Schedule reboot

Schedule a reboot for a number of minutes/hours in the future by creating a scheduled task which runs once only. By default the reboot will not occur if there are logged on users or disconnected sessions in existence at the scheduled reboot time. This script will not message users, log them off or prevent further logons from occurring.
Minutes:hours - the number of hours/minutes in the future at which to schedule the reboot, e.g. 2:30 for 2 hours and 30 minutes in the future (default is 30 minutes)
Force - if set to true then the reboot will occur even if there are connected or disconnected user sessions at the time of the reboot (default is false)
Reason for Reboot - optional text which be placed in the event log.
Version 3.5.11
Created on 2018-09-29
Modified on 2022-12-14
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 300

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#requires -version 3.0

    Restart computer at a specified number of hours and/or minutes in the future by creating a scheduled task that runs once and executes shutdown.exe

    @guyrleech 2018

[int]$minutes = -1
[bool]$forceReboot = $false
[string]$taskName = "Reboot scheduled from ControlUp console" 
[string]$reason = $null

## arg 0 - [hh:]mm to reboot
## arg 1 - force
## arg 2 - reason for reboot (optional)

if( $args.Count -ge 2 )
    if( $args[0] -match '^(\d{1,2}:)?(\d{1,2})$' )
        if( ! [int]::TryParse( $matches[2] , [ref]$minutes ) )
            Write-Error "Bad format for minutes part of $($args[0])"
            Exit 1
        if( $matches[ 1 ] )
            [int]$hours = 0
            if( ! [int]::TryParse( ($matches[1] -replace ':' , '') , [ref]$hours ) )
                Write-Error "Bad format for hours part of $($args[0])"
                Exit 1
            $minutes += $hours * 60
        if( $minutes -le 0 )
            Write-Error "Immediate reboot is not supported - please use the Power Management menu instead"
            Exit 1
        Write-Error "Incorrectly specified reboot time `"$($args[0])`" - must be [hh]:mm"
        Exit 2
    $forceReboot = ( $args[1] -and $args[1] -match 'true' )
    if( $args -ge 3 -and $args[2] )
        $reason = $args[2]
    Write-Error 'Unexpected number of parameters - expecting reboot time, force and optional reboot reason'
    Exit 3

if( $minutes -gt 0 )
    [datetime]$rebootTime = (Get-Date).AddMinutes( $minutes )
    Import-Module ScheduledTasks
    ## Can't just call shutdown.exe as /f won't not reboot if users are logged on
    [string]$poshArguments = '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -Nologo -Noninteractive -Command "'
    [string]$arguments = '/f /r'
    if( $reason )
        $arguments += " /c '$reason'" ## should we use /e ?
    if( $forceReboot )
        $poshArguments += "shutdown.exe $arguments"
        $poshArguments += "if( ! (quser.exe).Length ) { shutdown.exe $arguments } else { Write-Warning 'Not rebooting as users are logged on' }"
    $poshArguments += '"'
    $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At $rebootTime -Once -ErrorAction Stop
    $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'PowerShell.exe' -Argument $poshArguments -ErrorAction Stop
    $principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserID 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' -LogonType ServiceAccount -RunLevel Highest -ErrorAction Stop
    [string]$description = "Reboot scheduled from the ControlUp console by invoking a Script Based Action (SBA). Created at $(Get-Date -Format G)"
    $task = Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -Description $description -ErrorAction Stop -TaskName $taskName -Force -Principal $principal
    if( $task )
        Write-Output "Successfuly created scheduled task to reboot system at $(Get-Date $rebootTime -Format G)"
    elseif( $task.State -ne 'Ready' )
        Write-Warning "Scheduled task `"$taskName`" created but task state is $($task.State) rather than `"Ready`""
        Exit 4