Get Office 365 Details

Gets the name, version and install path of all found Office 365 installations.
Version 1.0.2
Created on 2022-09-15
Modified on 2022-09-15
Created by Ton de Vreede
Downloads: 70

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
#requires -Version 4.0

    Get Office 365 Details
    Gets the name, version and install path of all found Office 365 installations.
 Ton de Vreede
If multiple installations are detected with different cultures but the same install path it means there could be several languages installed though they share the same code base.

# Set up some defaults
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# Configure a larger output width for the ControlUp PowerShell console
[int]$outputWidth = 400
# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

# Get the basic installation information
$OfficeInstalls = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | Where-Object { $_.Name.Split('\')[-1].StartsWith('O365') }

# Create expressions for output
[hashtable]$hshNameExp = @{L = 'Name'; E = { $_.DisplayName } }
[hashtable]$hshVersionExp = @{l = 'Version'; E = { $_.DisplayVersion } }
[hashtable]$hshCultureExp = @{l = 'Culture'; E = { $_.DisplayName.Split(' ')[-1].Trim() } }

# Output the result
If ($null -ne $OfficeInstalls) {
 Write-Output -InputObject 'The following Office 365 installations were found:'
 Foreach ($Office in $OfficeInstalls) {
  $office | Get-ItemProperty | Select-Object $hshNameExp, $hshVersionExp, $hshCultureExp, InstallLocation
Else {
 Write-Output -InputObject 'No Office 365 installations were found.'

Exit 0