Show modules loaded by process

Show details for all modules in use by the chosen process including version, timestamps, size and signing information, grouped by the containing folder.
Version 1.2.9
Created on 2018-11-09
Modified on 2018-11-20
Created by Guy Leech
Downloads: 1421

The Script Copy Script Copied to clipboard
    Get module details for a running process

    @guyrleech 2018

    Modification History:

    14/11/18   GRL  Group by module directory

$processId = $args[0]
$outputWidth = 400

# Altering the size of the PS Buffer
$PSWindow = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$WideDimensions = $PSWindow.BufferSize
$WideDimensions.Width = $outputWidth
$PSWindow.BufferSize = $WideDimensions

if( ! ( Get-Process -Id $processId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
    Throw "Unable to find process with id $processId"

[hashtable]$modulesDone = @{}

[array]$Modules = @( Get-Process -id $processId -ErrorAction Stop | Select -ExpandProperty Modules | ForEach-Object `
    $module = Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.FileName
    if( ! $modulesDone[ $module.FullName ] ) ## Get-Process sometimes repeats a module
        $modulesDone.Add( $module.FullName , $true )
        $signing = $null
        $versionInfo = $module.VersionInfo
            ## for signed files, as in not externally signed via a catalogue, Get-AuthenticodeSignature does not return the correct certificate
            $cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate]::CreateFromSignedFile( $module.FullName )
            $cert = $null
            $signing = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $module.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        [string]$expired = '-'
        [string]$expiryDate = '-'
        [string]$certificateSigner = '-'

        if( $cert )
            $theExpiryDate = New-Object -TypeName DateTime
            if( [datetime]::TryParse( $cert.GetExpirationDateString() , [ref]$theExpiryDate ) )
                $expired = if( $theExpiryDate -gt [datetime]::Now ) { 'No' } else { 'Yes' }
                $expiryDate = Get-Date -Date $theExpiryDate -Format G
                $expired = '-'
            $certificateSigner = ($cert.GetName() -split 'CN=')[-1]
        elseif( $signing )
            if( $signing.Status -eq 'Valid' )
                $expired = if( [datetime]::Now -gt $signing.SignerCertificate.NotBefore -and [datetime]::Now -lt $signing.SignerCertificate.NotAfter ) { 'No' } else { 'Yes' }
                $expiryDate = Get-Date -Date $signing.SignerCertificate.NotAfter -Format G
                $certificateSigner = ($signing.SignerCertificate.GetName() -split 'CN=')[-1]
            $expired = '-'

        $result = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
            'Path' = $module.DirectoryName
            'Module' = $module.Name
            'Version' = if( $versionInfo ) { $versionInfo.ProductVersion } else { '-' }
            ##'File Owner' = ( Get-Acl -Path $_.FileName | Select -ExpandProperty Owner )
            'Created' = $module.CreationTime
            'Last Modified' = $module.LastWriteTime
            'Size (KB)' = [math]::Round( $module.Length / 1KB )
            'Cert Expiry' = $expiryDate
            'Cert Expired' = $expired
            'Cert Signer' = $certificateSigner

"Analysed $($Modules.Count) modules:"

$Modules | Sort 'Path','Module' | Format-Table -AutoSize -GroupBy 'Path' -Property 'Module','Version','Created','Last Modified','Size (KB)','Cert Expiry','Cert Expired','Cert Signer'