#Logman capture for Network Diagnostics
#requires -version 3.0
## Last modified 28/09/18 1657 BST @guyrleech
## Change these to repurpose the script - currently only supports one or other of sent or receieved being true, not both
[bool]$received = $false
[bool]$sent = $true
[bool]$perSession = $true
[bool]$perComputer = $false
[int]$top = 10
[int]$caplength = 30
if( $received -and $sent )
Write-Warning 'Cannot run with both $received and $sent set to true'
if( $perSession -and $perComputer )
Write-Warning 'Cannot run with both $perSession and $perCOmputer set to true'
if( ! $received -and ! $sent )
Write-Warning 'Cannot run with both $received and $sent set to false'
[int]$outputWidth = 400
$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
Write-Warning “You do not have Administrator rights to run this script!`nPlease re-run this script as an Administrator!”
Function Cleanup{
$ret=start-process -FilePath "$env:windir\system32\logman.exe" -ArgumentList "stop wdc -ets" -wait -PassThru
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem "$env:temp\output*.etl"){
Remove-Item $file.FullName -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
[int]$sessionId =-1
[int]$ppid = -1
if( $perSession )
$sessionId = $args[0]
$theSession = quser.exe $sessionId
if( ! $theSession -or ! $theSession.Count )
Throw "Session id $sessionId not found"
elseif( ! $perComputer )
$ppid = $args[0]
if( ! ( Get-Process -Id $ppid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
Throw "Process id $ppid no longer exists"
if( $perComputer )
if ( $args.Count -ge 1 -and $args[0]){$caplength = $args[0]}
if ( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1]){$top = $args[1]}
if ( $args.Count -ge 2 -and $args[1]){$caplength = $args[1]}
if ( $args.Count -ge 3 -and $args[2]){$top = $args[2]}
#write-debug "Capturing Process id: $ppid, process name $(get-process -id $ppid).processname for length: $caplength"
#check prereqs
if (!(test-path $env:windir\system32\logman.exe)){$break=true;$breakreason="logman.exe could not be found"}
if (!$break){
#loop for $caplength seconds
#Start capture here with logman
write-host "Capturing ETL logs for $caplength seconds" -nonewline
$ret=start-process -FilePath "$env:windir\system32\logman.exe" -ArgumentList "start wdc -p Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Network 0x10 0xff -bs 64 -nb 16 38 -max 16 -mode newfile -o ""$tempfile"" -ets" -Wait -PassThru
Start-Sleep 1
if ( ! $ret -or $ret.ExitCode -ne 0){write-warning "could not start log capture process! $($ret.exitcode)";exit}
write-host "." -NoNewline
start-sleep 1
} while($loop -lt $caplength)
write-host "Capturing complete"
$ret=start-process -FilePath "$env:windir\system32\logman.exe" -ArgumentList "stop wdc -ets" -wait -PassThru
if (!($ret.ExitCode -eq 0)){write-warning "could not stop log capture process! $($ret.exitcode)";exit}
[hashtable]$connectionTable = @{}
[long]$lastKey = $null
$netobject = $null
[hashtable]$sessionProcesses = @{}
[string]$xpath = '*[System['
if( $sent )
$xpath += 'EventID=10 or EventID=42'
if( $received )
if( $sent )
$xpath += ' or '
$xpath += 'EventID=11 or EventID=43'
$xpath += ']'
if( $ppid -gt 0 )
$xpath += " and EventData[Data[@Name='PID']='$ppid']" ## if session then make an "or" list
## FilterXPath string has a maximum length of around 512 so we can't filter on all session processes
elseif( $sessionId -ge 0 )
Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.SessionId -eq $sessionId } | ForEach-Object {
$sessionProcesses.Add( $_.Id , $true )
if( ! $sessionProcesses -or ! $sessionProcesses.Count )
Throw "Found no processes for session $sessionId"
## else computer scope so no process filtering
$xpath += ']'
$startProcessing = [datetime]::Now
#loop for all logs
Write-host "Anaylysing captured traffic"
@( foreach($file in Get-ChildItem "$env:temp\output*.etl"){
Get-WinEvent -Path $file.fullname -Oldest -FilterXPath $xpath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} ) | ForEach-Object {
if( $sessionId -lt 0 -or $sessionProcesses[ $_.Properties[0].Value -as [int] ] )
$log = $_
#define type
Switch ($log.id)
10 {$tcp=$true;$send=$true}
42 {$udp=$true;$send=$true}
11 {$tcp=$true;$receive=$true}
43 {$UDP=$true;$receive=$true}
[string]$mainkey = $null
if( $sent )
$saddr = $null
$sport = $null
$daddr = [long]$log.Properties[2].Value
$dport=(($log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff ) -shl 8 ) -bor ( ( $log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff00 ) -shr 8)
$mainkey = "$daddr$dport"
if( $received )
$daddr = $null
$dport = $null
