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Show window titles

Displays the titles of all visible windows running in the user session
Version: 1.0.1
Created: 2019-01-13
Modified: 2019-01-13
Creator: Guy Leech
Downloads: 518
Tags: citrix parallels ras rds vdi
The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
    Show Window titles for processes. Must run as the user owning the session otherwise window information is not available

    @guyrleech 2019

if( ! $args -or ! $args.Count )
    Throw 'Must pass the session id as the only parameter'

[int]$thisSessionId = $args[0] -as [int]

[int]$outputWidth = 400

# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

[array]$processes = @( Get-Process | Where-Object {  $_.SessionId -eq $thisSessionId -and $_.MainWindowTitle } )

if( $processes -and $processes.Count )
    $processes | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Id,ProcessName,MainWindowTitle,FileVersion,StartTime
    Write-Warning "No processes with window titles found in session id $thisSessionId"