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List Cloudpaging Containers

This script returns all Cloudpaging Containers available to a user inn a selected session.
Version: 1.2.10
Created: 2022-12-01
Modified: 2023-01-23
Creator: Rory Monaghan
Downloads: 5
Tags: Cloudpager Cloudpaging Containers Numecent
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# requires -Version 5.0
# requires -Modules Cloudpaging

 Lists all Cloudpaging application containers available to a user.
 Returns all Cloudpaging application containers available to a user.
  If the Cloudpaging PowerShell module it will notify that the command does not exist.
 To return the applications, the Player must be installed on the machine and the PowerShell module and cmdlets must exist.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
try {Get-CloudpagingApp | Select-Object Name}
Catch{write-output -InputObject "There was an error retrieving the Cloudpaging application containers"; Exit 1}