Start an ICA session with the target computer
.PARAMETER TargetServer
The computer that will be the remote session target. - automatically supplied by CU
.PARAMETER Fullscreen
Go full screen or use the default 1024x768
Credits to: Joel Bennett for the Set-IniValue function
$TargetServer = $args[0] # address of the target server - name or IP
$FullScreen = $args[1] # ask "Fullscreen (Yes/No)?" ^(?i)(yes|y|no|n)$
Function Set-IniValue($inifile,$section,$name,$value)
$lines = gc $inifile
$sections = select-string "^\[.*\]" $inifile
$start,$end = 0,0
for($l=0; $l -lt $sections.Count; ++$l){
if($sections[$l].Line.Trim() -eq "[$section]") {
$start = $sections[$l].LineNumber
if($l+1 -ge $sections.Count) {
$end = $lines.length-1;
} else {
$end = $sections[$l+1].LineNumber -2
if($start -and $end) {
$done = $false
for($l=$start;$l -le $end;++$l){
if( $lines[$l] -match "^\s*$name\s*=" ) {
$lines[$l] = "{0} = {1}" -f $name, $value
$done = $true
if(!$done) {
$output = $lines[0..$start]
$output += "{0} = {1}" -f $name, $value
$output += $lines[($start+1)..($lines.Length-1)]
$lines = $output
Set-Content $inifile $lines
# let's replace the %CitrixServer% variable everywhere with the actual name and make a copy of the file elsewhere
Get-Content $Env:AppData\ControlUp\TemplateICAFile.ica | ForEach { $_ -Replace ("%CitrixServer%",$TargetServer) } | Set-Content $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica -Encoding ascii
# set color depth and remove the shadow.exe program instruction (since we want a regular desktop)
Set-IniValue $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica $TargetServer DesiredColor 24
Set-IniValue $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica $TargetServer InitialProgram
If ($FullScreen -match "y")
Set-IniValue $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica $TargetServer DesiredHRes ([System.Int32]::MaxValue)
Set-IniValue $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica $TargetServer DesiredVRes ([System.Int32]::MaxValue)
} Else {
Set-IniValue $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica $TargetServer DesiredHRes 1024
Set-IniValue $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica $TargetServer DesiredVRes 768
# we're assuming that the .ica extension is associated with the Citrix Receiver here, and Windows
# will automatically start the proper program
Start-Process $env:temp\sba-$TargetServer.ica