Minimum | Select -ExpandProperty Minimum ) , 2 )
##'Maximum CPU Utilisation %' = [math]::Round( ( $_.Value | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select -ExpandProperty Maximum ) , 2 )
$results | Sort CPU | Format-Table -AutoSize
Write-Error "Failed to retrieve any CPU performance data"