Test HDX browser content redirection requirements

Performs a test of all the technical requirements for HDX content redirection, which can potentially save bandwidth and CPU. The script's output provides the test results along with recommendations on components that need to be enabled or upgraded for content redirection to work.
Version 1.4.20
Created on 2020-10-07
Modified on 2020-10-13
Created by Marcel Calef
Downloads: 143

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<#  .SYNOPSIS       HDX Browser content redirection capability test
    .EXAMPLE        HDXredir_test.ps1 
    .CONTEXT        Process
    .TAGS           $Name="iexplore.exe,chrome.exe",$CPU>"5"
        Marcel Calef     - 2020-03-10 - Initial release
  Marcel Calef     - 2020-10-07 - Modified to Session and separated test from report

Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Session CPU consumption')]        [string]$sessionCPU,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='SessionID')]                      [int]$sessionID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Citrix VDA Version')]            [string]$vdaVer,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Session protocol')]              [string]$protocol,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Citrix Workspace app version')]  [string]$ctxRx,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='session HDX Bandwidth Avg')]     [string]$bwAvg,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='session Active Application ')]    [string]$activeApp,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='session Active URL')]             [string]$activeURL

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$VerbosePreference = "continue"  # Uncomment this line to enable verbose debug output

Write-Verbose "inputs:"
Write-Verbose "         sessionCPU :  $sessionCPU"
Write-Verbose "       sessionID :  $sessionID"
Write-Verbose "          vdaVer :  $vdaVer"
Write-Verbose "        protocol :  $protocol"
Write-Verbose "           ctxRx :  $ctxRx"
Write-Verbose "           bwAvg :  $bwAvg"
Write-Verbose "       activeApp :  $activeApp"
Write-Verbose "       activeURL :  $activeURL"

# If not a Citrix session - no need to continue
if($protocol -ne "HDX" -and $protocol -ne "Console"){Write-Output "Not a Citrix session. Exiting"; exit }

# Citrix components versions and capability validations

# Check if the VDA supports it (7.15 CU3 and 1808 or newer)
$vdaVerTest   = ($vdaVer -match '^7\.15\.[3-8]000\.[0-9]{1,6}$|^7\.1[6-8]\..+|^1808\..+|^1811\..+|^19.{2}\..+|^2.{3}\..+')

# Check if the VDA has the webSockets service running
Try{$WebSocketSvc = (Get-Process -Name WebSocketService)}
 catch {$WebSocketSvc = $false} # return $false if process not found

# Check the WebBrowserRedirection Policy  1=enabled (implicitly enabled if not found in VDA > 7.??)
Try {$redirPol = (get-itemproperty -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\MultimediaPolicies  -name "WebBrowserRedirection").WebBrowserRedirection}
   catch {$redirPol = "notFound"} # return empty if not found

# Read the WebBrowserRedirectionACL for this user session (from the registry (youtube is implicitly allowed)
Try {$redirACL = (get-itemproperty -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\$sessionID\User\MultimediaPolicies).WebBrowserRedirectionAcl}
   catch {$redirACL = "https://www.youtube.com/*"}  # return YouTube as it is implicitly allowed

# Check the Citrix Reciever (CWA) version
$ctxRxVerTest = ($ctxRx -match '^14\.10\..+$|^13\.9\..+|^18\.08\..+|^19\..+|^20\..+')

# Check if the session has WebSocketAgent
Try{$WebSocketAgent = (Get-Process -Name WebSocketAgent | Where-Object {$_.SessionID -eq $sessionID})}
 catch {$WebSocketAgent = $false} # return $false if process not found

Write-Verbose "        redirPol :  $redirPol"
Write-Verbose "        redirACL :  $redirACL"
Write-Verbose "=============================="

# Need to do a pattern search of the Active URL in the contents of $redirACL
$ActiveInACL = ($redirACL -like "*$activeURL*")


# Report findings - some tests return $true , other return a value

if ($vdaVerTest)      {Write-Output "PASS:       VDA Version $vdaVer supports HDX Browser Content Redirection" }
         else        {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
        Write-Output "FAIL:       VDA Version $vdaVer does not support HDX Browser Content Redirection (or not found in the output)"
                       Write-Output "      TRY:  Upgrade VDA to 7.15 CU3, 1808 or newer. see CTX230052"
if ($ctxRxVerTest)    {Write-Output "PASS:       Receiver/CWA Version $ctxRx supports HDX Browser Content Redirection" }
   else        {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
        Write-Output "FAIL:       Receiver/CWA Version $ctxRx does not support HDX Browser Content Redirection "
           Write-Output "      TRY:  Upgrade the Client device Receiver/CWA to a more recent version"
        if ($vdaVerTest -eq $false) {exit}

if ($redirPol -eq 1)  {Write-Output "PASS:       HDX Browser redirection policy explicitly ENABLED from Citrix Studio"}

if ($redirPol -eq 0)  {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
        Write-Output "FAIL:       HDX Browser redirection policy DISABLED explicitly via policy"
           Write-Output "      TRY:  Review Citrix Policies in Citrix Studio & Enable HDX Browser content redirection"
if ($WebSocketSvc)    {Write-Output "PASS:       HDX redirection service (WebSocketService.exe) found running in the VDA" }
   else        {Write-Output "`n======!!======!!"
        if ($redirPol -eq "notFound") {
        Write-Output "INFO:       HDX Browser redirection policy not set explicitly via policy"
           Write-Output "      TRY:  Review Citrix Policies in Citrix Studio & Enable HDX Browser content redirection"
        Write-Output "            Check if the CtxHdxWebSocketService service is running on the VDA"
        Write-Output "FAIL:       HDX Browser redirection service (WebSocketService.exe) not found "
        Write-Output "      TRY:  Check if the CtxHdxWebSocketService service is running on the VDA"

if ($ActiveInACL)     {Write-Output "PASS:       Active URL: $activeURL is on the redirection ACL"
if ($WebSocketAgent)  {
           Write-Output "PASS:       HDX redirection Agent (WebSocketAgent.exe) found in the session"
   else        {Write-Output "INFO:       HDX redirection Agent (WebSocketAgent.exe) not found in the session "
           Write-Output "INFO:       WebSocketAgent.exe is only present if a browser is engaging the Redirection"
           Write-Output "INFO:       For Chromium browsers (Chrome and new Edge):"
           Write-Output "      TRY:  Add the Browser redirection Extension from the Chrome store"
           Write-Output "      TRY:  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/browser-redirection-exten/hdppkjifljbdpckfajcmlblbchhledln/related"
        ## add here a test if the Active URL is found in $redirACL
           Write-Output "RECOMMEND:  Check all previous FAILURES and review the ACL in the Citrix Studio"