Install and configure VMware PowerCLI

Installs PowerCLI moduleand the required packageprovider NuGet for working with VMware and Powershell for All Users. Also changes the CEIP settings to not send data and Invalid Certificate handling to warn by default.
- Used module Install-Module requires Powershell 5.0 minimum!
- The script will overwrite any existing PowerCLI modules
- MSI based modules must be uninstalled first
Version 2.1.16
Created on 2018-11-26
Modified on 2020-06-02
Created by Ton de Vreede
Downloads: 252

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$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Installs Nuget packageprovider and VMware PowerCLI module for working with VMWare and Powershell for All Users
- Used module Install-Module requires Powershell 5.0 minimum!
- The script will overwrite any existing PowerCLI modules
- MSI based modules must be uninstalled first

- Wouter Kursten - June 2020
    - added Nuget installation
    - Added CEIP configuration
    - Added Invalid Certificate Action configuration

# CEIP setting true to send data, false to not send data
[string]$CEIPSetting = $args[0]
# Invalid Certificate handling options are fail,ignore and warn
[string]$InvalidCertificateAction = $args[1]

$CEIPbool = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($CEIPSetting)

Function Out-CUConsole {
    <# This function provides feedback in the console on errors or progress, and aborts if error has occured.
      If only Message is passed this message is displayed
      If Warning is specified the message is displayed in the warning stream (Message must be included)
      If Stop is specified the stop message is displayed in the warning stream and an exception with the Stop message is thrown (Message must be included)
      If an Exception is passed a warning is displayed and the exception is thrown
      If an Exception AND Message is passed the Message message is displayed in the warning stream and the exception is thrown

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    # Throw error, include $Exception details if they exist
    if ($Exception) {
        # Write simplified error message to Warning stream, Throw exception with simplified message as well
        If ($Message) {
            Write-Warning -Message "$Message`n$($Exception.CategoryInfo.Category)`nPlease see the Error tab for the exception details."
            Write-Error "$Message`n$($Exception.Exception.Message)`n$($Exception.CategoryInfo)`n$($Exception.Exception.ErrorRecord)" -ErrorAction Stop
        Else {
            Write-Warning "There was an unexpected error: $($Exception.CategoryInfo.Category)`nPlease see the Error tab for details."
            Throw $Exception
    elseif ($Stop) {
        # Write simplified error message to Warning stream, Throw exception with simplified message as well
        Write-Warning -Message "There was an error.`n$Message"
        Throw $Message
    elseif ($Warning) {
        # Write the warning to Warning stream, thats it. It's a warning.
        Write-Warning -Message $Message
    else {
        # Not an exception or a warning, output the message
        Write-Output -InputObject $Message

# Check if Powershell 5 is used, minimum version for using Install-Module
If ($psversiontable.psversion.Major -ge 5){
    # Temporarily change security protocol to the only one accepted by the Powershell Gallery
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    try {
        Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -force
        Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
    catch {
            # this mostly fails because there was no repository configured
            Register-PSRepository -default
            Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -force
            Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
            out-cuconsole -message "NuGet Provider could not be installed or updated." -Exception $_
            exit 0
    try {
        Install-Module VMWare.PowerCLI -SkipPublisherCheck -AllowCLobber -Scope AllUsers -confirm:$false
    catch {
        out-cuconsole -message "PowerCLI could not be installed." -Exception $_
    # Put back old security protocol setting
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $oldprot
    out-cuconsole -message "This machine has PowerShell version $($PSversionTable.PSVersion)`nThis version is too low to use this script, please install PowerShell 5.1 or higher or use a different machine for PowerCLI." -Warning

# This changes the CEIP settings
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -ParticipateInCeip $CEIPbool -scope allusers -confirm:$false
    out-cuconsole -message "Error changing CEIP setting to $CEIPSetting" -Exception $_

# this changes the invalid certificate action default = Fail

    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction $InvalidCertificateAction -scope allusers -confirm:$false
    Out-CUConsole -message "Error settings the invalid certificate action to $InvalidCertificateAction" -Exception $_