$saddr = [long]$log.Properties[2].Value
$sport=(($log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff ) -shl 8 ) -bor ( ( $log.Properties[4].Value -band 0xff00 ) -shr 8)
$mainkey = "$saddr$sport"
## if we already have object from previous iteration and it's the same key then use that object rather than looking up again
if( ! $netobject -or $lastKey -ne $mainkey )
$netobject = $connectionTable[ $mainkey ]
if (!$netobject){
$netObject = [pscustomobject]@{
Source = $saddr
Destination = $daddr
sourceport = $sport
destinationport = $dport
UDPReceived = 0
UDPSent = 0
TCPReceived = 0
TCPSent = 0
TCPTotal = 0
UDPTotal = 0
TotalSent = 0
TotalReceived = 0
PIDs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$connectionTable.Add( $mainkey , $netobject )
if( $netobject.PIDs -notcontains $log.Properties[0].Value ) ## shortish list so lookup not too bad
$null = $netobject.PIDs.Add( $log.Properties[0].Value )
if ($tcp){
if ($send){
elseif ($receive){
elseif ($udp){
if ($send){
elseif ($receive){
$lastKey = $mainkey
write-warning "Script execution has been halted: $breakreason"
Write-Debug ( "$(Get-Date) : Data processing took {0} seconds" -f ([datetime]::Now - $startProcessing).TotalSeconds )
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions
[string]$heading = "`nShowing top $top network"
if( $received )
$heading += ' sources for '
$heading += ' destinations for '
[string]$scope = $null
if( $sessionId -ge 0 )
$scope = "session $sessionId"
elseif( $ppid -gt 0 )
$scope = "process $ppid ($(Get-Process -Id $ppid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|Select -ExpandProperty Name))"
$scope = 'whole computer'
$heading += "$scope :"
$SummaryObject = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ "Total Connections" = ($connectionTable.count) }
if( $connectionTable.count )
if( $sent )
Add-Member -InputObject $SummaryObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Total Sent (KB)" -Value ( [math]::Round(($connectionTable.GetEnumerator()|Select -ExpandProperty Value|Measure-Object -Property 'totalsent' -Sum).Sum / 1KB,1))
if( $received )
Add-Member -InputObject $SummaryObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Total Received (KB)" -Value ([math]::Round(($connectionTable.GetEnumerator()|Select -ExpandProperty Value|Measure-Object -Property 'totalreceived' -Sum).Sum / 1KB,1))
"No network traffic captured during $caplength seconds for $scope"
$SummaryObject | Format-Table -AutoSize
[string[]]$rawSorter = $null
$selector = $null
if( $received )
$rawSorter = @( 'TotalReceived' )
$selector = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@( 'Source' , @{n='Source DNS Name';e={[system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($_.source)|Select -ExpandProperty HostName}} , @{n='Source port';e={$_.SourcePort}} , @{n="Total Received (KB)";e={[math]::Round($_.TotalReceived / 1KB,1)}} )
if( $sent )
$rawSorter = @( 'TotalSent' )
$selector = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@( 'Destination' , @{n='Destination DNS Name';e={[system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($_.destination)|Select -ExpandProperty HostName}} , @{n='Destination port';e={$_.DestinationPort}} , @{n="Total Sent (KB)";e={[math]::Round($_.TotalSent / 1KB,1)}} )
if( $ppid -lt 0 )
$null = $selector.Add( 'Process Name(s)' )
$connectionTable.GetEnumerator()|Select -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object { $rawSorter } | Sort-Object -Property $rawSorter -descending | Select -First $top | ForEach-Object `
## reconstruct IP addresses
if( $_.source )
$_.source = [ipaddress]$_.source
if( $_.destination )
$_.destination = [ipaddress]$_.destination
$result = $_
if( $ppid -lt 0 ) ## computer or session context so have pids we need to convert to process names (and counts)
[hashtable]$processes = @{}
$_.Pids | ForEach-Object `
[string]$thisProcess = Get-Process -Id $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select -ExpandProperty Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $thisProcess ) )
$thisProcess = $_ ## can't get process, probably as terminated
$existingProcess = $processes[ $thisProcess ]
if( $existingProcess )
$processes.Set_Item( $thisProcess , [int]$existingProcess + 1 )
$processes.Add( $thisProcess , [int]1 )
Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process Name(s)' -Value (( $processes.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if( $_.Value -gt 1 ) { "$($_.Name)($($_.Value))" } else { "$($_.Name)" } } ) -join ',')
} | select -Property $selector | Format-Table -AutoSize