:: NAME: Stuck at 85%? Allow in the Firewall ControlUp TCP port 40705
:: DESCR: This script is designed to run from a management computer (ControlUp Console).
:: Using a WMI command generates on a remote computer an inbound connections rule in
:: Windows Firewall to allow a ControlUp agent deployment stuck at 85% to complete.
:: RUN ON : ControlUp Console
:: .ARGS: %1 -> TCP Port
:: %2 -> Computer Name
SET tcpPort=%1
SET remoteNODE=%2
ECHO Creating the firewall allow rule to accept TCP %tcpPort% on the selected computer &echo.
wmic /node:"%remoteNODE%" process call create "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule dir=in name=ControlUp__%tcpPort% action=allow protocol=TCP localport=%tcpPort%"
ECHO Please try connecting again.