Check Windows license activation

Check the windows licenses activation using the slmgr.vbs script and parse significant info
Verbose=No will read the Status line and include the Notification if not properly licensed
Version 2.8.14
Created on 2020-05-11
Modified on 2020-07-17
Created by Marcel Calef
Downloads: 110

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
::  Synopsis:  Windows license activation check
::  Details:   Check the windows licenses activation using the slmgr.vbs script and parse significant info
::             Verbose=No will read the Status line and include the Notification if not properly licensed
::  Credit: for how to display in the output instead of a popup
::                                    invoke slmgr using: cscript //nologo
::  Context:   Machine
::  Tags:      $OperatingSystem="*Windows*"
:: History:   2020-06-01 Marcel Calef - initial release

SET OpSYS=%1    
SET verboseLevel=%2

if "%verboseLevel%"=="Yes" (
 ECHO ======================================================================
 cscript //nologo c:\windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | findstr /C:"Name:" /C:"Key Channel:" /C:"Product Key:" /C:"Status" /C:"Licensed" /C:"Notification"
if "%verboseLevel%"=="No"  (
 :: Read the Status line and include the Notification if not properly licensed
 cscript //nologo c:\windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | findstr /C:"Licensed" /C:"Notification"