## build-dns-objects.ps1
## Michael B. Smith
## michael (at) TheEssentialExchange.com
## April, 2012
## Patched 2016-02-03
## If a computer had multiple IP addresses, the scanner would get confused and
## not properly populate the $objects array.
## Primary functionality:
## Based on either an input file or the output of a default command:
## dnscmd ( $env:LogonServer ).SubString( 2 ) /enumrecords $env:UserDnsDomain "@"
## Create an array containing all of the DNS objects describing the input.
## ----
## Secondary functionality:
## Find all the duplicate IP addresses and the duplicate names
## contained within either the file or the command output.
## By specifying the -skipRoot option, all records for the root of
## the domain are ignored.
## General record format returned by DNScmd.exe:
## name
## [aging:xxxxxxxx]
## TTL
## resource-record-type
## value
## [optional additional values]
## Fields may be separated by one-or-more spaces or one-or-more tabs
## [aging:xxxxxxxx] fields are optional
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$false, ConfirmImpact='None')]
Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
function new-dns-object
return ( "" | Select Name, Aging, TTL, RRtype, Value )
function tmpFileName
[string] $strFile = ( Join-Path $Env:Temp ( Get-Random ) ) + ".txt"
Write-Verbose "tmpFileName $strFile"
if( ( Test-Path -Path $strFile -PathType Leaf ) )
rm $strNetworkFile -EA 0
if( $? )
## write-output "...file was deleted"
## write-output "...couldn't delete file, error: $($error[0].ToString())"
return $strFile
# verify dnscmd.exe exists locally before running the script
If (! (Test-Path (Join-Path (Split-Path $env:comspec) "dnscmd.exe") )) {
Write-Host "dnscmd.exe does not exist on this computer. The script cannot continue."
Exit 1
} Else {
if( $filename -and ( $filename.Length -gt 0 ) )
$tmp = $filename
$tmp = tmpFileName
dnscmd ( $env:LogonServer ).SubString( 2 ) /enumrecords $env:UserDnsDomain "@" >$tmp
$objects = @()
$records = gc $tmp
Write-Verbose "records = $( $records.Count )"
$priorName = ''
## Primary functionality:
foreach( $record in $records )
## Write-Debug "Processing: $record"
if( !$record )
if( $record -eq "Returned records:" )
if( $record -eq "Command completed successfully." )
if( $record -match "SOA" )
$firstChar = $record.SubString( 0, 1 )
$record = $record.Trim()
if( $record.Length -eq 0 )
$object = new-dns-object
$index = 0
$record = $record.Replace( "`t", " " )
$record = $record.Replace( " ", " " )
$record = $record.Replace( " ", " " )
$record = $record.Replace( " ", " " )
Write-Debug "'$record'"
$array = $record.Split( ' ' )
Write-Debug "array contains $( $array.Count ) elements"
if( $array.Count -gt 5 )
Write-Warning "This record has been parsed incorrectly: '$record'"
if( ( $firstchar -eq " " ) -or ( $firstchar -eq "`t" ) )
$object.Name = $priorName
Write-Debug "Assigned priorName '$priorName'"
$object.Name = $array[ 0 ]
$priorName = $array[ 0 ]
if(($array[$index].Length -ge 3) -and ($array[ $index ].SubString( 0, 3 ) -eq "[Ag")) ## [Aging:3604987]
$object.Aging = $array[ $index ]
$object.TTL = $array[ $index ]
$object.RRType = $array[ $index + 1 ]
$object.Value = $array[ $index + 2 ]
$objects += $object
Write-Debug $object
## Secondary functionality:
## There are more efficient ways to do this, but this is easy.
## search for duplicate names
Write-Host "Duplicates for $env:UserDnsDomain :"
$hash = @{}
$duplicates = 0
foreach( $o in $objects )
if( $o.RRtype -eq "A" )
$name = $o.Name
if( $skipRoot -and ( $name -eq "@" ) )
if( $hash.ContainsKey( $name ) )
"Duplicate name: $name, IP: $($o.Value), original IP: $($hash[ $name ])"
$hash[ $name ] = $o.Value
$hash = $null
## search for duplicate IP addresses
$hash = @{}
foreach( $o in $objects )
if( $o.RRtype -eq "A" )
if( $skipRoot -and ( $o.Name -eq "@" ) )
$ip = $o.Value
if( $hash.ContainsKey( $ip ) )
"Duplicate IP: $ip, name: $($o.Name), original name: $($hash[ $ip ])"
$hash[ $ip ] = $o.Name
$hash = $null
#$global:DNSobjects = $objects
If ($duplicates -eq "0") {
Write-Host "No duplicates found."
" "