Show Citrix FAS performance counters

This script queries and displays the values of performance counters for the Citrix Federated Authentication Service object. It requires the "CitrixFederatedAuthenticationService" service to exist on the target computer.
Version 1.0.1
Created on 2018-11-29
Modified on 2018-11-29
Created by Samuel Legrand
Downloads: 80

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard

#Check for FAS Counters Availability

function Test-FASNamespaceExists {

$servicename_search_string = "CitrixFederatedAuthenticationService"

if(!(get-service -name $servicename_search_string -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){

    write-warning "FAS service unavailable, FAS not installed?"





Function Get-FASPerformanceData{

   #confirm FAS installed first



   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Active Sessions"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Average Concurrent Certificate Signing Requests"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Average Private Key Operations per Minute"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Average Request Time Milliseconds"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Certificate Count"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Certificate Signing Requests per Minute"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\High Load Level"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Medium Load Level"

   $paths+="\Citrix Federated Authentication Service\Low Load Level"

   $counters=get-counter -Counter $paths

   $counters.countersamples | select @{Expression={$_.path.split("\")[-1]};Label="Counter Name"},@{Expression={$_.cookedvalue};Label="Value"}


