Open web-based VMware Remote Console

This script will launch a remote console session in your default browser for a vSphere/ESXi VM. This is mainly useful for vSphere 5.x users.
This script requires PowerCLI v5.0 or greater, Adobe Flash, and the vmware-vmrc browser plugin in order to function.
Version 5.10.13
Created on 2015-03-23
Modified on 2018-12-18
Created by Zeev Eisenberg
Downloads: 500

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
        This script launches a remote console session in your default browser for a vSphere/ESXi VM.
        This requires PowerCLI v5.0 or greater, Adobe Flash, and the VMware client integration/Remote 
        console plug-in installed (vmware-vmrc-win32-x86.exe) in order to function. Adapted from 
        William Lam and Dylan Thompson.
        The name of the VM as known by vCenter.
        The name of the vCenter. Needed to perform all actions related to the VM.
        User that is authorized to login to vCenter
        The password for the vCenter user
        .\LaunchVMConsole.ps1 DC01 company\admin P@ssw0rd

$args[0] = VM Name
$args[1] = VC Name
$args[2] = VC User domain\username
$args[3] = VCUserPassword
$args[4] = Hypervisor Platform

#region Setup the script

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# variables
if ($args.count -ne 5) {
    Write-Host "ControlUp must be connected to the VM's hypervisor for this command to work. Please connect to the appropriate hypervisor and try again."
    Exit 1
$VMName = $args[0]
$VCName = $args[1]
$VCUser = $args[2]
$VCUserPwd = $args[3]
$Hyper = $args[4]


#region Functions

Function Load-PowerCLI ()
    if (Get-Command "*find-module")
 $PCLIver =  (Find-Module "*vmware.powercli").Version.major
    If ($PCLIver -eq $null) 
        $PCLIver = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | where displayname -match 'PowerCLI').DisplayVersion
  If ($PCLIver -eq $null) 
   $PCLIver = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\software\WoW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | where displayname -match 'PowerCLI').DisplayVersion
        If ($PCLIver -eq $null) 
            Write-Host "PowerCLI is not installed on this computer. Please download and install the PowerCLI package from VMware at"
 ($PCLIver| Out-String).Split(".")[0]

 If ($PCLIver -ge 10) 
  $PCLI = "vmware.powercli"
    Import-Module -Name $PCLI
                  Write-Host "There is a problem loading the Powershell module. It is not possible to continue."
                  Exit 1
    elseIf ($PCLIver -ge "6") 
  $PCLI = "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"
        If ((Get-Module -Name $PCLI -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) 
                  Import-Module $PCLI
                  Write-Host "There is a problem loading the Powershell module. It is not possible to continue."
                  Exit 1
 ElseIf ($PCLIver -ge "5") 
  $PCLI = "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"
        If ((Get-PSSnapin $PCLI -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue") -eq $null) 
                Add-PSSnapin $PCLI
            } Catch 
                Write-Host "There is a problem loading the Powershell module. It is not possible to continue."
                Exit 1
        Write-Host "This version of PowerCLI seems to be unsupported. Please upgrade to the latest version of PowerCLI and try again."

#endregion Functions

#region  ----Main----

If ($Hyper -ne "VMware") {
    Write-Host "This script only supports VMs on vSphere/ESXi, not other hypervisors. Please pick another computer and try again."
    Exit 1


Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Scope Session -Confirm:$false | Out-Null

Try {
    $VCObj = (Connect-VIServer -Server $VCName  -User $VCUser -Password $VCUserPwd -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue)
Catch {
    Write-Host "There was an error connecting to the vCenter. Please check your entries and try again."
    Exit 1

Write-Host "Connecting to $VCName ..."
$VCVersion = $VCObj.Version

If (!($VCVersion -ge '5.0')) {
    Write-Host "vSphere 4.x is not supported, this script cannot be run."
    Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false
    Exit 1

If ((Get-PowerCLIVersion).build -ge '1295336') {
    # this command only works with PowerCLI 5.5R1 or higher.
    Write-Host "Connecting to $VMName ... (5.5 method)"
    Get-VM $VMName | Open-VMConsoleWindow -Confirm:$false
Else {
    # get vCenter UUID
    $UUID = $DefaultVIServer.InstanceUuid.toUpper()

    # get MoRef ID of the VM
    $MoRef = (Get-VM -Name $VMName).ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
    # assemble URL
    If ($VCVersion -eq '5.0') {
        $ConsoleLink = "https://" + $vcName + ":9443/vsphere-client/vmrc/vmrc.jsp?vm=" + $UUID + ":VirtualMachine:" + $MoRef
    ElseIf ($VCVersion -eq '5.1' -or $VCVersion -eq '5.5') {
        $ConsoleLink = "https://" + $vcName + ":9443/vsphere-client/vmrc/vmrc.jsp?vm=urn:vmomi:VirtualMachine:" + $MoRef + ":" + $UUID
    Else {
        Write-Host "This is an unknown version of vCenter. Exiting script."
        Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false
        Exit 1
    Write-Host "Connecting to $VMName ...(pre-5.5 method)"
    Start-Process $ConsoleLink

#endregion Main