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Export Users from AD

Exports users from active directory to a CSV for solve user import.
Users and groups must be comma separated, if one is not used please have '$null' in the field so it does not attempt to be processed.
A user account should contain the following data, otherwise it will not be exported: userprincipalname (UPN), givenname, sn (surname), mail (emaill address), samaccountname, distinguishedname
Builtin groups such as Domain Users are not supported
Version: 1.0.19
Created: 2022-10-11
Modified: 2022-10-30
Creator: Steve Schneider
Downloads: 541
Tags: Active Directory AD export Solve windows
The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#requires -version 5.1

 Queries Active Directory for Users/Groups and exports a CSV
 Queries AD Groups/Users for information about each user account and exports it as
 CSV for Solve User Creation
 User Parameter is comma separated, needs to be samaccountname or upn. Use STRING '$null' if there are no usernames.
  -User "User1,User2,User3"
 Groups Parameter is comma separated, needs to be the group name. Use STRING '$null' if there are no group names.
  -Group "Group1,Group2,Group3"
.PARAMETER DisplayWarnings
 Please enter 'true' to display warnings, 'false' to hide them in the output (this is useful if you only want to display the found user results without any clutter in the screen output).
 ExportFile Parameter is the file path to export the file on the machine where the script is run from.
  -ExportFile "c:\temp\csv.csv"
 .\ExportGroupsForUserCreating.ps1 -Groups "Group1,Group2,Group3" -Users "User1,User2,User3" -ExportFile "c:\temp\csv.csv"
 A user account should contain the following data, otherwise it will not be exported:
 userprincipalname (UPN)
 sn (surname)
 mail (email address)
 Builtin groups such as Domain Users are not supported.

 [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Separate AD Users with Comma.' )]
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Separate AD groups with Comma.' )]
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Display warnings or not.' )]
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Full path for file export' )]

# Basic setup
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
If ($DisplayWarnings -eq 'false') {
 $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

# Output settings
[int]$outputWidth =550
if ( ( $PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI ) -and ( $WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize ) ) {
 $WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
 $PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

# Create lists
$rootgroups = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$UsersList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]

# Setup object for csv
class UserObject {
 UserObject ([String]$upn, [string]$fname, [string]$lname, [string]$email, [string]$samaccountname, [string]$DNSName) {
  $this.upn = $upn
  $this.FName = $fname
  $this.LName = $lname
  $this.Email = $email
  $this.SAMAccountName = $samaccountname
  $this.DNSName = $DNSName

function Get-GroupUsersWithRecurse {
 #This is a recursion loop. If it finds a group inside a group it re-runs the
 #function until there are no sub-groups for that group
 Param (
 if ($null -ne $dn) {
  #checks if DN exists in AD, which it should since we queried them already
  if (([adsi]::Exists("LDAP://$DN"))) {
   $group = [adsi]("LDAP://$DN")
   If ($group.member.count -ne 0) {
    #Grabs ADSI object and searches the group for groups
    $group.member | ForEach-Object {
     $groupObject = [adsisearcher]"(&(distinguishedname=$($_)))"
     $groupObjectProps = $groupObject.FindAll().Properties
     if ($groupObjectProps.objectcategory -like "CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=*") {
      Get-GroupUsersWithRecurse $groupObjectProps.distinguishedname
     else {
      #If the object is a user, it will add that user to the user object
      if ($groupObjectProps.distinguishedname) {
       [string]$fullDn = $groupObjectProps.distinguishedname
       If ($null -ne $groupObjectProps.useraccountcontrol) {
         if (($groupObjectProps.useraccountcontrol[0] -band 2) -ne 2) {
         [string]$dnc = $fullDn.replace("DC=", ".")
         $validityCheck = $null
         $validityCheck = $groupObjectProps.userprincipalname -and $groupObjectProps.givenname -and $groupObjectProps.sn -and $groupObjectProps.mail -and $groupObjectProps.samaccountname -and $($dnc.substring($dnc.indexof(",.") + 2).replace(",.", "."))
         if ($validityCheck) {
          $UsersList.Add([UserObject]::new($groupObjectProps.userprincipalname, $groupObjectProps.givenname, $groupObjectProps.sn, $groupObjectProps.mail, $groupObjectProps.samaccountname, $($dnc.substring($dnc.indexof(",.") + 2).replace(",.", "."))))
         Else {
          Write-Warning -Message "User $($fullDn.substring(0,$fullDn.indexof(",DC="))) will not be exported as one or more of the following properties are missing in Active Directory:`nuserprincipalname (UPN),givenname, sn (surname), mail (email address), samaccountname, distinguishedname"
        Else {
         Write-Warning -Message "User $($fullDn.substring(0,$fullDn.indexof(",DC="))) will not be exported as the account is Disabled."
   Else {
    [string]$strGroupName = $DN.Split(',')[0].Replace('CN=', '')
    Write-Warning -Message "The members of group $strGroupName could not be retrieved, either because the group is empty or because it is a BUILTIN group such as Domain Users."

