#Requires -version 3.0
Change or show StoreFront tracing settings on one or more SF servers.
Note that this will restart various services so a brief loss of service is possible when seting the trace level
Use of this script is entirely at your own risk - the author cannot be held responsible for any undesired effects deemed to have been caused by this script.
@guyrleech, 2018
## arguments
## 1 required trace level
## 2 operate on all servers in a cluster
[bool]$cluster = $false
[string[]]$servers = @( $env:COMPUTERNAME )
[string]$traceLevel = $null
[string[]]$validTraceLevels = @('Off', 'Error','Warning','Info','Verbose')
[int]$outputWidth = 400
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if( $args.Count -ge 2 )
$traceLevel = $args[1]
if( $traceLevel -and $traceLevel -notin $validTraceLevels )
Throw "Illegal trace level `"$tracelevel`" specified - valid values are $($validTraceLevels -join ' , ')"
if( $args.Count -ge 1 )
$cluster = ( $args[0] -eq 'true' )
## Variables below here generally should not need to be changed
[string]$webConfig = 'web.config'
[string]$installDirKey = 'SOFTWARE\Citrix\DeliveryServices'
[string]$installDirValue = 'InstallDir'
[string]$moduleInstaller = 'Scripts\ImportModules.ps1'
[string]$diagnosticsNode = 'configuration/system.diagnostics/switches/add'
[string]$logfileNode = 'configuration/system.diagnostics/sharedListeners/add'
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $traceLevel ) )
[string]$snapin = 'Citrix.DeliveryServices.Web.Commands'
[string]$snapin = 'Citrix.DeliveryServices.Framework.Commands'
## retrieve versions so store for second pass
[hashtable]$StoreFrontVersions = @{}
## We will retrieve all the cluster members - although multiple SF servers may have been specified, they may be members of different clusters so we get all unique names
if( $cluster )
$newServers = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
ForEach( $server in $servers )
## Read install dir from registry so we don't have to load all SF cmdlets
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine,$server)
if( $reg )
$RegSubKey = $Reg.OpenSubKey($installDirKey)
if( $RegSubKey )
$installDir = $RegSubKey.GetValue($installDirValue)
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $installDir ) )
$script = Join-Path $installDir $moduleInstaller
[string]$version,[string[]]$clusterMembers = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock `
& $using:script
@( (Get-DSClusterMembersName).Hostnames )
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $version ) )
$StoreFrontVersions.Add( $server , $version )
if( $clusterMembers -and $clusterMembers.Count )
## now iterate through and add to servers array if not present already although indirectly since we are already iterating over this array so cannot change it
$clusterMembers | ForEach-Object `
if( $servers -notcontains $_ -and $newServers -notcontains $_ )
$null = $newServers.Add( $_ )
Write-Warning "No cluster members found via $server"
Write-Error "Failed to read value `"$installDirValue`" from key HKLM\$installDirKey on $server"
Write-Error "Failed to open key HKLM\$installDirKey on $server"
Write-Error "Failed to open key HKLM on $server"
if( $newServers -and $newServers.Count )
Write-Verbose "Adding $($newServers.Count) servers to action list: $($newServers -join ',')"
$servers += $newServers
Write-Warning "Only a single server found in this cluster"
[int]$badServers = 0
[array]$results = @( ForEach( $server in $servers )
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $traceLevel ) )
## keyed on file name with value as the XML from that file
[hashtable]$configFiles = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock `
Add-PSSnapin $using:snapin
[hashtable]$files = @{}
$dsWebSite = Get-DSWebSite
$dsWebSite.Applications | ForEach-Object `
$app = $_
[string]$configFile = Join-Path $app.Folder $using:webConfig
[xml]$content = $null
if( Test-Path $configFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
$content = (Get-Content $configFile)
if( $content )
$files.Add( $configFile , $content )
Write-Verbose "Got $($configFiles.Count) $webConfig files from $server"
[hashtable]$states = @{}
$configFiles.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object `
[xml]$node = $_.Value
[string]$fileName = $_.Key
$diags = $null
$diags = @( $node.SelectNodes( "//$diagnosticsNode" ) )
$logFile = $node.SelectSingleNode( "//$logfileNode" ) ## should only be one
catch { }
if( $diags )
$diags | ForEach-Object `
$thisSwitch = $_
[string]$module = ($thisSwitch.Name -split '\.')[-1]
$info = $null
$info = [pscustomobject]@{ 'Server' = $server ; 'Trace Level' = $thisSwitch.Value ; 'Config File' = $fileName ; 'Module' = $module }
[string]$version = $StoreFrontVersions[ $server ]
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $version ) )
Add-Member -InputObject $info -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StoreFront Version' -Value $version
if( $logFile )
Add-Member -InputObject $info -NotePropertyMembers @{ 'Log File' = $logFile.initializeData ; 'Max Size (KB)' = $logFile.maxFileSizeKB }
## Seems this isn't present for all SF versions
if( Get-Member -InputObject $logFile -Name fileCount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
Add-Member -InputObject $info -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Log File Count' -Value $logfile.fileCount
$states.Add( $thisSwitch.Value , [System.Collections.ArrayList]( @( $info ) ) )
if( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $thisSwitch.Name ) -and $info )
$null = $states[ $thisSwitch.Value ].Add( $info )
$states.GetEnumerator() | select -ExpandProperty Value ## push into results array
if( $states.Count -gt 1 )
Write-Warning "Trace levels are inconsistent on $server - $(($states.GetEnumerator()|Select -ExpandProperty Name) -join ',')"
$states.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "$($_.Name) :`n`t$(($_.Value|select -ExpandProperty 'Config File') -join ""`n`t"" )" }
elseif( ! $states.Count )
Write-Warning "No trace levels found on $server"
Write-Host "$server : logging level is $(($states.GetEnumerator()|select -ExpandProperty Name ) -join ',')" ## Can't be Write-Output otherwise will be captured into the results array
Write-Host "Setting trace level to $traceLevel on $server"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock { Add-PSSnapin $using:snapin ; Set-DSTraceLevel -All -TraceLevel $using:traceLevel }
} )
if( $results.Count )
[string]$title = $( if( $badServers )
"Inconsistent settings found on $badServers out of"
## Now check it's the same consistent setting across all servers
[string]$lastLevel = $null
[bool]$matching = $true
[int]$different = 0
ForEach( $server in $servers )
[string]$thisLevel = $results | Where-Object { $_.Server -eq $server } | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty 'Trace Level'
if( $lastLevel -and $thisLevel -ne $lastLevel)
$matching = $false
$lastLevel = $thisLevel
if( $matching )
"Consistent settings found on all"
"Different settings found on $different out of"
} ) + " $($servers.Count) StoreFront servers $($servers -join ' ')"
[hashtable]$params = @{ 'AutoSize' = $true}
if( $badServers )
$fields = [System.Collections.ArrayList]( @( 'Module','Trace Level','Config File','Log File','Max Size (KB)','Log File Count' ) )
$params.Add( 'GroupBy' , 'Trace Level' )
$fields = [System.Collections.ArrayList]( @( 'Log File','Max Size (KB)','Log File Count' ) )
if( $servers.Count -gt 1 )
$fields.Insert( 0 , 'Server' )
if( $badServers )
$results | Select $fields | Format-Table @params
$results | Select $fields | Sort -Unique 'Log File' | Format-Table @params