Script Library

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Tag: nic

(3 Scripts)
Get and display network info for specified Azure machine
Version: 3.9.16  |   Created: 2021-12-10  |   Modified: 2022-10-23  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 93
This script reports on the hardware and drivers of the network interface cards (model, driver version, etc., no IP or other configuration information)
Version: 1.3.4  |   Created: 2018-12-02  |   Modified: 2018-12-17  |   Creator: Ton de Vreede  |   Downloads: 200
This script will retreive the physical network adapters of the hypervisor machine and output their details
Version: 1.1.10  |   Created: 2018-11-25  |   Modified: 2019-02-10  |   Creator: Ton de Vreede  |   Downloads: 241