WMI Clean Up

Checks, fixes and repairs WMI
Version 2.3.5
Created on 2017-08-29
Modified on 2019-11-06
Created by Michael Albert
Downloads: 262

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
# Checks, fixes and repairs WMI
# Author: Michael Albert info@michlstechblog.info
# changes:
# License: GPLv2
# Check for Admin rights
$oIdent= [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$oPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($oIdent)
if(!$oPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator )){
 Write-Warning "Please start script with Administrator Rights! Exit script"
 exit 1
# Check PATH
if((! (@(($ENV:PATH).Split(";")) -contains "c:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem")) -and (! (@(($ENV:PATH).Split(";")) -contains "%systemroot%\System32\Wbem"))){
 Write-Warning "WMI Folder not in search path!."
# Stop WMI
# Only if installed
Stop-Service -Force ccmexec -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
Stop-Service -Force winmgmt
# WMI Binaries
# [String[]]$aWMIBinaries=@("mofcomp.exe","scrcons.exe","unsecapp.exe","winmgmt.exe","wmiadap.exe","wmiapsrv.exe","wmiprvse.exe")
foreach ($sWMIPath in @(($ENV:SystemRoot+"\System32\wbem"),($ENV:SystemRoot+"\SysWOW64\wbem"))){
 if(Test-Path -Path $sWMIPath){
  push-Location $sWMIPath
  foreach($sBin in $aWMIBinaries){
   if(Test-Path -Path $sBin){
    $oCurrentBin=Get-Item -Path  $sBin
    Write-Host " Register $sBin"
    & $oCurrentBin.FullName /RegServer
    # Warning only for System32
    if($sWMIPath -eq $ENV:SystemRoot+"\System32\wbem"){
     Write-Warning "File $sBin not found!"
# Reregister Managed Objects
if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -eq 5)
 # Windows XP and 2003
   foreach ($sWMIPath in @(($ENV:SystemRoot+"\System32\wbem"),($ENV:SystemRoot+"\SysWOW64\wbem"))){
     if(Test-Path -Path $sWMIPath){
   push-Location $sWMIPath
   Write-Host " Register WMI Managed Objects"
   $aWMIManagedObjects=Get-ChildItem * -Include @("*.mof","*.mfl")
   foreach($sWMIObject in $aWMIManagedObjects){
    $oWMIObject=Get-Item -Path  $sWMIObject
    & mofcomp $oWMIObject.FullName    
   if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor -eq 1){
     # Windows XP
     & rundll32 wbemupgd,UpgradeRepository
  # Windows 2003
  & rundll32 wbemupgd,RepairWMISetup
 # Other Windows Vista, Server 2008 or greater
 Write-Host " Reset Repository"
 & ($ENV:SystemRoot+"\system32\wbem\winmgmt.exe") /resetrepository
 & ($ENV:SystemRoot+"\system32\wbem\winmgmt.exe") /salvagerepository
Start-Service winmgmt