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Set page file size and location

Set the page file to a specific drive or full path and its initial and maximum sizes. If the sizes are not specified, or specified as zero, then the page file sizes will be system managed. If the page file location is empty or set to "auto" then the page file will be automatically managed.
A reboot will be required for the changes to take effect.
Page File Location - Either a drive, drive and folder or empty or set to "auto" where the latter two will result in the page file being automatically managed
Initial Size - The initial size of the page file in MB. If zero then sizes will be system managed.
Maximum Size - The maximum size of the page file in MB. If zero then sizes will be system managed.
Version: 1.3.9
Created: 2018-10-14
Modified: 2018-11-26
Creator: Guy Leech
Downloads: 296
Tags: Page file Pages/sec ram
The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#requires -version 3.0
    Set page file location and size

    @guyrleech 2018

    Modification History:

    15/10/18  GRL  Extra error handling and re-enable automatic management if we disabled it

    23/11/18  GRL  Bugfixes and changed so no new name specified means set to automatically managed

[string]$newLocation = $args[0]
[int]$initialSize = 0
[int]$maximumSize = 0

if( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1] )
    $initialSize = $args[1]

if( $args.Count -ge 3 -and $args[2] )
    $maximumSize = $args[2]

if( $maximumSize -lt $initialSize )
    Throw 'Maximum size cannot be less than intial size'

if( $newLocation -eq '0' -or $newLocation -match '^auto' ) ## 0 if left as blank as SBA shifts parameters down
    $newLocation = $null

$computer = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem
$changed = $null
[bool]$wasAutomaticallyManaged = $false

if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $newLocation ) )
    $logicalDisk = $null
    $drive = Split-Path -Path $newLocation -Qualifier -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if( $drive )
        $logicalDisk = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "Name = '$drive' and DriveType = '3'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if( ! $logicalDisk )
        Throw "Cannot find local fixed drive for $newLocation"
    elseif( $logicalDisk.FreeSpace / 1MB -lt $maximumSize )
        Write-Warning "Drive $drive only has $([math]::Round($logicalDisk.FreeSpace / 1MB))MB free space"

    $newPageFile = Join-Path $drive 'pagefile.sys' ## default if only a drive has been specified rather than drive+folder
    [string]$folder = '\'
    if( $newLocation -match '^[a-z]:\\(.+)$' )
        $file = Split-Path -Path $newLocation -Leaf
        if( ! $file )
            $newLocation = Join-Path -Path $newLocation -ChildPath 'pagefile.sys'
        elseif( $file -ne 'pagefile.sys' )
            Throw "Page file name `"$file`" is not allowed as can only be called ""pagefiles.sys"""
        $folder = Split-Path -Path $newLocation -Parent
        if( ! ( Test-Path -Path $folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
            [void](New-Item -Path $folder -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop)
        $newPageFile = $newLocation
    elseif( $newLocation -match '^[a-z]:[^\\]' )
        Throw "Path `"$newLocation`" is invalid as an absolute path must be specified"

    # Works around a PowerShell bug when trying to find if the new page file already exists
    $fileProperties = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq (Split-Path -Path $newPageFile -Leaf) }
    if( $fileProperties )
        Write-Warning "New page file $newPageFile already exists, size $([math]::Round($fileProperties.Length / 1MB))MB, created $(Get-Date $fileProperties.CreationTime -Format G), last modified $(Get-Date $fileProperties.LastWriteTime -Format G)"
    $wasAutomaticallyManaged = $computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile
    if( $wasAutomaticallyManaged)
        $computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $false
        $changed = Set-CimInstance -InputObject $computer -PassThru
        if( ! $? -or ! $changed )
            Throw "Failed to enable automatic page file management"
else ## no name so setting to automatically managed
    if ($computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile)
        Write-Warning 'Already using automatically managed pagefile so making no changes'
        $computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $true
        $changed = Set-CimInstance -InputObject $computer -PassThru
        if( ! $? -or ! $changed )
            Throw 'Failed to enable automatic page file management'
            Write-Output "Page file successfully changed to being automatically managed`n`nYou must reboot before this takes effect"
    Exit 0

    [string]$oldPagefile = ''

    $currentPageFile = @( Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PageFileSetting )
    [string]$currentPageFileName = $null

    if( ! $currentPageFile -or ! $currentPageFile.Count )
        Write-Warning "There is currently no page file set"
    elseif( $currentPageFile.Count -gt 1 )
        Throw "There are $($currentPageFile.Count) page files already ($(($currentPageFile|Select -ExpandProperty Name) -join ' , ')) so don't know which one to change"
        $currentPageFileName = $currentPageFile[0].Name
        if( ! $wasAutomaticallyManaged )
            if( $currentPageFileName -eq $newPageFile -and $currentPageFile[0].InitialSize -eq $initialSize -and $currentPageFile[0].MaximumSize -eq $maximumSize )
                Write-Warning "Current page file is already $newPageFile with same sizes so no changes required"
                Exit 0

            $oldPagefile = " from $currentPageFileName"
        ## delete current page file settings and create new
        $currentPageFile | Remove-CimInstance
    $newSetting = New-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PageFileSetting -Property  @{ 'Name' = $newPageFile } -ErrorAction Stop  

    if( ! $newSetting )
        Throw "Failed to change page file$oldPagefile to $newPageFile"
        $changedSize = Set-CimInstance -PassThru -InputObject $newSetting -Property @{
            'InitialSize' = [uint32]$initialSize
            'MaximumSize' = [uint32]$maximumSize
        if( ! $? -or ! $changedSize )
            Throw "Failed to change $newPageFile initial size to $initialSize MB and maximum $maximumSize MB"

    Write-Output "Page file successfully changed$oldPagefile to $newPageFile`n`nYou must reboot before this takes effect"
    if ($changed)
        $computer.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $true
        $changedBack = Set-CimInstance -InputObject $computer -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
        if( ! $? -or ! $changedBack )
            Write-Warning 'Failed to re-enable automatic page file management'
    Throw $_