#Check if at least one parameter exists or throw error.
if (($Groups -eq '$null') -and ($Users -eq '$null')) {
 throw "No AD groups or users listed, please specify at least one group or user."

if ($groups -ne '$null') {
 [array]$arrGroups = $groups.split(',')
 #process each group
 foreach ($groupname in $arrGroups) {
  $groupname = $groupname.trim()
  #Setup LDAP Query
  try {
   $filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(|(Name=$groupname)(CN=$groupname)))"
   $rootEntry = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
   $searcher = [adsisearcher]([adsi]"LDAP://$($rootentry.distinguishedName)")
   $searcher.Filter = $filter
   $searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
   $searcher.PageSize = 100000
   #Populate Array with each group
   $groupToAdd = $searcher.FindOne().properties
   If ($null -ne $groupToAdd) {
    $GroupProperties = $searcher.FindOne().properties
    If ($null -ne $GroupProperties.member) {
     $rootGroups.add($GroupProperties) | Out-Null
    Else {
     Write-Warning -Message "The members of group $GroupName could not be retrieved, either because the group is empty or because it is a BUILTIN group such as Domain Users."
   Else {
    Write-Warning -Message "Group $GroupName could not be found."
  catch {

if ($Users -ne '$null') {
 [array]$arrUsers = $users.split(',')
 #process each user
 foreach ($user in $arrUsers) {
  $user = $user.trim()
  #Setup LDAP Query
  try {
   $filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=user)(|(userprincipalname=$user)(samaccountname=$user)))"
   $rootEntry = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
   $searcher = [adsisearcher]([adsi]"LDAP://$($rootentry.distinguishedName)")
   $searcher.Filter = $filter
   $searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
   $searcher.PageSize = 100000
   $userProps = $searcher.FindOne().properties
  catch {

  #Populate User Object
  if ($userProps.distinguishedname) {
   [string]$fullDn = $userProps.distinguishedname
   if (($userProps.useraccountcontrol[0] -band 2) -ne 2) {
    [string]$dnc = $fullDn.replace("DC=", ".")
    $validityCheck = $null
    $validityCheck = $userProps.userprincipalname -and $userProps.givenname -and $userProps.sn -and $userProps.mail -and $userProps.samaccountname -and $($dnc.substring($dnc.indexof(",.") + 2).replace(",.", "."))
    if ($validityCheck) {
     $UsersList.Add([UserObject]::new($userProps.userprincipalname, $userProps.givenname, $userProps.sn, $userProps.mail, $userProps.samaccountname, $($dnc.substring($dnc.indexof(",.") + 2).replace(",.", "."))))
    Else {
     Write-Warning -Message "User $($fullDn.substring(0,$fullDn.indexof(",DC="))) will not be exported as one or more of the following properties are missing in Active Directory:`nuserprincipalname (UPN),givenname, sn (surname), mail (email address), samaccountname, distinguishedname"
   Else {
    Write-Warning -Message "User $($fullDn.substring(0,$fullDn.indexof(",DC="))) will not be exported as the account is Disabled."
  Else {
   Write-Warning -Message "User $User could not be found."

#for each AD group it will kick off the recursion loop to check nested groups and add members to user object
foreach ($rootGroup in $rootGroups) {
 Get-GroupUsersWithRecurse $rootGroup.distinguishedname

#If user exists, check if there's an export file path. If so, export the CSV. Then print the CSV on the screen.
if ($UsersList.Count -ne 0) {
 [int]$WriteSuccess = 0
 #Only grabs unique users
 $UsersList = $UsersList | Sort-Object upn -Unique
 if ($exportFile -like "*.*") {
  try {
   $UsersList | Export-Csv $exportFile -NoTypeInformation -Confirm:$false -Delimiter ',' -Force
  catch {
   $WriteSuccess = 1
   Write-Error -Message "Unable to Save csv.`n`tFile Path: $exportFile`n`nError:`n$_" -ErrorAction Continue
 $UsersList | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ',' | Write-Output
Else {
 Write-Warning -Message 'No users were found in the users or groups provided. Please check your input.'
Exit $WriteSuccess