Tag: PVS

(7 Scripts)

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There are many situations for which a machine (server OS or workstation) will lose domain trust.
If the ControlUp agent is installed on the machine, this script will execute locally and repair the domain trust. Domain credentials with permission to reset the computer account must be provided.
Version: 1.2.7  •   Created: 2020-05-06  •   Modified: 2020-05-07
Show details for all PVS target devices which are marked as active
Version: 2.3.11  •   Created: 2018-12-06  •   Modified: 2019-04-04
Retrieve Citrix Provisioning Services audit events, if auditing has been enabled although it can be enabled by this SBA if required. Use to see what administrative actions were performed in an optional time window, by whom and what was done. It must be run with the credentials of a user who has been granted PVS access.
Enable Auditing - if auditing is not enabled, specifying true for this parameter will enable auditing if the user running the SBA has sufficient privilege.
Start - optional time to show audit events from. Can be specified as a date/time or as a number of units of time back from the present such as 7d or 1w where s=second,m=minute,h=hour,d=day,w=week,y=year
End - optional time to stop showing audit events after. Can be specified either as a date/time or a number of units of time from the start value specified.
If date/time values are used, they must be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "02/02/2018 08:00:00"
Version: 1.3.6  •   Created: 2018-10-23  •   Modified: 2018-11-26
Retrieve PVS boot times for a given period from event logs and show them with overall statistics such as fastest, slowest and average boot times. Can help find performance issues. Ensure that each PVS server's stream service has event logging enabled
Last - report on events created in the last x hours/days/weeks, e.g. 7d for last 7 days or 4w for 4 weeks (default is 7 days)
Version: 1.5.7  •   Created: 2018-10-17  •   Modified: 2018-11-26
Gets the PVS target device retries count via the "Mcli-Get DeviceStatus" PowerShell command. This action should be executed on a PVS server with the MCLI PowerShell snap-in installed.
Version: 1.2.4  •   Created: 2015-08-09  •   Modified: 2015-08-10
citrix PVS 577
A Script to obtain the Pool Non Paged Bytes which ultimately is an indication of the amount of Cache in Ram used by Citrix Provisioning Services.
This script will output the amount of PVS Ram Cache in use. This is done by enumarating the amount of Pool nonPaged Bytes in use, which is a measure of the RamCache. Action should be taken if this figure is close to the amount allocated within PVS. The script also supports examining the PVS configuration of disk cache only.
Version: 2.12.18  •   Created: 2015-03-29  •   Modified: 2015-04-14
For a machine streamed using Citrix Provisioning Services, marks the device as down, resets the Active Directory machine account password and reboots the device. This action should be executed on a PVS server with MCLI PowerShell snap-in installed.
Version: 3.3.10  •   Created: 2014-06-22  •   Modified: 2014-07-02