Restart service associated with process

This script attempts to locate a Windows service associated with a given process and issues it a start command, if not already started.
Version 1.1.2
Created on 2019-02-17
Modified on 2019-02-24
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 255

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    Given a process name and optional command line, figure out if it is a service and restart it as notification from ControlUp console will be after process exits
    Path passed must be a full path otherwise if there are two services of the same name we cannot differentiate
    Will not start non-auto start services since they may not be running

    @guyrleech 2019

if( ! $args -or ! $args.Count -or ! $args[0] )
    Throw 'Must specify an executable and optional command line parameters'

$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

[string]$processName = $null
[string]$arguments = $null

if( $args[0] -match '^"([^"]*)"\s*?(.*)?$' -or $args[0] -match '^([^\s]*)\s*?(.*)?$' )
    $processName = $Matches[1]
    $arguments = $Matches[2].Trim()
    Throw "Failed to parse command line: $($args[0])"

Write-Verbose "Executable `"$processName`" arguments `"$arguments`""

[array]$matchingServices = @( Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service | ForEach-Object `
    ## PathName will either have quotes if it has spaces or not if not and then followed by any arguments
    Write-Verbose $_.PathName
    if( $_.PathName -match '^"([^"]*)"\s*?(.*)?$' -or $_.PathName -match '^([^\s]*)\s*?(.*)?$' )
        if( $Matches[1] -eq $processName )
            if( ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $arguments ) -and ! $Matches[2] ) -or ( ! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $arguments ) -and $arguments -eq $Matches[2].Trim() ) )
                Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Executable' -Value $Matches[1]
                Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Arguments' -Value $Matches[2]
    elseif( $_.PathName )
        Write-Warning "$($_.PathName) did not match regex"

if( $matchingServices -and $matchingServices.Count )
    ## Now find how many aren't running so we can find the one to restart
    [array]$notRunning = @( $matchingServices | Where-Object { ! $_.Started } )

    Write-Verbose "Found $($matchingServices.Count) matching services of which $($notRunning.Count) are not running"

    if( $notRunning.Count -eq 1 )
        if( $notRunning[0].StartMode -eq 'Auto' )
            ## Just one not running so we can start it
            $startError= $null
            Write-Output "Starting service $($notRunning[0].Name) ($($notRunning[0].DisplayName)) ..."
            $started = Start-Service -Name $notRunning[0].Name -PassThru -ErrorVariable startError
            if( $? )
                if( $started -and $started.Status -eq 'Running' )
                    Write-Output "Started ok"
                    Write-Error "Failed to start - status is $($started.Status)"
            ## else will have already output an error
            Write-Warning "Service $($notRunning[0].Name) ($($notRunning[0].DisplayName)) is of start type $($notRunning[0].StartMode) so may not need to run"
    elseif( $notRunning.Count -eq 0 )
        Write-Error "Found no non-running instances of a service with executable `"$processName`" and arguments `"$arguments`" so cannot restart any services.`nRunning services are: $(($matchingServices|select -expandproperty Name) -join ' , ')"
        Write-Error "Found $($notRunning.Count) non-running services with executable `"$processName`" and arguments `"$arguments`" so cannot restart due to ambiguity`nNon-running services are: $(($notRunning|select -expandproperty Name) -join ' , ')"
    Write-Warning "Failed to find a service with executable `"$processName`" and arguments `"$arguments`""